Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 2980: Extreme performance

Jiang Yang believes that the score within ten minutes is already a limit, and no one will exceed this score.

At the same time, Jiang Yang was also curious as to how Xiao Yi concluded that the person who ate with them just now could break the record of Viper.

The next moment was to witness the miracle. The young man who had just eaten hot pot with them, the speed of his car was soaring. At the fastest time, the limit speed increased to two hundred and one.

And it’s very magical that when this person is driving the vehicle, the speed of the vehicle drops instantly when cornering, and when the curve passes, the speed of the vehicle increases again.

"Brother-in-law...this... half of the journey took less than four minutes. Although this is downhill, it's not so fast, right?"

Through the live broadcast, Jiang Yang knew what was going on. Judging from the current speed, this person was already ahead.

"His driving skills are very good, but the most important thing is in his car."


"It's this car, don't look at this car, it's a lot of black technology."

From the very beginning, Xiao Yi noticed the chariot of the little Saudi prince, and most people couldn't get such a car.

If you use a hard definition, the little prince has been hanging up since the beginning, and the game has lost fairness. According to his level, he is almost the same as Chen Feng and the others.

But the important point is that in this racing game, there are no regulations at this point. Everyone drives a modified car. If you want to blame, you can only blame your lack of skills.

"Our young man from abroad, called Zhao Yun, seems to be about to set today's highest record. He is climbing and will soon pass the finish line."

The on-site personnel broadcasted the report. At this moment, the very calm Viper, who was sitting aside, stood up and watched the changes in the above data.

"Why such a person came up again? Is his speed faster than mine?"

Viper's eyes widened, and the final result soon verified his guess that the little Saudi prince had successfully passed the finish line.

There was a timer on the finish line. After calculating the passing time of the contestants, the time was finally fixed at nine minutes, twelve seconds and three. All previous records were refreshed.

"It's amazing. We have a brand new record tonight. If nothing else, this result will win today's championship."

The little Saudi prince has been adventurous since he was a child, likes this kind of exciting activities, and of course also loves racing.

In his own private garage, there are more than fifty cars with different performances. He not only likes cars, but he is also good at refitting cars.

People use their own strength to prove that the children of rich people don't necessarily have to be the second generation of waste, knowing that they can eat and wait for death.

" seems that your runner-up is out of play tonight. This time we are unlucky and met such a strong opponent."

Jiang Yang thought about giving up this time. It was too difficult to win the game, especially since this record was set. I would not have made such a suggestion.

"I don't think I don't have a chance. The opportunity is in people's hands. It's a shame that I can't fight it even if it comes."

Xiao Yi wouldn't admit defeat easily, and he also had his own assassin. There was still no definite figure on what the result would be like.

"Brother-in-law, can you really win the championship?"

"I don't know the championship, but at least I have to make a top three. Now when I am short of money, I must seize the opportunity to make money."

Soon it was Xiao Yi's turn to appear on the stage. The player ranked in front of Xiao Yi, five minutes after the departure, Xiao Yi started from the starting position and set off towards the hillside.

Among the many racing cars, Xiao Yi is very ordinary. After getting on the car, Xiao Yi turned on the additional instrument on the car, and all the data showed normal.

"Running with so many top cars, just by ordinary means, you will definitely lose, this time it is up to you."

After the red light turned green, Xiao Yi drove off. His car did not have much advantage in speeding up, and it did not arouse anyone's attention after the start.

The speed of the downhill section quickly increased to 120. In such a dark environment, Xiao Yi could see that everything around him had no effect. He just needed to concentrate at the moment.

In the most stable state, as the vehicle warms up, the performance gradually shows its advantages. The temperature of the tires is rising, and you need to pay attention to the grip of the tires on the downhill section.

On the other side, Jiang Wan saw that Xiao Yi had already started. Regardless of other things, he invested all the remaining funds in Xiao Yi, and it didn't matter whether he won or lost.

She only hoped that Xiao Yi could return safely. Life is more important than anything else. Soon Xiao Yi passed a series of bends and entered the valley.

Except for Jiang Wanzhi and Jiang Yang, no one else followed Xiao Yi, but there was a lot of money betting on Xiao Yi.

In the valley is a rugged mountain road. The entire race track spans three peaks, and the end point is on the top of the last peak. Xiao Yi can see where the end point is.

In more than four minutes, half of the journey was passed. This result can only be said to be average, because the first half of the road is downhill, and the next is the focus.

"Now is the time to fight, but I am here for the result of winning."

The road in front became an uphill section. At this time, Xiao Yi increased the engine speed to 8,000 rpm, the tires rolled across the road, and the stones were all splashed.

The car galloped away and rushed into the front corner. The speed remained above 120 when cornering, due to the practice of "Xuan Tian Dao Fa".

Xiao Yi could foresee the change of the route in advance and grasp the timing of every turn. Soon Xiao Yi's results were constantly approaching.

Among the many contestants in the competition, Xiao Yi's current score was originally ranked 17th, but now this ranking has risen, narrowing the gap with the first place.

"Brother-in-law, you must always pay attention to the changes in tire pressure. The temperature at night is low, but after the car is running, the temperature of the air in the tires changes. This way of drifting makes it easier to accelerate the rise of tire temperature."

Jiang Yang found a problem. In order to shorten the gap with other players, Xiao Yi had to corner at high speed every time, so he needed to use the drift method in advance.

This is true, but the friction between the tire and the ground will cause the internal temperature to rise, and there are many corners ahead. If this continues, the tire will not be able to withstand it.

Once a puncture occurs, it is definitely not in the rankings. More importantly, a puncture at a high speed will eventually cause car crashes.

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