Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 2961: You lose if you don't shoot

Korod has already lost. This is Xu Qiang's territory, and he can't mess around.

Besides, if you lose, you lose. There is nothing to quibble about, and Kold let go, sighing now.

"Although I am very unwilling, but the result is like this, I have already lost."

Xu Qiang stretched his fingers several times. Although he had won Korod, the process was not so easy.

"Your strength is very good, since Xiao Yi recommended you to come over, then I will arrange a suitable position for you, now you go down and rest."

The matchmaker was very happy to collect the money from the Poison King, and the winner was determined within a minute. According to the rules, she won.

"Big brother, sorry, this time I won."

"Hey... It's too weak, so you can support it for a while."

As he watched, the only fifty dollars left in his pocket was gone, the King of Poison felt very distressed.

I was complaining about Corod here, letting myself lose so fast, I was expecting to win another one. When I looked at Corod, his eyes were full of anger.

As soon as Kold entered the door, he noticed the Matchmaker and the Poison King. He didn't understand it, so the matchmaker was fine. There were good hands in women.

But the Poison King is about to enter the coffin, why is he here? Is this also Xiao Yi's arrangement?

"Captain Xu Qiang, I have a question in my heart. I wonder if you can answer it for me?"

"Please tell me any questions."

"I don't understand, or I don't understand. In your team, there will be such an old man. Does he clean us?"

Korod pointed to the Poison King. He spoke Chinese, so the Poison King could also understand him. When the words cleaning and sanitation were used on his body, he doubted the vision of Corod.

"You are talking about this old guy, I have to advise you in advance, don't provoke him, once he does it, you won't know how to lose."

"Maybe my opinion is different. A person who is about to enter the coffin really doesn't know what special ability he has."

The matchmaker covered her mouth and laughed a few times, Corod spoke very arrogantly, she was not the opponent of the big brother.

"Big brother, did you hear that, you seem to be undervalued."

"I've heard it all, this kid is so arrogant, it seems that I have to show him a little bit of color."

The Poison King stood up from his chair and walked to Korold. Krood saw from a close distance that there were some complicated runes on the Poison King's face, which looked like certain characters.

The face was a bit scary, but Korod wasn't frightened. He didn't put the poison king in his eyes and snorted coldly.

"What's wrong, old man, are you planning to challenge me too?"

"Boy, I just want to remind you, don't look down on others, otherwise you won't know how to die."

"The tone is really not small, the old man takes action, I will show you a few tricks and see what you can do."

Krod also wants the Poison King to do it first. The Poison King never fights close to others, because his opponent has already been recruited before he gets close.

When the Poison King stood in front of Kold, Kold said that he would let the Poison King do it first, and watched the Poison King unmoved. He said in a provocative tone.

"What's the matter? Do you lose strength when you get old?"

"Boy, you have lost, now I can kill you at any time."

"What do you mean?"

Korod still didn't understand, he just felt like something was crawling around his neck, just about to twist his neck right now.

"Cold, you better stay still. I said you don't provoke this old man. He can kill you at any time."

Xu Qiang reminded him. Using the corner of his eye, Korod saw a snake on his neck, not knowing when he climbed up.

The snake is red in color and has some black spots on its body. It has survived in the wild, and Korod knew that this snake is very venomous.

As long as it is bitten, there is still a 90% chance of death in the presence of anti-venom, and a drop of venom can kill four or five adults.

"Damn... when..."

Korod's face became paler, and he moved his fingers before he saw a furry spider lying on the back of his hand.

The spider is the size of a walnut, and on a huge belly, there is a pattern that looks like a human face. This spider is named Black Widow.

"Forgot to tell you. This old guy looks safe, but he is actually the most dangerous one of us. He is best at using poison."

Xu Qiang told Kold that there was a poisonous snake on his neck and a poisonous spider on the back of his hand. Before he could do anything, he was bitten by these poisons.

There is no room for action at all, and now he finally understands what Xu Qiang said, don't provoke this old man.

"Why... why didn't you say it earlier."

"You didn't ask, the old guy has been merciful, if he used poison in advance, now you have lie down."

"Damn...get these things away, it's not a joke."

Korod said in horror, once he was bitten, his fate would be an explanation.

I have thought of countless ways to die, but I don't want to die so useless. Xu Qiang said to the Poison King when he saw that he was almost done.

"Okay, put your things away, he has already realized the mistake."

The Poison King also intends to continue to punish Korod. Xu Qiang spoke here and spared him this time. He took a step forward and stretched out a hand.

The poisonous snake on Kold's neck, like the poison king's personal pet, followed the poison king's arm and crawled into the poison king's pocket.

The black widow spider also crawled to the side. These things were no longer on his body. At this moment, Korold breathed a sigh of relief.

"Scared to death... I was scared to death. How could such a terrible person exist in China."

Korod was almost peeing on his pants. Just now, at that instant, death was about to come, and he realized that it was really lucky to be alive.

Xu Qiang patted Corrod on the shoulder, and Corrod was taken aback again. He thought that something strange appeared on his body. He was bitten by a snake once and feared the rope for ten years.

"Calm... Calm, don't worry, Korod, now you are ours, you won't be able to attack you, you just need to know that this old guy is very dangerous."

"Next time I will never provoke him easily. It's terrible."

"Well, you go to rest first, we have no action for the time being. The current task is to repair."

Korod hurriedly withdrew from the room, but didn't want to encounter the terrible experience before. Seeing Korod leaving embarrassed, the Poison King laughed.

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