Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3068: Woman's fate

When Jiang Zhen said the words, something was missing, so she had to say it herself.

Jiang Zhen followed her grandma and helped her out of the room. If there is a grandma, he doesn't have to worry about it.

The huge land of Jiang's family, where Jiang Wan lives, is just a corner of it.

A separate duplex loft. This is Jiang Wan's residence. Jiang Wan stays in the room on weekdays and rarely shows up.


As soon as he stepped into the door, Jiang Zhen shouted.

The old white-haired woman knocked Jiang Zhen on the leg with a cane, and Jiang Zhen shut up immediately without speaking.

"Say a few words, don't say anything that shouldn't be said, what do you shout with a voice!"

"Yes... Grandma said..."

After being knocked on a crutches, he could only stand aside obediently.

The room was very quiet. The old man glanced at it. Jiang Wan should not be on the ground floor. There was no one on the ground floor.

There are some paintings and calligraphy hanging around the walls on the bottom floor. The Jiang family's cultivation of future generations, piano, chess, poetry, calligraphy and painting, will not fall.

Even a piece of completely waste material, under the cultivation of the Jiang family, will emit a little light.

These calligraphy and paintings are all from Jiang Wan's handwriting. From the momentum of the calligraphy and painting, you can see a person's personality.

The layout is magnificent, not much worse than those famous artists, a woman can have such a state of mind, which shows her inner strength.

Near the window, there is a guqin, but there are few people playing the guqin.

The old woman didn't rush to find Jiang Wan, but turned around in the room alone, sighing leisurely.

"This may be destiny. If you were optimistic about her at the time, you wouldn't use Jiang Wan to replace her for marriage."

"Grandma is too late now, and now it's a foregone conclusion."

"I'm really reluctant to send such a good child to Xiao's house, but if there is a second option, I won't do it."

A withered and wrinkled hand touched the strings along the table, flicking the strings to make a melodious sound.

"You have someone you like, but you don't want to marry that Xiao Qing, I'm right, girl."

A door of the room on the second floor opened at this moment, and Jiang Wan walked out of the room with a haggard face.


"Okay, Jiang Zhen, you can go, we two women, here to talk about intimate, what are you doing here as a big man!"

The old woman sent Jiang Zhen away, leaving room for her to talk with Jiang Wan. There were only two of them here.

She can also say some things without worrying about other people's opinions. Jiang Wan also thought so at this time.

"Grandma, I'll go down first."

After Jiang Zhen withdrew from the room, only their grandparents were left here, and Jiang Wan walked to her grandma step by step.

She can disappear when others come, but grandma is different. Grandma is the oldest elder in Jiang's family.

Even Jiang Wan must obey her grandma's instructions. She took the initiative to walk aside and pour tea for the elderly.

"Grandma, please have tea."

Jiang Wan took the teapot and teacup, but the old woman took the teacup, but put it aside.

She looked at Jiang Wan's figure, put an old hand on Jiang Wan's shoulder, and sighed deeply.

"Wan'er, I grew up watching you and your sister grow up. Among people of your age, you are the most sensible and obedient."

"When you grow up, your grandfather passed away and left me alone. I rarely come to see you, and I don't know how you are doing."

Counting this Jiang Wan's room, she hasn't been here for four or five years, it's really because of too much housework.

In addition, because of her current age, she only likes to stay in her own residence and does not want to move around.

"Grandma, you worry too much. I, I have been doing well."

"Really? But your father told me that although you are back this time, your soul is still in China."

"Grandma, I..."

The old woman understood Jiang Wan's mind and what she was thinking.

Whether or not she admits it was Jiang Wan's business, she interrupted Jiang Wan and continued.

"We women, living in the world is not as happy as those men. Men are powerful and can have three wives and four concubines, while women can only concentrate on serving one man."

"I think I was the daughter of the Wang family. I thought I didn't need to worry about my life, but when I was an adult, it became a tool for marriage with the Jiang family."

"Later I learned that all the so-called love is just empty talk. No matter what kind of man you marry, you will end up living your life. It makes no difference."

The head of the Jiang family was originally named Wang, but it was a long time ago, and even she herself was about to forget her name.

People here call her ancestor, or Mrs. Jiang.

Life is a member of the Jiang family, and death is also the soul of the Jiang family.

"This is the fate of our women, the destiny destined to be born, Wan'er, do you understand what I said?"

Jiang Wan stood in front of her grandma, and she didn't understand the meaning of these words.

Although she didn't say it clearly, she had already expressed her grandma's meaning. Jiang Wan lowered her head and raised her head again at this moment.

"Grandma, you are wrong!"


"You were forced to marry into Jiang's family, so you have never experienced what it's like to like someone."

These words really make the old woman feel embarrassed. She was just sixteen when she was just an adult.

At the age of sixteen, without knowing what it means to be a relationship between men and women, a marriage contract has already been made.

Less than a year later, she was married into Jiang's family, so she had never experienced love.

The two people after marriage are just living together to fulfill the family agreement.

"I know I can't escape this fate, but grandma likes someone just like it. Even if I'm not with him, a heart is already his."

"What is the result of your such a girl, such hard persistence? Is it worth it?"

"There is nothing worth or not worth, as long as I feel worth it, that's enough."

Jiang Wan has a stubborn personality. The old woman has never seen it before. Jiang Wan has such a persistent time.

Whatever he believes in his heart will not change. It's no wonder that Jiang Zhen, who was before, couldn't do anything about his daughter.

"Hey... between the two of you, there will be no results, and after you marry the Xiao family, it will become an antagonism."

"That Xiao Yi will inevitably return to the Xiao family to get revenge for the blood debts he had originally. With his ability, where is Xiao Huaili's opponent."

"If you are really thinking about him, then forget him early and persuade him not to go back to Xiao's house. Forget the idea of ​​revenge. Living is better than anything else."

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