Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3029: The **** battle begins

This is a battle of strength, and there is no room for neglect.

After the last action, Suzaku returned to the inside and increased the intensity of his cultivation.

She was originally a person who could not escape her fate. If she did not work hard, she would have no chance in the future.

"Our cultivation base is improving, and the power of these things is constantly strengthening. It is really scary to encounter such an opponent."

Suzaku wears a pair of steel claws in his hand, called the Sky Split Claw, which is the reward for Suzaku alone this time.

It is said that the empty claw is forged from volcanic stone from the crater, and the weapon itself carries the fire attribute.

It happened to cooperate with Suzaku's practice, which could restrain the power in her body.

Once you get this weapon, you can't insult the reputation of this weapon.

The scene in front of her could not help but improve Suzaku's spirit, she said to Qinglong.

"Yes! If this kind of power can be controlled and used on the right path, there won't be so much trouble."

"You don't need to make any effort to get things that are easy, but you still go astray."

"Be careful, don't stalk these things, find the weakness and kill in one fell swoop."

Qinglong is not the same as Baihu, he has to do things relatively more steadily, and the other people in this boat follow.

After seeing the scene in front of them, a heart hung up, and they could also feel this strong breath.

"What! Is this transforming people?"

"The breath is so terrible, we should fight this kind of thing."

"Only if the head is cut off is a kill, what kind of monster is it!"

Yamamoto drew out the katana. This battle was related to his honor, and Yamamoto needed to deal with it with energy.

As long as he had these powers behind him, he would definitely be able to leave Xiao Yi and others behind, Yamamoto said proudly.

"Xiao Yi, don't you think that this time you will be as lucky as last time, and eventually you will die in my hands."

"Really? I want to see if the things you brought can keep you!"

Xiao Yi stepped on the deck with one foot, jumped up and landed on the deck.

Yamamoto waved his hand, and the reformed samurai under his hand immediately surrounded Xiao Yi.

The forty warriors did not leave any gaps for Xiao Yi at all, and as soon as they made a move, Xiao Yi fell into a passive situation.

These warriors not only have immortal bodies, they also incorporate fighting skills and cooperate with each other tacitly.


Three elders, two Qinglong and Suzaku, followed closely on Yamamoto's ship, and the two joined the battle.

The twelve other members who broke the dawn formed a unilateral force, and the scene immediately became a melee.

"I looked at these young disciples, it was still a little troublesome to deal with, I went to help them."

"You have to be careful, and don't show mercy. These are no longer humans."


The second elder holds a spear, and the tip of the spear is made of iron.

Holding the spear with one hand, he held it on the deck, and the moment he landed, the tip of the spear pierced a warrior's chest.

Knowing that these things are not so easy to remove, the second elder grabbed the barrel of the gun and threw this person directly into the sea.

"Hehe... the old man hasn't done anything for a long time, so I'll accompany you this time!"

The second elder laughed a few times, and with the participation of the second elder, the young children who broke the dawn suddenly gained confidence.

Yamamoto stood on the periphery, he didn't panic, this was just the beginning.

At this moment, Yamamoto's gaze was fixed on the third elder. Holding the samurai sword, he jumped and landed beside the third elder.

The three elders turned their backs to Yamamoto, knowing what Yamamoto meant.

"You have been my defeat several times. Do you plan to challenge me this time?"

"I was indeed not your opponent before, but this time is different. I will use your blood to wash away my previous shame."

"Really? I won't be merciful this time."

Yamamoto took a few steps back. In the spirit of Bushido, in the case of a duel, it is forbidden to attack your opponent.

Even if you win, it will be shameful in the end. Yamamoto is very disciplined on this point.

The two were two meters apart, Yamamoto stopped, and at this moment the three elders turned around.

With a move of his sleeve, a long sword appeared in the hands of the three elders. This sword once cut Yamamoto.

At that time, the three elders were merciful, and the last thing he regretted in his life was that he could not directly kill Yamamoto at that time.

"This is what I want to say. Don't think that I will be merciless when you let me go last time. I can only complete the task by killing you."

"Do it!"

Yamamoto squinted his eyes and rushed towards him with a burst of strides.

The three elders shot their swords, and sparks burst out from the switching of the swords, and the three elders took a step back.

The long sword in his hand buzzed, and he smiled.

"Good knife!"

"The vision is good, this is Mr. Koizumi, a famous knife that rewarded me, and it is your honor to die by this knife."

"Hehe... Your strength is indeed much stronger, but I am not old yet!"

The third elder quickly adjusted his aura, Yamamoto's strength was much stronger, but the previous time he won Yamamoto, he didn't use his full strength at all.

Yamamoto attacked again, and he thought about waiting to deal with the three elders before dealing with Xiao Yi and the others.

The two were caught in a bitter battle, Xiao Yi and Suzaku Qinglong, the three of them looked after each other.

Xiao Yi burned the Dao Qi in his body and tried his best to kill the three people, and then the group rushed forward.

"Sure enough, this lunatic doctor is really a ghost."

"Xiao Yi, we have to deal with these people quickly. Be careful and change later."

The Qinglong long sword was cut down, and the samurai sword in the hand of a samurai was cut off by him and fell to the ground.

At the same time, one arm was severed by him, and these modified samurai could still attack with severed arms.

Dark blood was dripping from the deck, exuding a foul smell.

"Damn it! It's really difficult!"

"Be careful!"

Suzaku burned with a red aura, and the cracked claw in his hand broke a samurai's neck.

As a woman, she embarked on a completely different path. Faced with the enemy's vicious methods, she twisted a head off.

"This... this woman is getting more and more brutal."

Xiao Yi looked at him and was frustrated. Of the forty reformed warriors, there were 27 remaining.

The second elder's sword is not old, and a spear in his hand has become a sharp weapon for murder.

A shot pierced through the enemy's chest, which can serve as an elder who breaks the dawn, and naturally there are some means.

"A bunch of trash, relying on this method to improve their strength, how many people just go ahead!"

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