Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3082: Special door

A total of 21 people were dealt with in the cabin, and no shot was fired from beginning to end.

A team member grabbed a live one and brought it to Xiao Yi.

So far, they have searched the rooms in the cabin on this floor and have not found Dr. Chen's figure.

Going down to the cargo hold, the entrance to the cargo hold was sealed by a door.

This door blocked their movement, and the door lock was set inside and could not be opened from the outside.

Even the Zhan Spear tried, but Dr. Chen could not be found outside, indicating that Dr. Chen was in the cargo hold on the lower level.

"Captain, I caught a tongue."

The team members caught a living person and stood in front of Xiao Yi. The expression in his eyes showed an unconvincing look.

"It seems that you also grabbed a disobedient tongue and told me where Dr. Chen was locked by you? How do you open this door?"

Xiao Yi asked, this member of the Black Dragon Club seemed to be unable to hear what Xiao Yi said.

Turning his head to the side, Xiao Yi didn't have the patience before to treat such a less obedient person, so he continued to interrogate.

"Throw him into the sea."

Xiao Yi directly ordered that the members of the Wolf Warriors never asked why Xiao Yi did this.

They only need to be the captain's numerology, and they can do it.

This member of the Black Dragon Association was panicked at this moment, how could he be thrown into the sea.

Doesn't the interrogation generally require some means? Xiao Yi didn't play cards according to the routine, and he didn't give him a chance to speak at all.

Seeing that he was about to be dragged out, everyone with him died, he didn't want to be killed just like that.

" can't do this."

"So you can understand what I'm saying, I thought I was still dumb if I caught a tongue."

"You keep me alive, don't kill me and let me do anything."

The other members of the Wolf Warriors laughed, admiring the captain's means, so easily let this person speak.

Originally thinking that he would have to clean up this person, Xiao Yi saw the fear in this person's eyes, and knew that using a little trick, he immediately followed.

"Okay, tell me, where are you locked up by Dr. Chen? How many people are hiding on this ship."

Xiao Yi didn't believe in such a big ship. He just arranged these two dozen soldiers to give people experience.

If you dare to kidnap Dr. Chen, there must be another arrangement on this ship, and he must understand all this information.

"Look into my eyes and speak. Don't think your little tricks can fool me. If you lie, I will have someone cut your wrist and throw you into the sea."

The man immediately became more panicked, his legs kept shaking, and he almost fell to his knees in front of Xiao Yi.

I thought that this person was too cruel, and the blood would melt into the sea when he cut his wrist.

The **** smell will draw the sharks in the sea, and his fate will become the thing of those sharks.

"No! You can't do this!"

"Then it depends on whether you cooperate with my work or not. Let's talk about it now. Your way of death is up to you."

Xiao Yi reminded this humanity that this person immediately explained all the situation with Xiao Yi.

"Apart from us, there are 37 mercenaries on the lower floor of the cabin. They are separated from us."


"In the meeting, a few years ago, some people were sent to train mercenaries abroad. It was the mercenaries who were responsible for kidnapping Dr. Chen."

This is really news. Xiao Yi didn't expect that the power of the Black Dragon Society would have hidden parts.

In addition to the members of the club, a team of mercenaries has also been developed abroad.

There is no connection between the two on weekdays. In some special circumstances, this mercenary will be dispatched.

In the cargo hold on the next floor, there are 37 members of mercenaries. The situation is indeed very difficult.

"Other than that?"

"Apart from them is the doctor. The doctor brought two of his experimental works. It is said that they are very powerful, and I have never seen them."

"So that Doctor Madman, this time is also on the ship?"

The other party nodded. This is good news for Xiao Yi. He had long thought of getting rid of this lunatic.

This time Dr. Madman was also there, but Xiao Yi, the provincial governor, went to him, rescued Dr. Chen and got rid of the lunatic, two things could be done together.

"I have an account, and I'm still waiting to find him cleared. Is this the only entrance to the cargo hold on the ground floor?"

"Yes... this door can only be opened from the inside, even we have never entered."

Xiao Yi kept staring at this person's face change, knowing that he was not lying, and if he wanted to enter, he had to open this door.

"War Spear, can't you do anything about it?"

"The boss is really difficult for me this time. The door lock is set inside, and there is no way to open it outside."

War Spear had previously studied that the thickness of the steel of this fan was more than five centimeters. Unless blasting was used, the door could be exploded.

However, blasting would inevitably cause damage to the ship's hull. Dr. Chen is currently in the ship and they cannot take this risk.

The people on the boat seemed to have considered this, and by relying on such a door, they could stop Xiao Yi and the others.


"Unless what?"

"Captain, you can find Xue Yaoyue to try, she might have some special way."

Zhan Spear suggested that the operation of this door must be inseparable from the network terminal.

As long as it is an intrusion terminal and has the control right, you can easily let the door open by itself.

"I almost forgot her existence, now let her come and try."

"What about the captain?"

"Throw it into the sea!"

Xiao Yi said, this kind of soft-bodied soft egg at every turn, what use is it to keep.

The Black Dragon will not spare him when the time comes. Instead of doing this, it's better to do good and save him in advance.


The two dragged a dead dog and threw what they caught into the sea. The deepest part of the sea can reach a depth of more than 6,000 meters.

There is absolutely no hope of surviving after throwing it down, Xiao Yi contacted Xue Yaoyue, asked Xue Yaoyue to bring her computer and enter the cabin from the clipper.

"This is the situation. If you want to get inside, you have to go through this door. Can you open it?"

Xue Yaoyue glanced around, and she quickly found a broken network connection in the cabin.

"Let me try it first!"

Connecting the broken port to her computer, Xue Yaoyue quickly tapped the keyboard with her fingers, and a series of complex codes appeared on the keyboard.

Xiao Yi didn't know anything about these, and could only wait for the final result. After a minute, Xue Yaoyue frowned.

"It's interesting. The other party has discovered my intrusion and has set up a high-level firewall. It seems that there is a hacker master on this ship."

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