Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 1466: Meng Nana's situation

"You said that I now bring a gift to Meng's house, with a relatively pleasant smile. If I go to chat with Meng Qi, will he forgive me for what I did before? After all, I'm just a child."

With a smile on his face, Xiao Yi asked Wang Rong at this moment. Wang Rong gave Xiao Yi an angry look and kicked Xiao Yi's **** with her leg up.

"If I were Meng Qi, I would kick you out and take your gift to get out of me. I look down on this spineless guy the most."

After Wang Rong kicked Xiao Yi, he could tell from the look in Xiao Yi's eyes that Xiao Yi was only joking, and he would definitely not do that.

If Xiao Yi was really afraid of Meng Qi’s strength, he had already agreed to Meng Qi’s request for cooperation at the beginning, and would not give up 1% of the shares at will. Until now, Xiao Yi has not felt it. Things to fear.

"Well, I know you are joking with me. If someone like you is easy to subdue, it is not the Xiao Yi I know."

"Hey... I originally just wanted to start a company and live my little life in peace. How could I think of so many unexpected situations, who would provoke me."

"You should ask Meng Qi about this. I don't know what you did to make others despise you so much."

Sitting on the sofa, Xiao Yi filtered what had happened in his mind, except that he occasionally ate tofu on Meng Nana, pitted Meng Liangchen a few times, and did nothing else.

Why was he suddenly targeted by Meng Qi? After thinking about this, Xiao Yi took a deep breath, remembering the stubborn shadow at the beginning, which had been silently enduring, and finally left China in this way. .

When I learned the truth of the matter, Meng Nana had no choice but to reduce Meng Qi’s suppression of herself. She agreed to get married. After thinking of this, Xiao Yi felt that she owed this woman, and waited until Meng Nana came back. , Must compensate her well.

"Who is thinking of you? The eyes are staring, just like fisheyes."

Wang Rong stretched out her hand and shook a few times in front of Xiao Yi. Xiao Yi had been silent all the time, and it could be seen that Xiao Yi was thinking about things at the moment.

"My name is big piercing eyes. What is dead fish eyes? This kid doesn't know how to talk."

"Look at the expression on your face, are you thinking about Meng Nana?"

"You have guessed this, why sometimes women's intuitions are so terrible and accurate, and sometimes they can't even see through the things in front of them."

Xiao Yi didn't understand this very much, just like Qin Jiaqi before, even Wang Dong had other thoughts, Qin Jiaqi didn't realize it, and almost got the trick in the end.

Wang Rong knew that she was right. Xiao Yi was thinking about Meng Nana. The relationship between the two people was really good. Xiao Yi even broke the wedding for Meng Nana, which is equivalent to beating Meng Nana. Kai's face is the same.

"Maybe this is the nature of a woman. You should have investigated Meng Nana's whereabouts. There is no news now?"

Xiao Yi shook his head. This is true. In private, Xiao Yi went to find someone to check Meng Nana's whereabouts, but now there is no clue.

"No, I checked the day’s flight. There was a passenger named Meng Nana who flew to a city by plane, but from the next city, I couldn’t find any clues. I thought about it later. Thinking, maybe she chose another way to travel after arriving at the first destination."

"If you say that, you can't find her at all now? I heard that Meng Qi froze Meng Nana's bank account. She left this time as if she was going out of the house. A woman was out without knowing. How can I live on."

"She always has her way. Gold will always shine. It is not a problem at all to find a job to support herself according to her abilities."

Xiao Yi believes this. Meng Nana can even lead a company as big as Lanhui. Even in a foreign country, she can find a job and live her life.

Thinking of this, Xiao Yi looked out of the window. The scenery outside the window was pleasant. In the calm lake, there were a large lot of lotus blooming. A couple of lovers walked by the lake.

And Xiao Yi's thoughts had already flown beyond the clouds, and now everything was waiting for him to deal with it. Once he settled down, he would definitely go and find Meng Nana himself.

Xiao Yi was right. Meng Nana did have this ability. In a strange country and city, Meng Nana became familiar with life here, and her friend helped her find a suitable job.

With previous work experience, Meng Nana quickly got acquainted with her job, and she made her mark in the company. Within half a month, her position was promoted twice.

Today, Meng Nana has become a project planner for a small company. The salary is not very high, only five thousand US dollars. If it is in China, such a salary is indeed very high, but here, it can only be said to be barely living. .

On the one hand, you have to pay the rent and learn how to cook when you return home. On the other hand, Meng Nana has an appointment with a doctor every two weeks. Now that she is pregnant, a pregnancy checkup is necessary. Understand the child's situation.

A female doctor in her forties in the hospital, with equipment in her hand, Meng Nana lying there, watching the doctor rolling back and forth on her stomach with the equipment in her hand.

"The heartbeat of the fetus is normal. Congratulations, madam, this will be a healthy baby."

While lying here, Meng Nana could clearly hear a series of heartbeats from the device, and the little life in her stomach is now growing.

"Dr. Mary, thank you. With your blessings, I believe my child will be very happy."

"Dear Ms. Meng, we have met twice. There is a sentence I want to ask you, why didn't you see your husband? This kind of thing should be your husband with you."

Dr. Mary just asked curiously, and had no other meaning, because when the other pregnant women came to the hospital for examination, they were both husband and wife, but Meng Nana had only one.

Meng Nana lowered her head slightly, she really didn't know what to say when she talked about the child's father. This is a relatively sensitive topic.

"To be honest, my husband is still with Huaxia. I am pregnant now, but I don't want to tell him the truth about this matter."

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