Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3072: Feel guilty

If Dr. Chen falls into the hands of the enemy, it will not only damage China's reputation, but more importantly, it will bring disaster to the world.

"What I am worried about is that if the lunatic kidnapped Dr. Chen and got the results of Dr. Chen's research, the results would be terrible."

"Don't worry, I will not let Dr. Chen fall into his hands."

Xiao Yi was temporarily transferred to serve as the captain of the Wolf Warriors team, leading this mission operation.

This time, the Wolf Warriors team had a total of 21 people working together. They were already ready, waiting for the final instructions.

After walking out of this room, Xiao Yi saw Lei Shen standing outside. This time the two of them were about to fight together again.

"Dead, Xiao Yi, are you back?"

"Well, how are you preparing?"

Xiao Yi stretched out one hand, and the two held them tightly. Thor was still the same as before.

"Everyone is waiting for orders, but after hearing that you are here, Xue Yaoyue insists on taking part in the action. I can't do anything with her."

"She's messing around."

"It's rare for you to come once, don't you go and see her?"

Lei Shen had nothing to do with Xue Yaoyue. This woman had a strange temper, and no one except Xiao Yi could be able to control it.

Especially recently, Xue Yaoyue felt like a piece of ice, as cold as bones.

Xiao Yi had planned to come back to see Xue Yaoyue again, and Lei Shen was right. Since he is here, I will meet her in the past.

Speaking of Xue Yaoyue, Xiao Yiqing couldn't help but think of Jiang Wan's name, this woman was almost exactly the same as Xue Yaoyue.

Jiang Wan once said to Xiao Yi that she hoped that Xiao Yi could take good care of her sister and younger brother, and promise to do things for others.

"Then please tidy up the personnel, I'll be over later."

"Hmm! I see, I will arrange it now."

Xiao Yi asked Lei Shen to gather personnel first to check the equipment, and he went to see Xue Yaoyue.

Since the Jiang family sent people to look for her whereabouts, Xue Yaoyue has been staying at the base and rarely going out.

She didn't want to be discovered by her family, and went back to Jiang's house to marry a strange man. Seeing the turmoil in Jiang's house, she was about to pass.

When Xiao Yi walked into Xue Yaoyue's residence, a chill came over his face, which was more effective than air conditioning.

"The coldness on this girl's body is getting heavier. It's time to teach her how to control the coldness in the body."

"No wonder others dare not approach, can her body bear such a heavy chill?"

"Hehe... this degree of coldness doesn't affect her much."

Zi Xu wanted to say that for Xue Yaoyue's physique, even if the cold air was several times stronger than it is now, it would not have much effect on Xue Yaoyue.

"You kid gave her two pieces of ice of ten thousand years. These two pieces of ice of ten thousand years are hard to find."

"I haven't seen her for a while, and I don't know what happened."

Xiao Yi stepped forward and pushed open the door. The cold air was too heavy, and he had to run Dao Qi to resist this cold air.

Pushing the door open, a figure rushed forward, holding Xiao Yi's neck tightly with both arms and not letting go.

Xiao Yi was almost knocked to the ground, and quickly stood firm, his whole face buried in his chest.

"woo woo woo woo……"

"You finally know that you have come to see me. I'm going to get sick every day when I stay here."

Xue Yaoyue only acted like a child in front of Xiao Yi, holding Xiao Yi and acting like a baby.

The only thing Xiao Yi was thinking at the moment was that Xue Yaoyue became more and more full.

With both hands supporting Xue Yaoyue's body, Xiao Yi finally struggled out of Xue Yaoyue's hand, panting with big mouths.

"I'm suffocated to death, and I'll be suffocated for a while."

"Ah... Xiao Yi, I didn't mean it."

Xue Yaoyue saw Xiao Yi still stuck in her chest, immediately let go and jumped off Xiao Yi's body.

"When I heard the footsteps, I knew it was you. You haven't seen me for a long time, and I forgot everything when I was happy."

"It's okay. Before, there were some things on my side that needed to be resolved. I'll come to see you right now."

"Don't lie to me, you think I don't know, this time coach Luo meant that you will come here."

Xiao Yi touched his nose, walked to Xue Yaoyue's room, Xue Yaoyue went to pour water on Xiao Yi.

Xue Yaoyue's room was simply furnished, with one bed and one desk. Apart from a few books on the desk, there was only one computer in the room.

The computer was researched and assembled by Xue Yaoyue herself, integrated with the current black technology on the market, and its performance was not generally strong.

As a computer hacker, it is a shame if you don't have your own computer.

"I have already unlocked the password that you asked me to open, and the internal information has also been submitted."

This document records the evil deeds of the Black Dragon Society, developing biochemical weapons, and experimenting with human bodies.

The last time Xiao Yi and the four of Suzaku started to work on the experimental base of the Black Dragon Society, the final result was nothing.

The situation was almost treacherous and he was still there. As the last resort, Xiao Yi concealed himself from the sky. Xuanwu stole important information from the inside of the laboratory.

In this regard, they have already made credit. This document exposed the crimes of the Black Dragon Society, and there was an upsurge to resist the Black Dragon Society around the world.

Now the Black Dragon Society has become the target of public criticism, but after the news spread, many people who were deliberately unpredictable were eyeing the experimental results of the Black Dragon Society.

After some transformation, you can greatly improve the combat effectiveness of your personnel.

If these are used on the battlefield of mercenaries, they will have a surprisingly winning effect.

Therefore, some people are secretly making dirty deals with the Black Dragon Club, which will only increase the ambition of the Black Dragon Club.

"How are you doing? The Jiang family didn't find you. It seems that they have all withdrawn. You can avoid the engagement."

Xiao Yi sat down and said that Xue Yaoyue paid more attention to some news from the outside world, especially the Jiang family.

"How did I hear that the marriage between the Xiao family and the Jiang family is being held as scheduled."

"Perhaps you are afraid of losing face. It's just a saying to the outside world. How can you fulfill your marriage contract?"

"If this is the case, I will become a sinner of the Jiang family, and the Xiao family will definitely be blamed for this."

Xue Yaoyue felt guilty, but she didn't regret what she had done.

Marriage is her own business, on what basis others should decide, even her parents and elders can never control her thoughts.

"These are not things you can worry about. After all, the Jiang family is also a powerful family, and the Xiao family can't blame it."

After the previous battle with Xiao Qian, Xiao Yi felt that this so-called big family was not a place for people at all, and was full of intrigues everywhere.

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