Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 2726: What a jerk

I saw the slender fingers of the great elder resting on the strings, gently flicking the strings, and the strings made a'clang' sound.

Xiao Yi was really careless this time. He didn't realize at first how powerful this piano could be. The explosion of the piano sound carried a huge momentum.

The air waves generally oppressed Xiao Yi's side. There was no wind in the whole room, and Xiao Yi's clothes were blown up. At this time, he could no longer calm down.

He hurriedly circulated Dao Qi, the Dao Qi of the Purple Profound Realm gathered between Xiao Yi's hands, quickly forming a barrier that stood in front of Xiao Yi.

"The movement of Dao Qi is very proficient, but with this ability, it can't stop this trick."

Ji Jiangyue stood on the side. She used 70% of the power of the piano sound of this finger. You can know how much Xiao Yi is capable of.

A wave of air formed a huge coercion, rushing toward Xiao Yi's side, and the barrier that had just condensed from Dao Qi collided.

"So strong, is this the great elder at dawn?"

Xiao Yi stubbornly held on, but his body took a half step back. This half step was just the beginning. One move of the great elder, Qinglong and Baihu, none of them could follow.

The purple barrier stood in front of Xiao Yi, and Dao Qi was flowing, forming a complex pattern. If he encountered an opponent, Zixu would definitely help.

However, this time someone wanted to test Xiao Yi's depth, he would not interfere with this kind of thing, and it could also make Xiao Yi realize his shortcomings.

The vibe of Qin Yin is not weak, but has grown a little bit, and the condensed Dao Qi barrier is getting darker and darker, and it is about to be broken.

"not good!"

Xiao Yi's eyes widened, but there was no way at this time. He hurriedly circulated Dao Qi to protect the meridians of his body.

The purple barrier was not supported in the end, and soon dispersed. The piano sound carried the final pressure and hit Xiao Yi's body, and Xiao Yi quickly backed away.

After four or five steps backwards, he stopped with a support, the aura of the meridians all over his body was chaotic, unable to control.

"It turned out to be so strong, worthy of being the great elder at dawn..."

Xiao Yi realized the gap with this great elder. A woman didn't seem dangerous, but she was so powerful.

The great elder only used 70% of his strength to let Xiao Yi know what it means to be outside a person, there are people outside the world, there are heavens outside, and if a person has no opponents for a long time, it will have a great impact on his growth.

A **** smell rushed to his throat, and Xiao Yi swallowed it forcibly. After a while, he could barely stand up.

Ji Jiangyue was quite satisfied with Xiao Yi's performance at this moment. After all, Xiao Yi is still very young.

"Yes, Qinglong and the others, can't even take 50% of my strength. Finally, I need to stop. You can take 70%, which is already very powerful."

"Ahem...If I am very powerful, I won't be beaten into this embarrassment by you."

Xiao Yi coughed and finally stabilized her breath. At this moment, Ji Jiangyue walked over, stretched out a hand, and patted Xiao Yi on the shoulder.

The blood gas that had been suppressed before could no longer be controlled at this moment. Xiao Yi opened his mouth and spouted a mouthful of blood. After seeing this, Ji Jiangyue patted his hands.

"I thought it would be nice to clenched your teeth? If this blood energy doesn't squirt out, it will accumulate in your body and make you unable to adjust your breath for a few days."

Ji Jiangyue's move was not to bully Xiao Yi, but to heal Xiao Yi's wounds. The blood accumulated in her body. After spraying it out, Xiao Yi felt a lot easier.

"Thank you……"

"From what you said, what I heard is a kind of dissatisfaction. Xiao Yi, you are only a few years old now. I have already cultivated this body's cultivation skills in the age of ancient times."

Xiao Yi raised his head and looked at the Great Elder. These words were preaching him, although this time the move of the Great Elder made Xiao Yi see what a gap is.

But the real goal of the Great Elder was also for Xiao Yi. Only when he realized the gap, he would have the motivation to move forward.

"You are only in your twenties, and you already have the achievements you have now. This time I want to remind you that even if I use my full strength, in Xiao Huaili's hands, I can't survive three moves."


"Now you should also realize that it is not just you who are really walking on the road of cultivation. Your father and your uncles are also the same as us, even the Xiao family, your real grandfather."

Ji Jiangyue said, Xiao Yi rubbed the position of his shoulders, and nodded now. Xiao Yi already knew what she said.

"I know this, but I didn't expect Xiao Huaili to be so strong."

"The Xiao family can be an ancient family that has existed in China for hundreds of years. Without some means, how can it be supported for so many years."

"It seems that if I return to the Xiao family now, it's like going to die by myself."

Xiao Yi sighed. Although he didn't even proceed with one move, Xiao Yi's expression was not discouraged at this moment.

Ji Jiangyue nodded in satisfaction, Xiao Yi understood this, and it was not in vain for her painstaking efforts here, she said immediately.

"There is a saying that it is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years, thirty years for Hedong and thirty years for Hexi. I believe that with your growth rate, you will surely do it."

"Thank you... the elder, you are interested here."

"Well, don't call me the Great Elder. This title does sound a bit awkward. My name is Ji Jiangyue."

When Xiao Yi heard these three names, he was indeed very elegant as the name suggests. You can see the layout of the room. Xiao Yi followed Ji Jiangyue's meaning.

"Then when I am no one in the future, I will call you Aunt Ji, right?"

"Your little mouth is very sweet, much better than your father. If you take this medicine, it is estimated that the third elders are still waiting for you outside."

In Ji Jiangyue's room, there was medicine for healing injuries. He took a pill from the bottle and gave it to Xiao Yi. Xiao Yi swallowed it and took a few mouthfuls of tea.

Although he lost to the Great Elder this time, Xiao Yi didn't feel any loss at all at this moment, so Xiao Yi wiped the corner of his mouth and said.

"Then I'll leave first, I think, my father should like you too."

"Don't be mean to me here, you are not him, how do you know what he thinks."

"Guess... and you haven't really asked my father. If you change to me, since you like my father, why not fight for it."

As soon as Xiao Yi finished speaking, a volume of Ci Fu written by Ji Jiangyue was lost at this moment, almost hitting Xiao Yi's forehead.

Ji Jiangyue was most afraid of being mentioned by others, and kept pressing it down in her heart. After talking to Xiao Yi, Xiao Yi actually teased her here.

"Go! I won't do things that are difficult for others. If your father chooses me, there won't be you **** boy, and you won't have your turn to say such things anymore!"

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