Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3031: Hard hit

The previous move that was meant to attack Yamamoto's right arm changed in an instant.

The three elders' long sword slashed on Yamamoto's left arm, and the back of his hand was chopped off with a sword and fell to the ground.

Yamamoto's right arm has been strengthened, but his left arm is not.

The fracture on his arm was flat, and the blood couldn't stop gushing out, and Yamamoto was angry at this moment.

"Damn it! You broke my left arm!"

"It turns out that you also have weaknesses. I thought you transformed yourself into a body of steel in order to deal with me."

The third elder laughed, and Yamamoto hit him in the chest with a punch. With this punch, his ribs were broken.

In the end, he couldn't help but sprayed out a burst of blood, and the duel between the three elders and Yamamoto had already been determined.

The physical exhaustion of the three elders became the biggest trouble, and he was already unable to continue fighting.

After some blood spurted from the fracture of Yamamoto Okao's arm, the skin covering the outer layer began to grow on its own right now.

The skin and muscles, at a speed visible to the naked eye, quickly wrapped up the wound, and Yamamoto's face was grim.

"With your current ability, you won't be able to kill me. You should go to death now!"

Yamamoto raised the katana, and the three elders leaned against the ship's side with trembling arms.

He saw that the body of Yamamoto Okao was surrounded by a black air, and his eyes turned blood red.

Yamamoto Okao still had a strong power, but at this moment the three elders were very calm.

Holding the long sword in his trembling hand, using the last strength in his body, he held the long sword straight at Yamamoto.

"Yamamoto, what else do you have, just use it!"

"I will personally send you on the road as you wish!"

Yamamoto grabbed the samurai sword and rushed towards the three elders. His shot was so fast that he arrived in front of him in the blink of an eye.

The third elder saw that the black energy entwined around Yamamoto's body had condensed into the appearance of a wolf.

With a big mouth full of fangs, he was about to swallow the three elders, and the three elders had the final consciousness.

"Dripping...Stone wear!"

A white glow condensed from the long sword in his hand, and the light burst instantly, covering the entire figure of the three elders.

At this moment, the three elders felt a little sacred against the white light.

A pair of muddy old eyes opened, and the three elders seemed to be much younger, and the long sword in his hand passed.

"go to hell!"

Yamamoto roared, and the katana slashed down with the wind and thunder.

The white light on the long sword condenses and condenses into a white water drop.

The three elders faced Yamamoto's moves, the long sword pierced out, and Yamamoto vaguely felt the danger coming.

He immediately deflected his body and used his right arm to block the attack of the three elders.


The third elder spit out a few mouthfuls of blood, and he saw a samurai sword piercing through his chest.

In a white robe, a blood-colored lotus flower bloomed quickly at the wound, and blood... dripped onto the deck.

Knowing that it would be such a result, the Third Elder had expected it, but he did not choose to avoid it.

Yamamoto held the katana, he was very satisfied with the current result, and smiled.

"You have tried it before. Your sword can't pierce my left arm. Why do you still want to do such a stupid thing."

"In order to gain strength, you did not hesitate to turn yourself into a test object. This really surprised me."

The third elder smiled and said, he released the long sword in his hand, the long sword did not fall to the ground.

"Does this kind of transformation feel painful?"

"How did you know?"

"It's not that my long sword can't hurt your right arm!"

Yamamoto's transplanted arm will not feel pain, even if the arm is cut off, he will not feel it at all.

In order to keep his right arm active, he needs to take medicine, and drinking this medicine is the most painful.

At this moment, he noticed that a long sword penetrated his right arm, and this sword completely destroyed his right arm.

He tried to move, but he couldn't control the movement of his arm at all, which meant that this arm was useless.

"What! You unexpectedly!"

Yamamoto was surprised that his transplanted arm was so abandoned by the three elders.

"Now your two arms are gone, even if I die, you are of no use!"

"Damn it!"

"I said, no matter how strong it is, it is not yours after all."

The third elder smiled and said, Yamamoto became angry, he lifted one foot and kicked over.

"Old stuff! I will make you pay!"

On the other boat, Suzaku's chest was dull, always feeling that something was going to happen.

Looking back on the situation of Master and Yamamoto, she couldn't accept such a result.

"Xiao Yi! Xiao Yi, go and save my master!"

Suzaku shouted loudly, Xiao Yi entangled with several reforming warriors.

After seeing the situation of the three old men, a purple glow burst out from his body, and he pinched the necks of the two reformed warriors with his bare hands.

"Go to death for me!"

The two heads were pinched by Xiao Yi. Xiao Yi jumped up and stepped on the ship's side.

"You two should be more careful, I will come right away."

Xiao Yi jumped from the ship in Yamamoto to the front of the three elders.

The third elder's move just now had already used all his body's last strength, and at this time he completely lost the ability to resist.

Being kicked in the chest by Yamamoto, aggravating the injuries of the three elders, Xiao Yi rushed over in time.

He held the shoulders of the third elders, immediately stopped the bleeding of the third elders, urged the Dao Qi in the meridians to be input into the third elders.

The third elder was seriously injured. A samurai sword pierced through his chest, but fortunately it was not on the left side, but penetrated the lung lobe.

"Xiao Yi boy, you are here, my old bones are no longer good, this time it has become your drag."

"Don't talk, don't worry if I am there, you will be fine."

Xiao Yi frantically urged the Dao Qi in the dantian to heal the three elders at this moment.

Fortunately, the physical fitness of the three elders was good, and the injury was serious this time, but his life could be saved.

Taking a pill from a bottle, stuffing it into the mouth of the third elder, Xiao Yi tried his best to treat it.

"Xiao Yi thank you, I feel much better!"

"Your injury is very serious. Then stay on the boat to rest and leave the rest to me."

Xiao Yi spent most of his energy and finally stabilized the situation of the three elders.

It's just that the three elders couldn't participate in the next battle, staying on the boat to rest, and going back to recuperate in time after the incident.

Yamamoto saw Xiao Yi rushing over, he knew how serious the knife was, and smiled.

"Xiao Yi, don't worry about it, no matter what you do, he is dead."

Xiao Yi suddenly turned around, his eyes bursting with murderous intent, and Yamamoto immediately stepped back.

This murderous aura was really terrifying, he had experienced it the last time Xiao Yi had his arms cut off.

"The generation of ants! Today I will show you the martial arts you want to learn all your life, but it is only the fur of China!"

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