Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 2704: Unpredictable

Xiao Huaizhi said while paying attention to Xiao Qing's expression. This sentence had another profound meaning.

After hearing what the fourth uncle was saying here, Xiao Qing's face was serious, and he suddenly laughed, as if he had heard the biggest joke.

I thought my fourth uncle would say something amazing, but it turned out to be such a silly thing. I didn't expect my fourth uncle at this time to start to say something silly.

"Sixth Uncle, are you kidding with your nephew? More than 20 years ago, the second uncle's family was killed in that accident. You are completely confused when you say this."

Xiao Qing laughed. The truth they knew was that Xiao Huaiyi had an accident that day, and there was nothing to do with Xiao Huaili.

As Xiao Qing gradually grew up, he seemed to understand some of the rumors he heard. The accident at the time was inseparable from his father.

It's just that as Xiao Huaili's son, what the father has done is Xiao Huaili's business, and Xiao Qing can sit firmly in this position.

"Oh...I'm confused. I don't know what's wrong recently, just saying these confused things."

Xiao Huaizhi laughed at himself a few times. It was a silly remark, but Xiao Qing always felt something strange when listening to the tone of his fourth uncle.

Why is there such a feeling? The fourth uncle is really joking here, or he said that the fourth uncle knows the other secrets, and he said that deliberately, and Xiao Qing muttered in his heart.

"Four uncle... my nephew has something to say, I don't know if it is inappropriate to say it."

"Oh? Between your uncles, what do you still say such things? Just say anything directly."

Xiao Qing looked at Xiao Huaizhi with a serious look. Xiao Huaizhi was calm, sitting opposite Xiao Qing, no matter what happened, he would not panic.

There are only two of them in the room at the moment, and the servants are observing the rules. They will never come close at this time. For them, it is enough to do their own job.

"I've heard something that it was the accident in which the second uncle was killed more than 20 years ago. It has something to do with my father. You should know the truth, Fourth Uncle."

"Who told you this? You dare to make such a rumor, do you want to live?"

Xiao Huaizhi said solemnly. In fact, such rumors are nothing new in the Xiao family. He was the initiator.

Xiao Qing didn't feel that his father had done anything wrong. In Xiao's family, there were some things that he needed to fight for himself, and the methods used were normal.

"Sixth Uncle, don't worry about who passed it. I just want to know if it's true or false."

"Haha... In this matter, the fourth uncle dare not say anything casually. What do you think the truth is like?"

"Could it be...Could it be that the whole family of the second uncle died in the hands of father?"

Xiao Huaizhi leaned back on the chair. Both father and son had the same virtues. Xiao Qing was just a little younger, and the methods were not as vicious as his father.

Sooner or later, this child will become like Xiao Huaili, in order to achieve his goals, he will choose no compromises.

"You said this, I haven't said anything."

"I know the fourth uncle. I should go back. After the storm passes, there are still important things to deal with."

Xiao Qing stood up and said, at this moment, in the sky outside, a series of flashes of lightning split the sky, and the wind started to roar, but don't worry, the houses here are strong enough to withstand such a storm.

"The fourth uncle will not give it away. When people are old, they like to sleep a little longer. If I am a little sleepy, I will take a nap."

Xiao Huaizhi looked at Xiao Qing and walked to the door of the room. Xiao Qing paused and turned to look at Xiao Huaizhi.

"Oh... Xiao Qing, I have a word here, you will bring it to your father when you turn around."

"What does the fourth uncle want me to bring? Can't you say it in person?"

"It's better for you to say this sentence. Go back and tell your father that Xiaoshan escaped from the accident more than 20 years ago. It seems that Xiaoshan still took a child."

This sentence was what Xiao Huaizhi wanted to tell Xiao Huaili, and what he said was much less effective.

Therefore, I chose to tell Xiao Qing first and let Xiao Qing pass the message on his behalf. Xiao Huaili is a wise man who will surely guess the meaning of this sentence.

Xiao Qing has no way of knowing who Xiao Shan is. It's just that the fourth uncle is so serious at the moment, and he must have something to say, so he nodded.

"I passed it to my father from the fourth uncle, and the nephew went home first."

"Go go go... this era has changed, some things are done, after all, there is a price to pay..."

Xiao Huaizhi sighed deeply. Xiao Qing couldn't understand the words behind him. After Xiao Qing left, Xiao Huaizhi still sat in the chair.

Raising his hand and waving the two doors immediately closed, a wicked smile appeared on Xiao Huaizhi's face. Xiao Huaizhi had already changed after more than 20 years of suppression.

"Second brother... you can't think of it. Although you are dead, your son is very upbeat. This time I want to see who is stronger, your son or his son."

He didn't hesitate to mess up this situation, anyway, Xiao Yi's existence would be known sooner or later, and Xiao Yi had already escaped from Xiao Huaizhi's control.

A mysterious person who was killed halfway, snatched Xiao Yi's woman and the child in his stomach, and lost an important bargaining chip.

After leaving Xiao Huaizhi's room, Xiao Qing returned to his own room, he was relieved as soon as he entered the door, unbuttoned his shirt, and sat down on the sofa beside him.

Just now he had a conversation with Xiao Huaizhi, and he wanted to find some clues, but Xiao Qing overestimated his abilities. Xiao Huaizhi was too difficult to deal with.


Taking a deep breath, a woman passed by Xiao Qing's side, and this woman had been in Xiao Qing's room all the time.

As Xiao Qing's personal assistant, she was sent to work here. In fact, she was already Xiao Qing's daughter. The so-called not close to female **** was nothing but for others.

The woman was wearing **** lace underwear, walking on her white legs for two days, and slowly walked behind Xiao Qing, with her arms resting on Xiao Qing's shoulders.

"What's the matter, master? It makes you so angry."

Xiao Qing touched the woman's arm. Only then can he relax, he said now.

"Damn old thing, as cunning as an old fox, father is right, he is really difficult to deal with."

"The young master is talking about Xiao Huaizhi? This person is indeed very difficult. Don't look at him in the house all day long, but he knows what happened outside."

"That Xiao Ze looked unpleasant to me a long time ago. It's nothing more than an adopted son of the Xiao family. I wanted to embarrass him a little bit, but this old thing was there.

I called my fourth uncle when I met, but this time it became an old thing, saying one thing, but making another one.

The woman was like a water snake, hooking Xiao Qing's neck, turning along the sofa, lying in Xiao Qing's arms, and looking at him with a seductive look.

"Young master, don't be angry, you will be the master of the Xiao family sooner or later. Let me come to lower your anger at this moment."

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