Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 2944: Technology is not in place

"Brother-in-law, my car is very handsome? Look at these three cars. I have spent a lot of effort to get them. I have invested more than three million yuan in modification alone."

Jiang Yang introduced his car. The three cars are silver-gray, black and orange. Each car is very valuable.

However, Xiao Yi's focus is not on the value of the car. His eyes swept over these cars and his fingers ran across the car.

As a car lover, Jiang Yang has made some changes to his three racing cars, but many of these changes are useless, Xiao Yi asked.

"The speed of these three cars, you don't exceed one hundred and eighty, right?"

"Brother-in-law, how did you know? The conditions are limited on this road, and the speed is not so fast."

Xiao Yi leaned over and took a look. He could tell where the car had been modified. Jiang Yang's answer made Xiao Yi chuckle.

"If the speed of these three cars exceeds one hundred and eighteen, you should be drinking tea with Lord Yan instead of talking about cars with me."

"What? Brother-in-law, what do you mean by that?"

"It seems that the vehicle's shock absorber is in place, but in many places you did not notice the vehicle shock absorber. High-speed damping is used to filter road impact, and low-speed damping is used to support the chassis roll during cornering."

(Damping refers to the gradual decrease in the amplitude of vibration of any vibration system due to external effects or inherent reasons of the system itself, and the quantitative characterization of this characteristic. In electricity, it means response time.)

Xiao Yi is proficient in machinery, but also good at repair work. This experience is not comparable to Jiang Yang. He knows the biggest lethality of Jiang Yang's car.

"Therefore, high-speed damping affects the contact between the tire and the ground. The smaller the change in ground contact force, the more stable the car. The low-speed damping affects the transient performance of the corner, thereby affecting the transient understeer or oversteer of the corner, and the steady state. time."

"Why haven't I heard of this? Brother-in-law where do you know?"

"Let’s do the simplest test. When the vehicle is stationary, based on the detected data, you think your car has been modified perfectly, right?"

Jiang Yang nodded, Xiao Yi saw some tools in the warehouse, and used one of the orange racing cars to prop up against the ground hydraulically.

The four wheels were already suspended. At this time, Xiao Yi opened the door and let Jiang Yang get in the car by himself, and he knew the problem by experiencing it for himself.

"Now you get in the car, switch gears one by one, and increase the engine speed to nine thousand to ten thousand!"

It doesn't work to say anything, only after I have tested it myself, I know the biggest flaw in my modification.

"Brother-in-law, don't you need to drive on the road to try it?"

"I am young and don't want to die in your car, so just do as I say."

Xiao Yi instructed that Jiang Yang got on the car, started the engine, switched gears in turn, and stepped on the accelerator to increase the engine speed.

At the beginning, the body was very stable, but gradually the confident smile on Jiang Yang's face disappeared, and he felt that the body was shaking violently, and the whole person became nervous.

"Continue to coax the throttle!"

"Brother-in-law... has almost reached nine thousand revolutions..."

"Don't worry, the matching engine of your car is more than capable, it just falls into your hands."

Jiang Yang continued to coax the accelerator and the exhaust pipe of the car burned red under the high temperature.

Xiao Yi stared at the four wheels. When the engine speed was slow, there was no problem, but once the engine speed increased and the car speed increased to 180, the problem immediately appeared.

" look at the instrument display for yourself."

The four-wheel shock absorber, under the effect of this resonance, has its drawbacks. Among them, there are two wheels, as if they can be thrown out at any time.


"So I said, your modification is just a superficial job. If you take a car like this to a race, you don't have to dispute whether you win or lose. You must die in your own hands in the end."

It was almost done. Xiao Yi asked Jiang Yang to turn off the car first, and let him do the rest. Since he was going to participate in the competition, technology was very important.

But the most important thing is a car. The performance gap of the car determines the winner or loser of the race from the beginning.

When Jiang Yang got out of the car, none of the shock absorbers of the three cars were in place. Xiao Yi found the drawbacks at a glance. Fortunately, he didn't drive these cars to drag.

"If you drive a few cars and drag, I guess it's over the first seven by now."

"Brother-in-law, what should we do? I only have these three cars. If it doesn't work, I will pay for another one."

"Forget it, buy a new car, not to mention that the time is not too late, the new car has to be run-in when it comes back, the run-in is almost the same, the race has long passed."

Xiao Yi opened the engine hoods of the three cars one by one. The three cars were not modified properly, but the performance was not bad. Xiao Yi checked the time.

It was 5:50 in the afternoon. He patted Jiang Yang on the shoulder and spoke to Jiang Yang.

"What you change is for the pursuit of pulling the wind, and many things have no practical effect. If these three cars are integrated, it can be integrated into a racing car with wilder performance."

"Brother-in-law...I don't know this."

"Who told you to change it? Find a notebook and a pen. Some accessories are needed here. You can figure it out in one day. If you are unsure, don't participate."

Jiang Yang understood the meaning of Xiao Yi's words. This was Xiao Yi's modification. He looked at Xiao Yi in surprise and said in surprise.

"Brother-in-law, you can modify the car?"

"What do you think? How can you be your brother-in-law?"

Xiao Yi said casually, what he meant was the relationship with Xue Yaoyue, and it was indeed Jiang Yang's brother-in-law.

"So you admit that you have taken my sister?"

"I'll pick up your sister, don't hurry to find something."

"Yes, yes, I will prepare right away. As long as I can participate in this kind of competition, I will cooperate with you in whatever is needed."

Jiang Yang immediately found paper and pen. Xiao Yi integrated the three cars and listed some of the missing things to Jiang Yang and let Jiang Yang prepare.

Three minutes later...

After checking it again and confirming that everything was written, Xiao Yi gave the list to Jiang Yang.

"These should be enough. Since you are a racing car, you should be able to find a way to get these things."

"Brother-in-law... on this... there are some contrabands on this, which are installed on the racing car. If they are not well controlled, they will kill people."

Xiao Yi looked at Jiang Yang solemnly. Jiang Yang said this, obviously not knowing the inside story of this kind of car.

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