Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 1266: Let him eat first

In this world, no matter what you do, there will always be someone who will give pointers. It is as small as a sesame mung bean-sized thing, and it is as big as the current company of Xiao Yi. Some people will keep cooperating with Xiao Yi. But there are some people who choose to fight against Xiao Yi.

The reaction of the Wu family was in Xiao Yi’s expectation, and he himself contracted a tea plantation in S City. The Wu family was able to target himself, that is, the tea business. After thinking about this, Wang Rong was afraid that something would happen. Trouble.

Now that the company has grown up, it now has two biggest opponents. One is the suppression of Tamron by Lanhui in H city. On the other hand, even the business in tea gardens is now hindered.

"Xiao Yi, you can't choose to sit back and ignore it. If this continues, the Wu family will definitely remain in such a hostile state. For us, this is just like a provocation."

"Hehe, there are more people who provoke me, and a Wu family is nothing, but since you said so, I have a good way."

When Wang Rong talked about this incident, Xiao Yi had already thought out a countermeasure in his heart. What the Wu family did was to purchase a large amount of tea and then suppress it in the market.

Eighty percent of the tea was purchased with the Song family. After reaching the market, they chose to lower the price to sell. Although I don't know how much profit is left for the Wu family after doing this, this kind of thing is originally not in compliance with the rules.

"So you think of a way to deal with it?"

Wang Rong asked Xiao Yidao. For the time being, she didn't know how to deal with it, but Xiao Yi had already thought of a way and wanted to hear how Xiao Yi would deal with this matter.

There was a smirk on his face. From the smile on Xiao Yi's face, you can know what Xiao Yi's next idea was definitely a cruel trick, otherwise Xiao Yi would not have such an expression on his face.

"I guess the Wu family may be at a loss. What you guy can think of, it will definitely not be a good idea."

"Listen to what you say, it's as if I only think of crooked ideas."

Xiao Yi couldn't help feeling that he was a little depressed. Before he could say it, he was hit to death by Wang Rong with a hammer.

"Then you are going to talk about it, what is the solution?"

"The way is very simple, what the Wu family does, then we will do it."

Treating his body with his own way of being human is the best solution Xiao Yi can think of, and it is also something that must be done to deal with the Wu family.

Wang Rong chanted what Xiao Yi had said, and found that there seemed to be nothing special. After thinking about this, Wang Rong asked in a puzzled way.

"Could it be that you plan to purchase a large amount of tea before going to the market to sell it?"

"I won't make this kind of mindless business. In the next few days, I will order Zhang Bing and ask Zhang Bing to prepare a few small trucks. Every day the truck drives into the tea garden on time in the morning and uses things. Fold it up, and when it was noon, the truck set off into City H."

"This is how you thought of it?"

Xiao Yi paused, this was the idea that Xiao Yi came up with, but he hadn't finished speaking yet. ,

"What are you in a hurry? You can't eat hot tofu in a hurry. This is only the first step. If you leave at noon at one or two in the afternoon, you will arrive in the S city. After staying at the place where we sell tea for more than half an hour, then these cars, Drive away from S city."

"What kind of medicine are you selling in the gourd, what is in this car, and why are you going to the tea garden? Are you really planning to buy tea?"

Wang Rong guessed Xiao Yi's intentions. After much deliberation, there was no other possibility. It seemed that this explanation was reasonable. Xiao Yi shook his head at this moment. His own methods were far more than that.

"Our tea garden is taking the fine-quality route. Even if we are going to grow some ordinary tea in the back, I said that I will not buy other people's goods. This is one of my principles."

"Then what is this..."

"To be precise, there is nothing in the truck. You can put some boxes and find someone to unload them from the truck. Then at night, the truck will reload the empty boxes and return around the long road, and continue driving towards the tea garden."

Xiao Yi immediately said that this method was a bit ruthless. If it weren't for the Wu family's intention to attack himself, Xiao Yi would not use this method to fight back.

Wang Rong, who was on the side, thought about what Xiao Yi said in her mind. After strung together in her mind, what Xiao Yi said was conspiracy. This is a big deal. trap.

"Hi...I understand, Xiao Yi, you are creating a superficial illusion, so that the Wu family also thinks that you are hoarding a lot of goods, right?"

Xiao Yi nodded, and Wang Rong said it was up. She deserved to be the number one capable man under her hand. Wang Rong's brain was clever, and he immediately wanted to understand the causality.

"Yes, it is to create an illusion of hoarding. After seeing me and starting to hoard tea, the Wu family will definitely think of two aspects. First, I will lower the standard of tea and mix good tea with inferior tea. When I got up and sold, the second reason was that I, Xiao Yi, were fighting with him, and I must go back and increase the purchase of tea."

"You always use empty boxes, but the people in the Wu family are not necessarily like this. They will definitely buy tea in large quantities. If this happens, the remaining market except you will be monopolized."

Wang Rong said that monopolizing the market is a very common way. After one person digs out all a resource, there will be only one person leading the next market, and huge profits can be obtained from it.

Xiao Yi straightened up, Wang Rong was right to worry, but unfortunately, Wang Rong miscalculated the Wu family's appetite. It is impossible for people with a small appetite to eat all of this.

"Don't worry, the Wu family doesn't have such a big appetite. At most, he is only working with the Song family. I want to see how big his belly can keep eating. Besides, I heard about one thing. It seems to have something to do with the Song family."

"You told me about the Song family before. The Song family is a big local power. Is there any other problem with this so-called Song family?"

Wang Rong said that she remembered that Xiao Yi had told him some things about the Song family, and she also knew that the Song family was at the tea garden in S City, which caused a lot of trouble for Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi took a deep breath. There was no conclusive evidence for this incident in his heart, but all the signs showed that the truth of the matter was indeed what he thought.

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