Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 2975: The Little Prince of Saudi Arabia

Xiao Yi still wondered who would come here, and when he walked out of the tent, he saw a stranger.

It turned out that the other party smelled the hot pot, so he found here along the way, a blond foreigner.

She looks a bit handsome, nearly 1.8 meters tall, with a handsome face, I don't know how many ignorant girls' hearts will be charmed.

"I can smell the scent of food. I didn't expect someone to cook and eat leisurely in such a place. It smells very good. Can you let me taste it?"

"It seems that you should have also come to participate in this competition. Sure enough, this competition attracted many people to participate."

"It is true that I am here to compete. If you treat me as your opponent, I will not be able to enjoy this dinner with you."

The young foreigner said, Xiao Yi shook his head, he was not so stingy, and he extended a hand in a friendly way.

"Just don't want to be wrong. Whether you are participating in the competition or doing other things, since you have found this place, we are friends. China has always treated friends sincerely."

Xiao Yi stretched out his hand and the two people shook hands here. The young foreigner smiled knowingly and stepped forward and grabbed Xiao Yi's hand.

"As expected to be the chairman of Tenglong Group, I was just looking for a place to try Huaxia's hot pot. I didn't expect to meet you here."

"Oh? Do you know me?"

"Among the most promising group companies in China today, Tamron Group is one of them. How can I not know Chairman Xiao."

Xiao Yi certainly didn't know the foreigner in front of him, but this person actually knew him.

There was some joy in my heart, and it seemed that he was quite famous, Xiao Yi touched his nose and said.

"Unexpectedly, my reputation has become so big now. After all, the weather outside is a bit cold. Let's go into the tent and have dinner together."

"Don't you ask who I am?"


No matter how foreigners think, they would never expect Xiao Yi to say the word lazy. According to common sense, Xiao Yi should ask his name and identity at this time.

However, Xiao Yi's approach surpassed his imagination. As expected, it was the same as the information stated. This was a person who never played cards according to common sense.


"Yes, I am a lazy person, and your name is not very important."

"Okay, I see. I'm sorry to interrupt your dinner. I really can't resist the smell of this food."

Xiao Yi invited the foreign friend to enter the tent and sit down together. When this person entered the tent, Jiang Wan recognized it at a glance.

She stared at the foreign man in front of her with surprised eyes, and finally confirmed that it was indeed correct, that it was indeed that person, but she did not expect that this person would appear here.

"Sorry to some friends for interrupting your meal."

"Sit down first. Our hot pot ingredients are just out of the pot. You came over just as you were about to move the chopsticks. It's not a distraction."

Xiao Yi found bowls and chopsticks for this person. This foreign friend saw Xiao Yi and they all sat cross-legged, and they tried it themselves, but they had to admit that they were not suitable for sitting like this.

This is a kind of exclusive sitting posture of Huaxia people, it seems very simple, but for them, sitting down with two legs crossed, it feels like their legs are about to break.

"Okay, you don't need to be in front of you, you can feel free to be here, and let me introduce you by the way, this is..."

Xiao Yi pointed to this foreign friend, and stopped here, as if he had forgotten the important link.

"By the way, what's your name?"

The handsome young foreign guy, with one hand on his chest at this time, salutes here.

"Oh... my name is Muhammad Arabe Kolov Arafat"

He introduced himself very seriously. This is his name. Xiao Yi felt a little confused when he heard it. He didn't understand why foreigners should have such a long name.

"Oh... this friend named Mu."

"Ahem...Xiao Yi, my last name is not Mu, but Arafat is my last name."

"Why do you not have the surname Mu, why the first word is Mu? You foreigners are really troublesome. If you change to China, there will be times when you cry."

Xiao Yi poured a few drinks and saw that this foreign friend looked very confused, he said immediately.

"Well, let me explain. In our China, the teacher will punish students to write their own names. If you write such a long list more than a hundred times in succession, think about how it feels."

"It turned out to be like this. Fortunately, in our country, students don't have homework."

"Okay, eat and eat. Hot pot can be regarded as a major feature of our China. In this kind of weather, there is nothing more real than having a hot pot meal."

Arafat couldn't wait any longer, especially when he saw the boiling soup in the pot, boiling.

The red oil flower floated on the upper layer, and then he used chopsticks to pick up some food and put it on the plate in front of him. A pair of chopsticks was very skillful.

Dip it with the dipping sauce that Xiao Yi has prepared here, put it in your mouth and taste it carefully. The spiciness is burning in the mouth, and the blood all over the body is about to boil.

Jiang Wan has been paying attention to the changes in the face of the little foreign prince. No one knows the true identity of this person except her.

However, Jiang Wan knew that the kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the son of the chief of the kingdom of Saudi Arabia, was originally a rich and oily country. The rich oil resources made this country an economic power.

The man in front of him is the son of the king. He has been endowed with many auras since he was born. The little Saudi prince can be said to have been cultivated into a perfect man.

Foreign and domestic are different. Most of the sons of rich people only know how to eat, drink and play, and become a second generation of waste. Their offspring are rich in knowledge and strong independent ability.

"Unexpectedly, this little Saudi prince would also be interested in this kind of racing competition. It would be a good thing for Xiao Yi to get to know this kind of people."

Jiang Wan recognized the identity of the little Saudi prince, but the little prince in front of him did not say his identity, so Jiang Wan didn't say anything.

"Wow... it's really spicy. They all say Huaxia's hot pot. You can't stand it after a bite. It really tastes very special."

Alphat opened his mouth wide, fanning his hand here, the image of the little prince was gone, feeling the burning feeling of his mouth.

He is the identity of the little prince, and his family was originally a wealthy country, but at this time, it turned out to be a simple hot pot meal with Xiao Yi and the others in the tent.

"Drink a glass of juice to ease it. You foreigners eat spicy food, which makes us a thousand miles away."

"Thank you, the taste is really good, although it is too spicy, but I still want to take a second bite."

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