Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3117: Resurrection

Han Batian stood up and said, following Xiao Qian into the room.

This is the site of the Xiao family, but if guests live here, they must abide by the rules.

No matter when it comes, the two words in the Xiao family's rules must not be messed up.

Xiao Qian stepped on the blue brick in the house and saw Han Bing next to Han Batian at a glance. His eyes widened and he couldn't believe his eyes.

Even though his sword was finally ended, it was aimed at Xiao Yi, but Han Bing rushed over at the end.

How could an ordinary person's body be able to withstand it, but at this moment Han Bing stood in front of him, as if nothing had happened.

"Han Bing, you...what the **** happened?"

With Xiao Qian's stunned eyes, Han Bing also knew what he was thinking.

Before, Han Bing almost died in the hands of Xiao Qian, but fortunately, Xiao Yi made a timely move to save his life.

However, Han Bing looked at Xiao Qian at the moment, but there was no hatred in her heart. She was willing to block the sword for Xiao Yi, and it had nothing to do with Xiao Qian.

"Grandpa Xiao, your original sword didn't stabbed me to the point."

"I ended up in the end, but an ordinary person's body can never withstand my sword. How did you survive?"

In front of Han Batian, Xiao Qian would not deliberately conceal anything, so he would just say anything.

He did this thing, one person did the job, the other person, Han Batian heard what Xiao Qian said, it seemed that there was something he didn't know.

After that incident, Han Bing deliberately concealed it, in order not to worry his father, but Xiao Qian was already in front of him at the moment.

"Old Xiao, what happened?"

Han Batian asked, Xiao Qian looked ashamed, and turned to look at Han Batian.

"I saw Xiao Yi in China before. I wanted to persuade Xiao Yi to give up his idea of ​​revenge, but Xiao Yi was very stubborn."

"I had no choice but to act with him, but because of this, Xiao Yi's murderous aura was aroused. Xiao Yi completely changed like a person and wanted to kill me."

The scene of the day is still vivid in retrospect, Xiao Qian never thought that a person would have such a heavy murderous intent.

"I know that Xiao Yi's determination to revenge cannot be changed by anyone. For the sake of the entire Xiao family's peace, I have no choice but to kill."

"At the last moment, your daughter woke up Xiao Yi who was walking away. I stab her with a single sword and rushed to block it. It is impossible for that sword to survive."

Xiao Qian told Han Batian the truth that he did this thing, so after returning to Xiao's house, he was always ashamed of it.

It was all because of his own fault that he eventually killed Han Bing by mistake, so Xiao Yi would hate him even more in his heart.

These Han Batian did not know, but it should be true, and his daughter Han Bing did not tell him.

"Why didn't you mention Binger these things to me?"

"Father, the matter is over. Besides, do you think it's good for me? So I didn't plan to tell you."

Han Bing smiled slightly, speaking lightly. You must know that Han Bing almost died in Xiao Qian's hands.

Xiao Qian knew the importance of his actions, and Han Bing had absolutely no hope of surviving.

But seeing that Han Bing was safe and sound, his guilt eased a bit, but he was puzzled.

"Can you tell me, what happened next? How did you survive?"

"You want to ask me this. Actually, I don't know what happened, but I know that Xiao Yi saved me."

Han Bing was already at the ghost gate, but when he woke up, Liu Han told her the truth.

Xiao Qian stepped forward and grabbed Han Bing's right hand. Han Bing did not resist, knowing that Xiao Qian was not malicious.

Exploring Han Bing's meridians, her pulse was all normal, indicating that Han Bing had indeed escaped that disaster.

This only made Xiao Qian more puzzled about what was going on. After some thought, Xiao Qian was surprised.

"Does Xiao Yi have the ability to come back to life?"

I really couldn't figure it out. Apart from Xiao Yi, the most important one who saved Han Bing was Liu Han.

The secret treasure of General Liu Han's clan, the Soul Calming Bell, took out and saved Han Bing's three souls and seven souls, which allowed Han Bing to survive that sword.

"The old man Han Batian came here today to say sorry to you."

Xiao Qian blocked Han Batian's face and knelt in front of Han Batian on one knee.

How could Han Batian bear such a gift, he hurriedly helped Xiao Qian and helped Xiao Qian up.

"Old man Xiao please get up soon, I don't know this at all, and the girl Binger didn't tell me."

"Fortunately, Ling Ai is out of danger, otherwise my old man will not be able to hold his head in front of your Han family for the rest of my life."

"Life and death have fate and wealth in the sky. It was Binger's own choice at the beginning. You can't blame you for these."

Han Batian supported Xiao Qian and sat aside. He also knew that Xiao Qian was unintentional and did not intend to hurt his daughter.

This daughter had a strong temperament, and when she saw Xiao Yi was in danger, she rushed forward without hesitation.

Fortunately, Xiao Qian finally put away the Dao Qi on the sword, otherwise, even with the soul-suppressing bell, Han Bing would not be saved.

Xiao Qian sat down and had not seen Han Batian for many years.

I thought Han Batian would not come this time, but Han Batian changed his decision, and Han Batian ordered.

"Binger pours tea for Father Han."


In Han Bing's eyes, Xiao Qian was just an old man.

This old man had his own helplessness, and he had no choice but to fight against Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi's purpose was for revenge, and Xiao Qian was to maintain the peace of the entire Xiao family, and the two people's goals diverged.

Without the slightest hatred, Han Bing poured tea for Xiao Qian here, Xiao Qian sighed.

"It almost made a big mistake. After so many years, you have reached the age of knowing the destiny."

"Yes, this time is fair to everyone, you are getting old and I am getting old too."

Han Batian is fifty-eight years old this year and will soon be in his sixtieth year.

The greatest wish of his life lies in his own children. He has no children, and Xiao Yi is the only hope.

Listening to what Xiao Qian said, it seems that Xiao Qian already knew the truth. Han Batian had a question at this time and wanted to ask Xiao Qian.

"Elder Xiao also said before, is there really no place for Xiao Yi in the huge Xiao family?"

Xiao Qian was able to kill his grandson as well, and one can imagine how dangerous the scene was that day.

With a cup of tea in his hand, Xiao Qian closed his eyes and asked now.

"If you do this thing instead, think from the perspective of the whole family, what would you choose to do?"

"I...I might be the same as you, but I think there should be room for reversal in this matter."

"It's done, everything has become a fixed number, if you want to change again, it's difficult..."

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