Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 2988: We are not in a hurry

In people's impression, the desert, in addition to being mysterious, represents death.

Once trapped in the desert, all kinds of bizarre things will happen, and finally exhausted and trapped in the desert.

But these are just rumors. Xiao Yi walked in the desert with his light car and took Jiang Wan through a sand dune.

"Xiao Yi, how do I feel, you are familiar with this desert?"

Jiang Wan asked, Xiao Yi didn't need positioning equipment, and he knew exactly where there were Populus trees and ponds in the desert.

At the beginning, Jiang Wan was still worried that if she was thirsty and had no water to drink, it would be very troublesome. Now it seems that she is completely worried.

"Because when I was in the army, the wild survival plan that was often made was in this desert."

Holding a short knife in his hand, Xiao Yi cut off the outer skin of a thing that looked like a human arm.

"So this place is like my back garden to me. Give... a bite and a taste."

"What? Can this be eaten?"

"I must be hungry from the morning till now, try a bite and replenish your strength first."

Jiang Wan is very curious, can the things Xiao Yi hold really eat? However, Xiao Yi said a lot, and they now had no second choice.

She tried to take a bite, and after chewing a few times, she couldn't bear the smell, and she vomited it all out, Jiang Wan frowned.

"What is this! There is a smell of soil and a bitterness, it is terrible!"

It seemed that this kind of result had already been expected, Xiao Yi laughed a few times, and he took a bite, eating with relish.

Jiang Wan watched for a long time, but didn't see Xiao Yi spit it out. She really ate it. Xiao Yi could accept this strange taste.

"This is a kind of plant that grows in the desert. Don't look down on it. It can store underground water in its rhizomes. Even if it doesn't rain for a whole year, it can survive."

Xiao Yi explained that when he was training in the desert, he did not suffer less, because combat training usually lasted a week.

In a week, only one pack of compressed biscuits were given as rations, and one pack of compressed biscuits could not support even a day. For this reason, if you want to train, you must find a way to solve the food problem.

"There are still a lot of things to eat in the desert. This is already a good taste. The bitter taste is because this thing has medicinal properties and has the effect of clearing heat and detoxification.

"Okay, then I'll have another bite..."

"You have to chew slowly so that your mouth can adapt to the taste. It must be unbearable like you."

Xiao Yi hadn't told Jiang Wan that they were crazy to find food. They could catch all the voles within one kilometer above the Gobi Desert.

This time Jiang Wan followed Xiao Yi's way, biting down some of it and chewing slowly, a bitter taste spread in her mouth, she was holding back to swallow the juice.

"You are the young lady of the Jiang family. If someone knows that you and I are eating this thing here, will they be laughed at?"

"The current Jiang family is not qualified to laugh at me."

"Why is this?"

Jiang Wan didn't say anything. After returning this time, she would leave Huaxia to prepare and wait to marry into the Xiao family.

"Nothing...Xiao Yi, thank you, being with you made me understand a lot of things."

"What do you say all of this suddenly?"

"It's just some thoughts in my heart. My brother has always admired you. I can see that he wants to make some changes. If you have time, you can teach him more."

This is the biggest thing in Jiang Wan's mind. The younger brother's personality is pretty good, and he can't just give up for a lifetime.

Jiang Yang lacked a person to take him. Xiao Yi was the most suitable person. Following Xiao Yi's words, Jiang Wan had nothing to worry about.

"Listen to what you mean, as if you are leaving China, why are you leaving?"

"Xiao Yi, you should also know that there are some things in the Jiang family, and I still need me to go back. If I leave, Jiang Yang will ask you."

Xiao Yi didn't care too much, he nodded, this is still possible.

"I promise you that. It is eleven o'clock in the morning. We can walk out of this desert for another three hours."

"You are like a living map. No wonder you are not worried at all, but..."

"Just what?"

Jiang Wan had been paying attention to her surroundings from the beginning, she was a little worried, and said to Xiao Yi.

"Xiao Yi, do you think that those who chase you away so easily won't show up?"

"You mean they will show up again, right?"

"Before, they obviously wanted to get rid of you at all costs. It was just a sandstorm. I don't think it will stop their actions."

Xiao Yi nodded, he thought about this too, but didn't tell Jiang Wan.

"It seems that you and I think about it together. Those people were stopped by the sandstorm and didn't continue to chase them, but it doesn't mean that they just gave up."

"So I'm thinking, those people will definitely appear, perhaps in the place where we must pass. They lie in wait for our appearance."

"You deserve to be the woman who took over the Jiang family's business at the age of eighteen. She has a better thinking than your brother and is not on the same level."

Jiang Wan's analysis was well done, and until now, no trace of those people has been seen, indicating that those people have some scruples in their hearts.

Knowing that Xiao Yi is not an ordinary person, if they concentrate on searching, if the direction is wrong, they will miss this opportunity.

It would not be a wise choice to separate. For fear of being killed by Xiao Yi one by one, the best way is to wait for Xiao Yi to appear.

"At this time, you still have the mind to tease me. Since you have thought of this, do you have any solution?"

"Naturally, I have survived a series of catastrophes, and I can't be troubled by this."

Xiao Yi looked confident, Jiang Wan didn't seem to need to remind Xiao Yi deliberately for this, and the two continued to cross the desert.

At this moment, on the edge of the desert, the front is a city. This is the closest route to the desert and a place that must be passed.

Five off-road vehicles were hidden behind the sand dunes to prevent special circumstances from appearing. At this moment, the five of them chose a hidden place and waited for the target to appear.

"Are we waiting here? If he gets trapped in the desert, wouldn't it be worth waiting?"

"You are underestimating him, how could the Death God of the China Wolf Warriors team be trapped in such a desert? He has raised his spirits. Don't be careless."

Believing that Xiao Yi will definitely appear, at this position, the five people made the most rigorous arrangement, waiting for Xiao Yi's arrival.

As long as Xiao Yi appeared and aimed at the three sniper rifles, no matter how strong the cultivation base was, it was impossible to avoid them. They had to complete the mission of the young master in order to survive.

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