Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 2957: Early War Book

The high-speed sports car was unstoppable even in this way. The speed was just a little slower. In the end, the whole car bounced and fell into the lake.

Xiao Yi dashed forward, Jiang Yang followed behind him, and soon arrived at Wang Yun's sinking point. Xiao Yi took off his shoes and stepped forward.

"Save people!"

"What? Brother-in-law, don't forget, we almost overturned the car by this man before."

Jiang Yang said, he felt that the current Wang Yun overturned was completely self-inflicted.

"We are still alive, if we don't save people, he will really die."

Xiao Yi jumped into the water without hesitation. Don't look at the inconspicuousness of the lake. He only knew how deep he jumped, and Xiao Yi swam forward following it.

Ferrari fell into the water, and under the weight of the body, it soon sank into the water. Wang Yun in the car had no time to escape and could only watch as he sank to the bottom.

Jiang Yang was a little angry, standing on the shore waiting for Xiao Yi, Xiao Yi was so generous, he couldn't do it, and now he drove away directly.

When the Ferrari fell into the water, the door could not be opened at all under the action of the water pressure. Xiao Yi took a lot of effort and broke the glass of the car.

Wang Yun, who had fainted in the car, was dragged out of the car, and then swam back towards the shore. Innocent Xiao Yi didn't want to look at him. A good man just died.

Three minutes later...

Xiao Yi dragged Wang Yun ashore, put the man aside, and shook the water on his body.

Jiang Yang took a look, Wang Yun was lying there motionless, and an idea suddenly came to his mind and said to Xiao Yi.

"Sister...Brother-in-law... Isn't he going to die?"

"It's only a few minutes. It's not that easy to die. At the critical moment, he is very awake, knowing to drive the car into the water."

"Then why is this person motionless?"

I found a piece of waterweed and stabbed Wang Yun a few times. There was still no movement. Jiang Yang seriously suspected that Wang Yun had already died.

Xiao Yi knows that he is not dead. However, the safety system of an expensive sports car like Ferrari is very perfect. If you drive on the wall, Wang Yun will definitely go to Yan Wangye for tea.

"After the shock and the impact of the collision, people passed out."

"I thought it was really dead."

Jiang Yang tried a bit, Wang Yun was still breathing, and he was relieved if he didn't die. If life were to be caused at this time, it would be really troublesome.

Xiao Yi walked to Wang Yun's side and squatted down, stretched out a hand to press the position of Wang Yun's left chest, and after pressing hard, Wang Yun suddenly sat up.

After coughing a few times, he himself felt dead. At this moment, he watched him on the shore, with Xiao Yi and Jiang Yang in front of him, knowing that he was still alive.

"Ahem... Ahem..."

Xiao Yi rescued Wang Yun. The Ferrari sports car in the original bet has now become a waste product. It is useless to keep it.

"It seems that there is no big problem. Okay, Jiang Yang, let's go first. There is no problem with the vehicle test. Go back and prepare for tomorrow's race."

"I know my brother-in-law."

Jiang Yang patted his butt. He looked at Wang Yun with a blank face and let out a dissatisfaction.

"You don't know anything about politeness. If it weren't for my brother-in-law to save you, you would be dead by now, and you wouldn't even say thank you."

With a cold snort, Jiang Yang caught up with Xiao Yi. This time Xiao Yi won the game, but Jiang Yang felt that the final result was a bit unfair.

Think about a multi-million-dollar sports car, for a person like Xiao Yi, it is nothing, he said to Xiao Yi now.

"Brother-in-law, Wang Yun, lost to you, and even the car is so scrapped. Are you afraid that he will hate you?"

"The rules of the game are well defined. Before the start, he is willing to bet and accept the loss. If he hates me because of this, it means that he is capable."

Xiao Yi wouldn't worry about this. Wang Yun, who was sitting on the ground, knew that he had walked around the ghost gate just now.

Those fans who followed him had all run away at critical moments. If it weren't for Xiao Yi, he would be dead now.

Lost a sports car, but compared to being alive, this is already a fortunate thing. Wang Yun stood up slowly, looking at Xiao Yi and Jiang Yang's back.

"Are you going to participate in the car race tomorrow night?"

"It has nothing to do with you."

Jiang Yang responded, Wang Yun's eyes were still unwilling to admit defeat. He felt that he could beat Xiao Yi, but it was just impulse.

"Then we'll see you at tomorrow's game, tomorrow I must beat you!"

Wang Yun was very self-belief. Xiao Yi stopped. He saw a lot of people like Wang Yun. Seeing this person's nature is not bad, here is a reminder of friendship.

"Okay! But let me remind you that what you think is your own business."

"Remind me what?"

"If you can't change your competitive character, you won't be so lucky in the next match."

Xiao Yi kindly saved his life, and when the outcome was already known, Wang Yun could still lose his mind. Such a person would die in the car sooner or later.

Wang Yun didn't take Xiao Yi's words to heart at all. He felt that he had his own way of doing things, and he didn't need Xiao Yi to teach him.

"Tomorrow I will beat you!"

"hope so!"

Xiao Yi drove Jiang Yang and left here first, leaving behind Wang Yun who was unwilling to lose.

This time, he lost a lot and lost to Xiao Yi. What's more important is that his sports car was destroyed. For the race tonight, he must prepare a new car.

Jiang Yang personally saw how domineering the car Xiao Yi refitted was in performance, he glanced at the back, and said to Xiao Yi now.

"Brother-in-law Niu saved him kindly, and he still doesn't appreciate it at all. This kind of person doesn't think it's worth saving him."

"There is nothing worthy or unworthy in the world, just follow your own inner thoughts to do it, and if you do, let's go back and talk about it."

Xiao Yi drove the car. The time of the game is at 10:30 tomorrow night. It is estimated that there are more than 100 contestants. There is no opponent in this kind of contest. You have to challenge yourself.

The same track has the same opportunity. At intervals, a car will be released from the starting point into the track. What you have to pay attention to is to finish the race in the shortest time on this track.

The person with the least time combined is the final champion. It seems that there is no danger, but because the time of the game is at night, the field of vision has a great influence.

Furthermore, the track is not a flat road, but a developed mountain road, which requires a wealth of experience. The friction of the tires and the suspension of the body must be considered.

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