Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3096: A good show

Ji Jiangli could not accept this result. She returned to China this time not to hear the news.

He is invincible in his heart, how could such an accident occur, what is going on?

"You tell what the **** is going on? Didn't he choose to go home and take over the position of Patriarch?"

Ji Jiangyue closed her eyes, deep in her heart, she didn't want to talk about it with others.

"You don't know what happened afterwards. Great changes have taken place within the Xiao family. He was involved in the disputes within the family."

"So he is..."

"The person who started the attack was his younger brother, and the purpose was naturally to grab the position of the head of the house."

Once Xiao Huaiyi came to this place for a while, and the two and the sisters knew a little about some of the Xiao family.

Before that, Xiao Huaili exploded with an extreme desire for the position of the head of the family, and even made hands on his brother, regardless of brotherhood.

That time Xiao Huaili knelt before Xiao Huaiyi and asked for forgiveness, otherwise he would be driven out of the Xiao family.

Xiao Huaiyi was different from this younger brother. He was kind and could not bear to treat his brother like this.

At the last moment, I moved a heart of compassion, forgave my brother for what he had done, and planted the biggest bane for myself.

"Damn... how could this be? I always thought he was now the head of the Xiao family, but I didn't expect him to go one step ahead."

"A man named Xiao Shan desperately used his own child to replace Xiao Yi at the time. This saved his blood. Xiao Yi already knows this."

"Where is Xiao Huaili? Since Xiao Yi is still alive, he will certainly not give up, but will kill the roots, right?"

"I don't know about this. We will not participate in the affairs of the Xiao family, but we can conclude that the existence of Xiao Yi is a threat to him."

In other words, a person who must do everything possible to get rid of is tantamount to a scar on him.

Once it is revealed, the world will see Xiao Huaili's ugly side, which is the greatest humiliation to him as the head of the family.

"What do you think? I know you have your own position. This time I returned to China, there are some things I won't miss again."

Ji Jiangli made up her mind that she didn't need to stay here, but she decided to stay in China.

"So I can say that you are coming back this time for Xiao Yi, right?"

"It can be said that Xiao Yi is his flesh and blood, even if he desperately died, I have to protect his integrity."

"It seems that my sister's weight is not as heavy as him after all."

In the face of Ji Jiangyue, the younger sister would just say anything, and would not conceal anything here.

The purpose of this trip was for Xiao Yi, nothing else, she looked at her sister in front of her.

"How did you plan? I know you have your own position, so you don't need to be involved in this situation."

"I know you are still complaining about me, but Xiao Yi is already the one who broke the dawn."

Ji Jiangyue's attitude is the same as his sister this time, desperately to protect Xiao Yi.

"Anyone who wants to touch him, pass my level first."

" seem to have changed, unlike before, doing things so carefully."

"Don't you also change?"

The two sisters looked at each other with smiles on their faces.

The last trace of resentment in this laugh, disappeared without a trace at this moment, completely letting go of the grudge in my heart.

"By the way, there is one thing, you have a look first."

Ji Jiangyue took out something from a drawer of a table and handed it to her sister.

This is an invitation card that exudes a special fragrance, and the outer skin is made of solid wood.

The whole body is bright red, and the material for making invitations is a special tree that grows in the Xiao family.

It took hundreds of years to grow to the thickness of the wrist and the degree of hardness comparable to steel.

Only the Xiao family can make invitations with this material. Outside the invitation is a gilt pattern.

The pattern is phoenix and phoenix. Phoenix originally said two things, and phoenix and phoenix are a pair.

Later, when people said that the dragon and the phoenix were auspicious, they just misinterpreted the meaning and used it in marriages between men and women.

The Xiao family has always continued the traditions left by their ancestors. Seeing this invitation, Ji Jiangli can also guess a general idea.

"Is the Xiao family going to have a happy event?"

"You'll know after reading it."

When you unfold the invitation, you can see that it is written in a fair small seal with a few lines of small characters.

Xiao Ze, the son of Xiao Huaili of the Xiao family, married Jiang Ying, the daughter of Jiang Zhen from the Jiang family, on the first day of May.

Ji Jiangyue was specially invited to attend the wedding of the two families, adding joy to the couple.

Close the invitation card, Ji Jiangli put the invitation card in one place, this invitation card is to invite her sister to the wedding.

"I didn't expect Xiao Huaili's son to get married. As the elder sister, you are naturally going to the wedding."

"Yes, if I don't go, I would break the rules here."

Ji Jiangyue put away the invitation, she was naturally going.

"Sister, what do you mean by showing me this?"

"Xiao Huaili's son, marrying the young lady of the Jiang family, the relationship between the two families will only become closer. Unsurprisingly, this Xiao Qing will be the next Patriarch."

"He is planning to cultivate a successor for himself?"

There was nothing wrong with Ji Jiang's departure and the son inherited the father's position. In the Xiao family, only Xiao Huaili had his own descendants.

The others were either dead or unsatisfied. Xiao Huaizhi was still unable to give birth and lost the qualification to compete.

"There is no other possibility other than this, but I feel that the marriage between the two families will not go so smoothly."

"Oh? Hearing what you mean, it seems to know something."

Ji Jiangyue smiled. She knew everything about the Xiao family, and she had a hunch that the marriage of the Xiao family would not go on smoothly.

"As far as I know, Xiao Huaizhi has already planned for the position of the Patriarch for a long time. He will definitely make trouble at the wedding."

"Xiao Huaizhi? Didn't he wear a pair of pants with Xiao Huaili?"

"They did wear a pair of trousers at the time, but afterwards, Xiao Huaili threw his partner in the corner of the Xiao family and imprisoned him."

Let alone a villain like Xiao Huaizhi, even Ji Jiangyue can feel the feeling of these words, it is bound to be because of the grudge at this time.

"After Xiao Huaili took the position of Patriarch, in order to stop Xiao Huaizhi's mouth, he was placed under house arrest in the Xiao family for more than 20 years."

"This is called retribution for evil, and it is also for people like him to have this kind of retribution."

"Let's not talk about retribution. Xiao Huaizhi is a scheming person. He has restored his freedom before and is probably already planning a plan for revenge."

On the day of the Xiao family's wedding, on such an important occasion, Xiao Huaizhi will certainly attend.

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