Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 2950: Inner thoughts

The meaning of Jiang Yang's words seemed to be matching Xiao Yi and Jiang Wan's meaning. Jiang Wan glared at her younger brother, and she sighed.

"How he has nothing to do with me, and you don't know, I am already going to replace your second sister and marry into the Xiao family."

"Sister... If you really marry the scumbag Xiao Qing, you will really be ruined in the next half of your life."

"No matter what kind of person he is, this is my destiny. Whether it is me or your second sister, one person will accept this arrangement after all."

Jiang Wan's heart is like still water, she has already given up other thoughts, but occasionally, there will be ripples.

As Jiang Wan's younger brother, Jiang Yang wants to change his sister's situation, but it is a pity that his current ability cannot reverse this situation.

"Sister, do you really like Xiao Yi to be honest?"


"If you don't like him, why did you make your own claim and agreed to work with Tamron? Why did you choose to go to a coffee shop with him for coffee."

After a few words, she stopped asking her questions. How could she understand what was in her heart?

When she was resting last night, she was holding the stuffed toy, and she was holding billions of dollars in funds. She couldn't get anything, but she was so concerned about something that cost more than ten yuan.

"The two of us grew up together. Sister, you are always cold and cold. The men around you don’t even say a few words. I saw the smile on your face yesterday. It’s never been seen before. Passed."

"Don't... stop talking, Jiang Yang, stop talking."

"Anyway, even if I have no relationship with Xiao Yi, I really don't want to see my sister, so I just jumped into a fire pit."

Jiang Yang said this is his brother, the most sincere words in his heart, when his father beat him, he still wanted to say it.

There are no relatives closer to them in this world, especially after the second sister left, Jiang Yang had an idea to protect his sister.

"Stop talking...I understand all of this in my heart."

Jiang Wan was holding her forehead with one hand, her eyes closed at the moment, she said, she didn't know what the younger brother said.

"Brother, don't forget, who is controlling the Xiao family now. If the Jiang family breaks the marriage contract, Xiao Huaili will definitely not let us go."


"It's nothing, you think my father was too ruthless, but you know too little about things within the family."

Among the four great families, the influence of the Xiao family is too strong, and the others are always inferior in front of the Xiao family.

Even the Jiang family is the same. Jiang Wan once saw that his father Jiang Zhen personally went to Xiao Huaili for a deal, but Xiao Huaili did not see him at that time.

Xiao Huaili did not say anything to refuse, nor did he let Jiang Zhen into the house, so Jiang Zhen stood outside the house for four hours.

Staring at a round of scorching sun, no matter who stood under the sun for four hours, his body was a little overwhelmed, so at the last moment, Xiao Huaili said something and agreed to help.

"These... these things, my father never talked to me."

"Father didn't tell you because the Jiang family has always been a woman in charge. Besides, even if it tells you what can be done, the father will not tell his children the grievances."

So this time when her father asked her to marry into the Xiao family, Jiang Wan did not resent or oppose it. She was a member of the Jiang family and had to make sacrifices for the Jiang family.

"In the eyes of others, we are well-dressed and distinguished, but who can know our helplessness. This time the marriage contract was originally a deal."

"Sister, I know it's wrong. From now on, I won't talk back to my father."

"It's good for you to understand these, brother one day, you will grow up and understand these, I like Xiao Yi quite, but..."

Jiang Wan didn't continue speaking, turned and left here. At this moment, Jiang Yang heard the sound of tears falling in his heart.

Indeed... living in this world, many things are involuntary.

Jiang Yang seemed to have grown a lot at this moment. He clenched his fists and swears in his heart.

"I must get the right to change the status quo of the Jiang family!"

He knew how patience he himself was. The only way was to grow himself. He had a goal in his heart.

Since Xiao Yi had such a high evaluation in the eyes of others, he followed Xiao Yi, and he always had a feeling in his heart, as if Xiao Yi could do everything.

At around eight o'clock in the morning, Xiao Yi drove to the warehouse where Jiang Yang stored the racing car. Jiang Yang just came over, and Jiang Yang waved to Xiao Yi when he got off the car.

"Brother-in-law, isn't your company busy? You came here so early."

"It's not that you don't know. I have never interfered with things in my company. Just let them solve it. I just pretend to be there."

"The chairman of the company, it takes a certain level of realm to make you so happy brother-in-law."

"Don't open the door to me here. Open the door as soon as possible. Time waits for no one."

Xiao Yi also acquiesced to the title of brother-in-law. Jiang Yang could call it whatever he wanted, and he didn't suffer anyway.

Jiang Yang went to open the door, Xiao Yi took off his computer from the car, and the modified data was on the computer, and the data should not be deviated.

The three cars were all made by Jiang Yang, and now they need to be disassembled and modified. Jiang Yang took out a set of tools, and Xiao Yi opened the cover first.

"Take down the engine first and leave this job to you. It should be fine, right?"

"Of course it's okay. I'm also someone who knows cars anyway. Brother-in-law, you are busy with you. Leave this to me."

Jiang Yang is the young master of the rich family, and he can put down his frame for this kind of work, and after taking out the tools, he quickly began to work.

Although Jiang Yang didn't do things well, he worked very **** the car side. Xiao Yi went to prepare other things. Jiang Yang had already removed the engine.

"Brother-in-law, what should I do next?"

"I have checked. The gearbox of this car does not match the engine. The engine has strong power, but the gearbox responds too slowly. Remove it and replace it with this one."

"Knowing my brother-in-law, I said why my car always speeds up by half a beat. It turns out that this is the problem."

Xiao Yi studied these three cars yesterday. The performance of the three cars has its own advantages. The best modification method is to disassemble the three cars and then assemble them into one.

Jiang Yang worked very fast, changing the removed gearbox to the orange racing car. After such a toss, it was already nine o'clock in the morning.

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