Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3094: Matter of principle

"I left without saying a word, and now I want to come back and come back, leaving it here for so many years without asking, why should I go to meet her, what qualifications does she have?"

"But she rarely comes back, do you plan to keep thinking about it?"

The second elder persuaded that he wanted Ji Jiangyue to go out to meet him.

This also shows her attitude, when the two sisters resolve their conflicts, they can live together as a family as before.

But this time the second elder was wrong. Ji Jiangyue was determined not to go out to greet her. She told the second elder directly.

"If you want to greet you, you can go out now, but things between us are not so easy to decide."

"This is not a matter of face. I can let go of pure face. The rules in principle will not change."

Ji Jiangyue continued to pick up the embroidery on the side and made a female celebrity here. What the second elder said was no longer useful.

The second elder had no choice but to sigh, since Ji Jiangyue had made up his mind, he had to express it.

"Then I will meet her. No matter what, I am considered an elder. I hope that this time, the two sisters can clear up their suspicions."

Leaving Ji Jiangyue's room, the second elder went to the dock location alone.

At this moment, Ji Jiangyue put down the things in her hands, she had no thoughts, and continued to do embroidery.

What the younger sister did this time made her feel very surprised. She didn't expect that at this time, her younger sister would choose to come back.

The original intention in my heart is to hope my sisters stay here this time and don't leave, they are already such an old person.

If you continue to be angry, what is the difference with a child? For the rest of the day, the two sisters talk more.

"You are back, but many things here have changed, and some cannot go back to the past."

The second elder hurriedly rushed towards the dock, and when he climbed to the pavilion on the mountain, he saw two figures.

A young girl and the second lady here, more than ten years have passed, but her appearance has not changed at all.

Ji Jiangli and Yingluo, the master and the apprentice sat in the pavilion to rest for a while, and they were really tired on the road.

She didn't expect to return to this place, standing on the mountain to watch the scenery, everything is so familiar.

"Second, second lady!"

The second elder shouted.

Ji Jiangli looked back and saw the figure of the second elder, with a smile on his face.

"Uncle Yin, no, you should be called the second elder now, right?"

Yin is the surname of the second elder, but for many years, people have just called him the second elder and almost forgot his name.

"The second lady is really you. You finally came back. I, an old thing, thought I would never see you again in my life."

The second elder was very excited and confirmed that it was indeed the young lady. At this moment, his eyes were locked in the mountain, and almost tears came out.

When people get old, they often have feelings, especially when they meet again.

"Uncle Yin, I'm just in a bad mood. I went outside to relax. When I feel better, I will come back naturally."

"Second Miss, you have left for more than ten years. There are many things that have happened here, you don't know."

"Although I am outside, I have been paying attention to the news in the breaking dawn. I still know some things."

Ji Jiangli got up to tidy up her clothes, Ji Jiangyue and her looks really didn't look much different, the only difference was the character of the two sisters.

Ji Jiangyue is thoughtful and good at handling things here, but Ji Jiangli has no interest in these things.

She has a withdrawn personality and often lives on the back mountain by herself and doesn't want to talk to people outside.

Even their father could not change this point. They could only let the two sisters develop themselves and do what they like in the future.

"Let me introduce you, this is my apprentice Yingluo, the youngest of my four apprentices."

Ji Jiangli introduced that Yingluo's mouth was very sweet. Through what Master said, he knew that the identity of this gray-haired person was not simple.

So she stood in front of the second elder obediently, bowed here respectfully, and greeted with a smile.

"Good Grandpa Second!"

"Oh, the little guy's mouth is very sweet. I didn't expect the second lady to accept her own apprentice outside."

According to her personality, the Second Elder Tao is not like someone who can accept apprentices.

Ji Jiangli is withdrawn and doesn't like talking to strangers. After so many years, her personality has also changed.

"Some things will change. I live outside alone, with a little girl next to me, who is not so lonely."

"Well, it's rare for the second lady to come back, the elder specially asked me to greet you."

"she was?"

In order to resolve the contradiction between them, the second elder deliberately said this here, saying it was what Ji Jiangyue meant.

But Ji Jiangli was not a fool, she could see that there was some helplessness in the eyes of the second elder.

"Uncle Yin, you can't deceive me by saying this. My sister didn't arrange it like this, right?"

"This... everyone's arrangements are the same. It's rare for you to come back. The two sisters sit down and recount the past."

"It seems that she still didn't forgive me and left without saying goodbye. If she forgave me, she would show up in person now."

The second elder is too hard to say, he can't tell the original words of Ji Jiangyue before, and then he will break up.

Finally the second lady came back, so she didn't mention these unhappy things, the second elder smiled and said.

"Second Miss, let me take you back to your previous room. Since you left, I have arranged for someone to clean your room."

"In the past ten years, it has remained the same. The stools and teacup tables in the room have not been moved."

"At that time, I was thinking that one day you will come back sooner or later. When you come back, you will not feel strange when you return to your room."

The second elder was very troublesome on this point. Ji Jiangli also thanked the second elder for his concern, and had to trouble the second elder to greet him personally.

Since Ji Jiangli has decided to come back, he has already let go of the grievances in his heart. Why should he keep in his mind the past events?

"Well, you don't need to say, Uncle Yin, now you take me to see my sister, she is now the elder here."

"I came to her site. According to the rules, I should go and see her. Besides, I also have a question I want to ask her."

This time Ji Jiangli took the initiative to lower her head, and she went to see Ji Jiangyue in person without the second elder's mind.

The second elder saw that Ji Jiangli's expression was normal, and he should not be angry, so he walked ahead.

"Well, I will take you over now. Your sister is in the room right now. I can see that she hasn't seen you in more than ten years, and she misses you very much."

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