Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 1250: Let me do it

After Xiao Yi glanced inside the cabinet, he quickly closed the cabinet, and if Wang Rong came back later, I was afraid that Wang Rong would go crazy.

Just know this secret in my heart. I sat on the sofa and continued to wait for Wang Rong. After 20 minutes, Wang Rong came back from the outside. I didn’t think about it. Xiao Yi looked at his cabinet and thought about cooking for Xiao Yi. eat.

Lying on the sofa, Xiao Yi felt a sense of home for the first time. After returning home, someone cooked for himself and enjoyed this rare leisure.

So Xiao Yi lay down and fell asleep. I don’t know how long it has passed. In his sleep, Xiao Yi smelled a burning smell. He sniffed back and forth a few times to confirm that the smell was not. There will be something wrong, so he wakes up.

Sitting up, Xiao Yi glanced. Wang Rong was still busy in the kitchen. On a dining table, there were a few plates, but the things on the plates were really unbearable to look directly at them. Two did not understand what they were. The dark color, with only a little egg yolk, proved that they were an egg before.

The few dishes left on the plate are either battered and burnt black, or not cooked at all. A scrambled egg with tomatoes will cut the tomatoes in half and mix them with the burnt eggs. Together, this is called a dish.

"Wang Rong, what are you doing?"

"I...I'm cooking noodles, but I don't know why, this noodles become mushy when it gets into the pot."

Xiao Yi walked up to Wang Rong and took a look. No wonder he smelled a burnt smell. The smell emanated from here. Inside a pot, it had become a pile of noodles, telling what happened before.

For the huge pot, Wang Rong just added a little water, and then put the noodles. This way of doing it, it’s not muddled, that’s weird. Xiao Yi covered his face with one hand. If he knew that, he just went outside. The meal is ready.

"I really can't bear to look directly, Wang Rong, who did you learn how to do this?"

"I... I think I should be able to, but I didn't expect it to be like this in the end."

Wang Rong said with an embarrassed expression. Looking at a table of failed products and new works that are failing, the result was a bit beyond his expectations.

"Hey, let me do it."

"can you cook?"

"Have I learned the palm of the Buddha, do I want to tell you?"

Xiao Yi originally wanted to eat a ready-made meal by himself, but it seemed that he was thinking too much. In order not to treat his stomach badly, he had to cook by himself, anyway, it was only after 7 o'clock.

So next, Xiao Yi washed his hands and began to do it. Wang Rong quickly threw all of his failed products into the trash can and gave Xiao Yi a hand.

Xiao Yi's skillful cutting of vegetables sounded very good when he heard the sound. After a few minutes, he prepared all the necessary materials, then turned on the gas stove and added cooking oil to the pot.

When the oil temperature was just right, ingredients were added to stir fry. If Xiao Yi didn't say what he was doing, looking at Xiao Yi's movements now, he would feel that Xiao Yi was a chef working in a restaurant and his movements were too standard.

Wang Rong sat aside, with one hand resting his chin, watching Xiao Yi cooking quietly like this, feeling that Xiao Yi cooking is something worthy of appreciation, and every movement is so charming.

Fifteen minutes later, the four cooked dishes, plus a vegetable soup, were out of the pot and placed on the table. Just smelling the scent, it already felt very attractive.

"Wow...You guy is really an all-around talent. I didn't expect to know how to cook."

Wang Rong said in surprise. When she said that she was a woman and would not cook. In front of Xiao Yi, she felt ashamed.

"Hey, in this world, more and more men cook, and fewer women. What is called a patriarchal society is just nonsense."

Xiao Yi Youyou said that in the old traditions, there was no such thing as patriarchalism in the old traditions. From the perspective of this society, there is no such thing at all, and the status of men is completely reduced.

Just like going to a shopping mall, about 70% of the products are related to women, and the remaining 20% ​​are for children and children. Only among these 10% can men be found. s things.

Wang Rong couldn't wait to pick up the chopsticks, took a bite of the dish and tasted it. The taste was very good, and he nodded with satisfaction.

"Yes, you guys cook so delicious dishes, you must have soaked many girls."

"Is there any connection between the two?"

Cooking and making women can be said together in Wang Rong's mouth. If Wang Rong's words are followed, then there must be women around the chef.

"Anyway, I think so. If there is a girl by your side, it is very reasonable and reasonable to be infected by your actions, and to dedicate yourself to you."

Xiao Yi felt that this was the biggest injustice in the world. Women just like to think about things here, and in their eyes, there must be a certain connection.

"Too lazy to tell you, I'm going to starve to death."

"Wait a minute, I still have one thing I haven't taken out."

With such a good atmosphere, how can you get less wine? When Wang Rong was buying vegetables today, she bought a bottle of red wine.

It's not a high-end red wine, just for such an occasion, Wang Rong took out the red wine from the side and put it on the table.

"I haven't drunk with you, how about we two drink less today?"

Xiao Yi looked at the red wine bottle, Wang Rong had prepared everything, and Xiao Yi hadn't touched a wine for a while, and chuckled lightly.

"You are not afraid. I have **** after drinking too much alcohol? Then you will be in trouble."

"I'm not afraid. If you were messed up, you would have been messed up."

Wang Rong believed that Xiao Yi was not such a person, so she opened the stopper of the wine bottle and brought two goblets to fill both Xiao Yi and her.

A glass of red wine reflected Wang Rong's face at this moment. Before he started drinking, he was already three-point drunk. Xiao Yi gently held up the glass and touched Wang Rong.

"Thank you for your dedication in the company for so long. I remember this love Xiao Yi in my heart."

"You still have a conscience, knowing that I have the credit."

The two clinked glasses, Xiao Yi just took a sip, while Wang Rong took a big sip at once. He didn't expect Wang Rong to drink so vigorously.

When holding the wine glass, Xiao Yi felt in his heart that something was going to happen, but he had never drunk anything like wine, so he didn't think much about it.

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