Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 2773: Unreliable Poison King

The savannah in central Africa is like in another world where many carnivorous animals live off the beaten track.

The rainy season will come for a while, and the sun is ruthlessly scorching the earth. Large carnivores like lions also hide in the shade of the trees.

A special team is moving in this grassland. They are fully armed, and each of them has an additional weight of 20 kilograms.

Qin Gang touched his clothes and found the lighter, only to find that the cigarette case was already empty, so he had to give up and sighed.

"I'm really crazy. It's a good day. But why should I come to such a place to suffer? I don't have to smoke a cigarette butt."

More than a month ago, I was still sitting in an air-conditioned room, enjoying the cool days. Seeing what it looks like now, it is completely the opposite.

"Qin Gang doesn't smoke anymore? In fact, this is not bad. It can help you quit smoking. It's better to smoke less."

Someone came over to comfort Qin Gang at this time, and Qin Gang broke a branch helplessly and stuffed it into his mouth.

It felt like he was smoking a cigarette, he said now.

"The former ghost-style Jin Yiyang has also become a polished commander. He went to such a place to suffer. I will interview you now. Great Comrade Jin Yiyang, what do you think?"

"I didn't know you before. When did you become such a serious person, you should do your own thing first."

"Just treat me as bored, and post your thoughts here."

Jin Yiyang wore a gray camouflage uniform. In this environment, he could play a good role in disguising. He sat down and said.

"I have forgotten about those days, are you planning to go back to be your gang boss again?"

Qin Gang chewed this branch into wood slag, and then stopped.

"My life is pretty good now. What do I do when I go back? In the eyes of acquaintances, I am a scum, and I can only play a role in this kind of place."

"When did you know so deeply, the word scum is used well, and the two of us are really scum."

"This is how Xiao Yi gave me a chance. He didn't kill me at the time. He already gave me the best chance."

Unlike Jin Yiyang, Qin Gang left a lot of records in China. He wanted to find a serious thing to do, but unfortunately he didn't have this opportunity.

Xiao Yi could throw him to the police, but Xiao Yi didn't do it, which made Qin Gang extremely grateful.

"People have to have goals in life. Since I have been with Xiao Yi, I feel that I haven't lived in vain. Xiao Yi takes good care of my brother, even if I hang on here, it's worth it."

"Don't **** say this kind of frustrating thing, good people don't live long, the scourge stays the year before, and your life is long."

Now Jin Yiyang and Qin Gang have resolved their conflicts, and the two have become friends.

The enemies of the past would never dream of today. They rested for a while before rushing back to where Xu Qiang and them were.

Xu Qiang took the personnel to train here to enhance the ability of individual combat and strengthen the physical stamina of the members so that they can all be alone.

"Old Poison King, you have given the wrong medicine!"

Xu Qiang looked at a bison that had been pierced by a syringe, and was running wildly.

A huge thing is so obvious, this is the characteristic of a bull, it was only pitted by the old man of poison.

"Have I remembered wrong? It shouldn't be, I took anesthetics."

The old man of Poison King is still in that strange costume, wrapped himself in a zongzi inside and out, it is still a bit uncertain at this moment.

In order to study new anesthetics, Poison King has spent a lot of effort. The anesthetics he studied do not need time and can take effect immediately.

Even a layman like Xu Qiang could see that he must have used the wrong medicine. The poison king said that the research was successful, and he found the test product.

It turned out to be like this. Xu Qiang pointed at the bison, angry and amused, and said here.

"You're so **** confused. Look at that bullwhip. You use heat medicine."

"Oh, oh, I really made a mistake."

A drugged bison went crazy looking for the cow, causing a riot.

Looking at such a strange experiment, Bart himself couldn't figure out what it was doing. He was really thirsty when he saw a glass of water.

"This anesthetic should be this, eh...what about the medicine in the cup?"

The Poison King turned his head and said, Bart was smiling, and fell to the ground and lost consciousness.

An empty cup on the ground proves what happened before. Unfortunately, Bart has become the poison king's experiment.

"Heh... you were so cheating on me at the beginning. I didn't expect that after so many years, you will still be the same."

Duan Zhisheng sympathized with Bart at this moment, and blamed Bart for not having long eyes and insisting on getting close to this inconspicuous old man.

The Poison King picked up the empty cup on the ground. Although the medicine was wrong, the effect was still obvious.

"Junior Brother, you still hate me so much, you have said that this matter has been exposed, and you have to mention it here."

"That's it, you are like this, I don't bother to talk about you, what should Xu Qiang do next?"

Duan Zhisheng was able to speak with the Poison King now, which was a good start, and Xiao Yi was also thinking about how to solve the contradiction between the two.

"Wait for Qin Gang first, Old Poison King, quickly untie this anesthetic, otherwise Bart can only throw it here to feed the lion."

Xu Qiang said, Poison King rummaged in his special pocket, looking for antidote.

After a while, Qin Gang and Jin Yiyang came back. They were responsible for inquiring about the news and avoiding encountering other mercenaries here.

"came back……"

Qin Gang returned to the team and said to Xu Qiang the first time.

"Inquiry clearly, we can't go deeper, we must turn around."

"what happened?"

"Two kilometers ahead of us, there is a mercenary in action, and this mercenary is our old enemy."

"Oh? Is luck so good? Let's focus on this training camp, and try not to cause conflict."

Xu Qiang was about to give an order for everyone to adjust their direction and move forward in a different direction.

A burst of intensive gunfire came from the depths of the grassland in front of them. The gunfire rang all the personnel and quickly entered a state of alert.

"What's going on? What happened?"

Xu Qiang turned on the communicator and asked about the unexpected situation. At this moment, a message came.

"Captain... Our team of three was attacked by a mercenary, and one was seriously injured."

"What! Report where you are."

The news reported was exactly the direction Qin Gang said, which caused Xu Qiang's anger to be ignited at once, and he clenched his fist.

"Fuck, I didn't want to encounter you, you really are going to bully me so much, brothers are ready to fight!"

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