Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 2783: Jiang Family Trends

Jiang Wan walked up the mountain road step by step, Xiao Yi followed behind, and the two of them went one after the other, and they didn't say anything along the way. Xiao Yi could have left.

As for what Jiang Wan had to worry about, it had nothing to do with him. It was just because Jiang Wan was Xue Yaoyue's sister, Xiao Yi would definitely take more care.

"Thank you Xiao Yi, come out with me to relax, I didn't interrupt your time like this, right?"

"Miss Jiang is polite. I don't have much to do anyway. I am happy to spend time with the beautiful women."

"Don't call me Miss Jiang. In China, there is only Jiang Wan. Miss Jiang is what those strangers call me. It seems that you and me are not strangers before, right?"

Jiang Wan said that these three words, Miss Jiang, sounded like there was a big gap between the two. She and Xue Yaoyue were completely opposite in personality.

One is approachable, and the other gives people a cold feeling. Xiao Yi wondered if Xue Yaoyue had been taken by him if it weren't because of her appearance.

"Well, I'll call you Jiang Wan from now on. Are you worrying about it all the time, is it because of the Jiang family?"

Xiao Yi asked, he also wanted to know more about the Jiang family. Among those families, the Jiang family was very powerful.

"Yes or not, even if my sister can't be found, the Jiang family will think of a way to deal with it. Earlier news came that the Jiang family found my sister's whereabouts."


Xiao Yi was surprised, and then thought that this should be impossible, and the Jiang family would never find out from the military area.

Xue Yaoyue was in it, and it was impossible to find her whereabouts after searching through it. After all, the Jiang family had been looking for her for many years.

"Has your sister been found?"

"At first I thought so, but then I didn't know what was going on. From all over the world, news came out saying that my sister was found."

"This... isn't there a ghost in this news? Your sister is a human, and she doesn't look like a monkey grandson, so she knows how to clone her."

Jiang Wan nodded. Facts also proved that this time the Jiang family was tricked. From beginning to end, someone deliberately spread the news.

There is no whereabouts of the younger sister at all, but the Jiang family can't give up searching, being led by the nose, they are willing to follow along.

"The news that my sister is not at home must have spread. People from the Xiao family will definitely ask my father for someone in advance."

"The power of the Jiang family is already so huge, isn't the Xiao family stronger than the Jiang family?"

"Xiao Yi, you are not among them. You definitely don't know that the Xiao family has existed in China for hundreds of years, and the deep roots in it are not something that the Jiang family can contend with."

Jiang Wan realized that Xiao Yi was talking about her, but Jiang Wan was still telling the truth with Xiao Yi.

"Previously, a woman from our Jiang family, count as my aunt, married to the Xiao family. After a few years, she was beaten back by the Xiao family, but our Jiang family did not dare to complain."

"Is it so arrogant? Now this year, I think it is a real scum that beats a woman."

"Whether it is a scumbag or a bastard, the Xiao family has absolute strength, especially the head of the Xiao family, with iron-blooded wrists, and the means are not ordinary."

After hearing about this man again, Xiao Yi suddenly thought about it. At the beginning, Xiao Ze said that grandpa died indirectly in Xiao Huaili's hands.

Although the news has not been confirmed, the hatred of his parents is enough, and Xiao Yi clenched his fists unconsciously.

The slightest change is being seen by Jiang Wan, her mind is meticulous, these changes can't escape his eyes.

"Sure enough... he did have some connection with the Xiao family, maybe he was the last person who survived that incident."

Both parties have their own thoughts and plans. Xiao Yi knew this woman and had been asking about him. Xiao Yi never avoided anything.

Jiang Wanbingxue is smart, can detect clues from some information, and can quickly confirm that Xiao Yi has a hunch that he is the identity of the Xiao family, and I am afraid that it will not be long before others will know.

Not long after the two walked up the mountain road, a scrapped Jinbei van without a license plate stopped at the foot of the mountain.

After the car stopped, twelve people walked out of the car. Among the twelve people, there were those two young people who just stepped on it in the hotel.

The two of them are responsible for finding targets, looking for wealthy and easy-to-success people to start. After the money is grabbed, the two of them can divide more.

"Liu San, this is the place you are talking about. It's a good place. There is no interference from others, so it is convenient for us to start."

"Boss Sun is right here. We both saw the woman before. It must be a rich master. A man was following her."

Liu San bent over and said, Sun Boss is a local local snake, forcing Liang to use loan sharks for this kind of unscrupulous thing, he has done it, and he is also very famous here.

As long as it is a gangster, he must give face when he hears the three words of Boss Sun. Boss Sun will also engage in money-grabbing business if he has the opportunity.

I saw Boss Sun with a flowered arm tattoo, with an inch head, and a gold chain hanging around his neck. The typical image of a black boss with a flue in his mouth.

"This rich woman likes this bite, find a place where no one is, and play field battles with men, the bed is already not addictive."

Hearing that it was a man and a woman, two people came to this kind of place, Boss Sun thought, maybe these two people would do that kind of thing.

Don't worry about anything else, their purpose is to make money, and since this trip is here, they won't be empty, Sun Boss ordered.

"Brothers come with me, we will have money when we catch this pair of dog men and women. Maybe there will be a chance to make you all feel better."

This group of people are all on the road, and they are lawless on weekdays. Even the local police have no choice but to disperse them and do evil. They have long wanted to kill these people.

Twelve people walked up the mountain. There was only one road into the mountain, with woods on both sides. As long as people came up, they felt that they could not escape.

With so many eyes staring at them, they all carry the guy in their hands. They eat with the things in their hands. They still have some ability. There is no one around, so they can do things.

"What are you going to do next? Will you continue to stay in H City to find your sister?"

Xiao Yi and Jiang Wan were sitting on a rock by the side of the road, Jiang Wan smiled slightly.

"Why do you care about me so suddenly? Do you have other thoughts about me."

"Don't... I've said that by virtue of my identity, I can't be worthy of the ladies like you. Toads and swan are not on the same level. If you don't say it, just treat it as I didn't ask."

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