Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3022: Gateway selection

The second elder already knew about Xiao Yi's special identity.

This secret will be revealed sooner or later, and now the second elders begin to worry about their position.

I have discussed it before, and Ji Jiangyue has already said very clearly that if he has tried his best to break dawn, he must keep Xiao Yi.

Even if she was the only one at dawn, she would still have the same choice.

As the great elders, they all made this kind of decision, and the people who assisted them naturally had nothing to say.

"You are worried about the attitude of the Xiao family, because of Xiao Yi's existence, sooner or later it will cause trouble to the upper body."

"After all, this is something that is about to happen. For us, the Xiao family is an existence that we can't afford."

"Yeah, if it weren't for this kid, it would be impossible for us in our entire life to have contact with people in this family."

The third elder is about to live to be a hundred years old, and this age is relatively rare. He feels that he has enough to live.

One has to do several meaningful things alive, and adopting Suzaku is one of them, and it is the same today.

"No matter how far he can go in the future, my old bone has a limited amount of time to live, so it's okay to go out more."

The second elder had the same idea in his heart, breaking dawn has been sticking to the rules, and it is time for a new change.

"The people of the Black Dragon Association have dared to take the initiative. It seems that they have enough confidence."

"The crazy scientist has been doing research, and the technology is probably mature. I don't know what kind of monsters will be created."

"Never let such a laboratory exist, we must find an opportunity to completely eliminate this harmful thing."

This so-called experiment is beyond the scope that normal people can understand.

Last time Qinglong and his party of four, there was an extra Xiao Yi, and it can be said that they returned without success.

The people in the Black Dragon Club had to take a detour when they heard the word Dawn, and now they have the power to compete.

"I'm afraid it will be difficult to do. The only way to find the wolf to join forces, if the two sides jointly launch an attack, it may be successful."

"I'll take care of this matter when I go back, and I'll talk about it after I have passed the hurdle before me."

At this moment, except for a clipper at dawn, approaching Xiao Yi's side.

Before that, another ship entered the Arctic Ocean from the snowy field and detoured the Bering Strait.

The ship originally stayed in the high seas area, and has not made any movements, which also attracted the attention of the dawn.

It was ascertained that this ship was from the Black Dragon Association, and the recent actions of the Black Dragon Association were relatively rampant.

When some armed forces that were moving outside did not react, the killer of the Black Dragon Society had quietly arrived.

The thunder attack did not leave any chance of survival for the opponent. Now the black dragon will unilaterally grow stronger and the limelight is in full swing.

Just yesterday, this ship suddenly took action, bypassing China's waters, and turned its direction and headed directly south.

The person in charge of monitoring reported the news to the three elders in time, and after a comprehensive analysis, it was confirmed that it was directed at Xiao Yi.

"I'd better contact Xiao Yi, this kid, although it is a bit out of date, but for the sake of safety, I can only do this."

"According to the speed of that ship, it will take tomorrow to arrive. Don't disturb him today."

The third elder thought, Xiao Yi must be busy with his own business now, and after a call, he lost his thoughts.

Anyway, the two old guys were also rushing over here, and it would not be too late to inform Xiao Yi tomorrow.

Xiao Yi knows nothing about this. The yacht he rented sails on the sea and soon reached his destination this time.

This sea area is considered a shallow sea area, with many small islands and coral reefs nearby.

It is precisely because of such a unique geographical environment that the landscape of this sea area is created.

Standing on the deck, a large piece of sea water looked like a transparent crystal.

The sea is clear and you can see the bottom of the sea, the fishes foraging in the sea, and the large coral reefs.

"It's really beautiful here, no wonder there are so many tourists here, this time we can be considered a tourist."

Han Bing was sitting on the side of the ship. She took off her shoes and swayed back and forth with her bare feet.

The wind, with the breath of freedom.

Xiao Yi originally planned this way. Taking wedding photos is also a trip.

During the second period, all matters of the Tamron Group were handed over to Wang Rong and Meng Qi to take care of them.

Wang Rong returned from studying abroad. This time she came back and brought back the Edward family, advanced management concepts.

It also made Wang Rong more confident in her work. She stayed in the Tamron Group, the chairman's office, and she needed to make decisions about all matters.

"Xiao Li, has the financial settlement been cleared?"

"Yeah! I put the report on your desk, just waiting for you to sign it."

The assistant said, Wang Rong looked through it and found this report.

She was doing financial affairs before, and this statement can be confirmed with a glance.

"Well, you did a good job, basically there is no problem."

Wang Rong picked up a pen and quickly signed it. This statement is now valid.

Assistant Xiao Li thought that Wang Rong should think about it carefully. After all, such a report only needs to be signed.

It means that the company is about to leave 27 people at once, and any large group does not want this to happen.

"Mr. Wang, don't you plan to think about it again? Our company currently suffers from serious staff shortages, and many departments are unable to proceed."

"Those who want to leave can't be kept, and those who want to stay will naturally not go. There is nothing to hesitate."

Wang Rong said, Assistant Xiao Li also kindly reminded that if the chairman is not there, everything must be handled properly.

"Xiao Li, you should also know that Yang Wanxiong's salary for you is twice that of here, why didn't you choose to leave Tamron?"

"Manager Wang, did I do something wrong? You want to drive me away?"

"Don't get me wrong, I'm just asking, working under my hands, I won't drive anyone away."

Assistant Xiao Li was worried that it was superfluous. Indeed, she also knew that Yang Wanxiong's conditions were attractive.

Many people were absorbed by Yang Wanxiong, and they all had the same idea, and Yang Wanxiong gave generous conditions.

"Mr. Wang, you brought it up with your own hands. Besides, Tamron treated me well, why should I choose to leave."

"The conditions given by Yang Wanxiong are indeed very attractive, but I think that Yang Wanxiong's character is not very good, and he has no future with him."

Assistant Xiao Li can see clearly that Yang Wanxiong is digging people like this crazy to empty other people's companies.

In the end, the unlucky one is still herself. She wants to stay in Tamron, so she would not choose Yangfeng as a ship.

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