Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 2946: Hatred for parents

Xiao Yi sighed, in this world, he only has such two relatives. Grandpa has devoted his life to him.

In the end, he was brutally attacked by others, and now only Xiao Ya was left. He must create his own world and protect the safety of those around him.

"Brother, don't worry, I'm already such a big person. I will take care of myself. You have a lot of things now. Don't be distracted by me."

Xiao Ya was very sensible. He took Han Bing's cell phone and talked to Xiao Yi. Xiao Yi felt relieved and said dotingly.

"No matter what your brother's status is, you are my sister after all. My brother promised Grandpa that he must take care of you."

"Xiao Ya has never regretted being your sister in this life!"

While talking with Xiao Ya, Xiao Yi suddenly thought of something, this was a secret that grandpa told him.

That was about Xiao Ya's identity. At this moment, Xiao Ya's words awakened Xiao Yi. He got up and turned out an iron box from the drawer of the table.

Inside the sticker box, there was originally a plaster, but the family was poor and there was nothing better, so Xiao Ya's birth certificate could be stored.

He turned out a piece of paper from it. On this piece of paper, it was clearly written the time when Xiao Ya was born, and Xiao Ya's real name-Jiang Xue.

The same surname is Jiang, and Xiao Yi would not associate Xiao Ya's identity with the Jiang family. After all, the Jiang family is strong, so how could it be possible to abandon his children.

"Xiao Ya, if there is a chance, I will help you find your biological parents."

Xiao Yi said something, this unreasonable sentence made Xiao Ya very strange, why did her brother want to say this, she never wanted to go to her biological parents.

"Brother, you don't need to do this. Let's not say if you can find them. Even if you find them, if they throw me away, I won't recognize them."

"Maybe... maybe it's your parents, maybe there is something unspeakable, you must also want to see them in your heart?"

In a word, Xiao Ya's heart was also human. She saw that the classmates around her had their own parents, and she, like her brother, had never seen what her biological parents looked like.

I would definitely think in my heart, seeing my parents, what kind of people they are, but with the passage of time, such a longing turned into a resentment in my heart.

"Brother, you don't have to speak for them. If they lose me, it means they don't want me. Since they all chose this way, what else can I expect?"


"Brother, I know what you want, so let's stop it. I have a brother like you in this life, that's enough."

Xiao Ya said decisively, Xiao Yi was just a thought in his heart, and finding Xiao Ya's biological parents was not an easy task.

Besides, Xiao Ya was so resistant. He didn't want to make his sister sad, so don't mention this matter. He can also take care of Xiao Ya.

"Okay, brother knows, next time I will bring you a gift, you should study hard and don't put too much pressure on yourself."

"Well, brother, I know, you and your sister-in-law are about to have a wedding, you two must be happy, have children early, let me be an aunt."

"You are a big kid, and this is not something you are worried about."

Xiao Ya gave the phone call to Han Bing, so I won't delay the two-person world here. Han Bing took the phone and she asked Xiao Yi something.

I know that a few days ago, Xiao Yi's Tenglong Group was hostile by others and lost a lot of cooperating customers, but Xiao Yi has resolved all of this.

"Unexpectedly, you could cooperate with Edward, and you also got the initiative to cooperate. With this level of cooperation with Edward, Tamron has completely gained a firm foothold."

Xiao Yi said this to Han Bing. Han Bing learned about the cooperation between Xiao Yi and Edward. Such an opportunity, even if it is a dream, may not be met.

Many people are eager to establish contact with Edward, but it is a pity that they can't even see them, and Xiao Yi can actually gain an advantage in cooperation.

"I guess it's Edward's daughter this time, Mia's idea, although I have saved his daughter several times, but this will not allow Edward to make such a big concession."

"You! This time I owe a woman's favor again. This Mia is pretty good to you. You rejected them directly. Isn't it too cruel?"

"She and I are not in the same world. Her family background is too strong."

Xiao Yi wouldn't have such thoughts, Han Bing thought to himself, if you take out your Xiao family's background, even Edward will be thrown a few blocks away.

It's just that few people know his true identity now. Xiao Yi has her own thoughts and ideas in doing things, so she won't be mixed up as a woman.

"How do you listen to what you mean, do you want me to accept her?"

"That won't work. There are enough women around you. I really want to put together a few mahjong tables."

"So I rejected her. I won't talk about it anymore. You can eat first, and I will take care of something."

Xiao Yi said goodnight, and he wanted to analyze and study the modified data, and try to get it done tomorrow morning.

After hanging up the phone, Han Bing saw Xiao Ya, sitting there alone in a daze, knowing what Xiao Ya was thinking at the moment.

The relationship between Xiao Ya and Xiao Yi has been known for a long time. The two of them are not brother and sister. Xiao Ya was picked up by Xiao Shan.

"Xiao Ya! What are you thinking? I'm in a daze here."

"Sister-in-law is nothing, thank you sister-in-law for taking the time to stay with me."

"What did you girl say? Since you are called my sister-in-law, we are a family. I will take care of you with your brother."

With these words, Xiao Ya felt very warm in her heart. Xiao Ya got rid of the distracting thoughts in her mind, and her biological parents abandoned her, so why should she think about it.

"Eat more, you are now in the time to grow your body, especially when studying is very brain-intensive."

Han Bing and Xiao Ya went out for dinner together. They planned to go to Xiao Yi tomorrow, but if you think about it, let's spend a few more days with Xiao Ya.

Anyway, the matter of Xiao Yi Company has been settled, and there is no need to worry about it. Xiao Ya must feel very lonely in Beitang County alone.

"Sister-in-law, don't you go find my brother?"

"Your brother is so old, and I don't need me to take care of him. I'll stay with you for a few more days."

Xiao Ya didn't say anything. There were people taking care of her. It felt really different. All she can do now is to study hard and get a grade in the exam.

Han Bing chose a snack bar and chatted with Xiao Ya while eating. The two of them sat in the shop, which became a landscape and attracted many customers.

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