Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3166: This is brother

Wang Sheng had done this kind of thing before, and for him he knew how to do this, knowing what Xiao Yi said.

Holding this invitation card, Wang Sheng began to feel that this invitation card was extraordinarily weighty. Once he did something wrong, he was sorry for Xiao Yi's trust.

"Brother Xiao, why do you want to show your favor to the youth gang, can I treat this as you for a purpose?"

"Everything under the sky is not all purposeful. You only need to do what I said. If you don't have money, go to Wang Rong. I will open a back door for you alone. The final result to be achieved is those of the Qinggang. The person in charge of the mouth, I want you to make those people, at least three or four of the ten, friends with you."

This is not difficult for Wang Sheng, it is nothing more than trying to spend money to win people's hearts, and those who are on the road, no matter what your background and identity.

The purpose of Lu Qingshan is to get money, and Wang Sheng is also for money. Wang Sheng not only gives more, but also doesn't need them to take risks and sell their lives.

If there is such a good thing, no one can agree, unless the person's mind is filled with water, and Wang Sheng agrees to ensure that Xiao Yi will not be disappointed.

"Brother Xiao, this is simple, don't say three or four, out of ten people, I can at least help you get eight or nine."

Wang Sheng patted his chest. Xiao Yi glared at Wang Sheng. Wang Sheng touched his head, knowing that his words were a bit serious, and things were not that simple.

"Hey, Brother Xiao, I just want to express my meaning. As long as I can do it, I will definitely get more people."

"I'm not suspicious of your abilities. Don't forget that the Qing Gang has Lu Qingshan. If you draw too many people, you will definitely attract his attention. This Lu Qingshan is not a vegetarian, and you are not his opponent."

Xiao Yi knew this very well. Lu Qingshan was able to manage a gang with such a big gang, and it was conceivable that Lu Qingshan was not simple.

Lu Qingshan wouldn't pay attention to Wang Sheng's small troubles, but if the movement is too big, Lu Qingshan will definitely not spare Wang Sheng first, even if there is a relationship like Xiao Yi, it is useless.

"Brother Xiao, I understand, don't worry, I will remember what you say, and do what you say."

Before Xiao Yi left, he ordered all the arrangements to be made. The action will begin tomorrow, and he does not know how long he will leave this time.

Wang Sheng kept in mind what Xiao Yi said. The next morning, Wang Sheng drove Xiao Yi to the airport in person, and Xiao Yi took a plane to the meeting point.

Eighteen members of the Wolf Warriors team, twelve people at Breaking Dawn, plus more than fifty people from the three parties, Xiao Yi served as the captain of both sides.

Breaking Dawn is led by the two elders, and the four members of the Azure Dragon, White Tiger, Suzaku and Xuanwu dispatched at the same time to participate in this special operation.

A ship set off yesterday, speeding up its voyage all the way north. Their goal is to cooperate with the action of the wolf in the North Sea in the north of the snowy field and do a good job of cover.

Xu Qiang has always brought these people to experience outside. They have all experienced the baptism of blood, and their eyes have changed greatly, and they have merged with the Leng Jian mercenaries.

"Qin Gang, are you afraid?"

Standing in Class A, Xu Qiang saw Qin Gang smoking alone, leaning on the ship's side, as if his mind was heavy.

Compared with when he first came, Qin Gang has changed a lot. His temper is not as violent as before. He finally knows that he is alive and can do some meaningful things.

"Fear? I Qin Gang is alive and I don't know what fear is."

"Of course it's different in front of Xiao Yi. Don't get me wrong, I am not a coward. In the previous encounter, I was not at the forefront."

"You are indeed qualified to say that. Then you look frown, as if something big has happened."

Like Wang Sheng, Xu Qiang, with his back leaning on the ship's side, the two of them were blowing the sea breeze here, chatting between friends and brothers.

Qin Gang did not have a wife and was not married. The women around him had kept on before, but they had never moved true feelings. Qin Gang thought that those who were in the gang were not qualified to talk about women.

Maybe when I could not wake up the next day and became a stepping stone for others, what Xu Qiang knew was that there was an old father in Qin Gang's family.

In the past few months, most of his money was put into his father's account, and he kept a part of it for smoking and drinking, and he divided it into hundreds of thousands a month, which was not too small.

"My father died. Just yesterday, I received the news that the cerebral thrombosis has been for many years, and it is worthwhile for the old things to last until now."

"What... why didn't you tell me about this, if you told me earlier, I won't take you to the risk, let you go home and deal with the old man's funeral alone."

Xu Qiang is also considered a friend of Qin Gang, so if you have anything to say with Qin Gang, Qin Gang doesn't mind. He is not the boss of the Taurus Gang.

"Okay, you don't need to say this. If I want to go back, no one can stop me. There is still my sister at home. I have already said hello and let her take care of the funeral."

Qin Gang thought that Xu Qiang could get along, and the two of them were friends. This meant talking to Xu Qiang alone. He took a deep breath and rubbed his nose.

"There is a saying in China that there is no filial piety. I have come here in a muddle-headed manner. My neighbors don’t look at me. They thought I was a complete bastard, and the old guy was a decent person to do funerals. , If I go back, it will inevitably lead to some unexpected situations."

This is the reason why Wang Sheng seldom contacted his family. Xu Qiang understood Wang Sheng's thoughts. How could he not be like this before, and Wu Yan went home to see the old man.

Xu Qiang couldn't guarantee anything, he could only try his best to follow these brothers out, and finally brought them back alive, smiling with Qin Gang.

"You can be considered interested. When you return to Huaxia, I will accompany you to burn a stick of incense at the old man's cemetery, which can be regarded as a gift for the elderly."

"I didn't find out before, but now I think you are still very loyal. I, Qin Gang, followed you, so I'm the right person."

Qin Gang handed Xu Qiang a cigarette, and Xu Qiang put it on his ear. Generally, when he had important things, he rarely smoked it.

"If you encounter an emergency, even if you let me block the bullet for you, what you said today is enough."

"After all, I don't need to say anything about blocking bullets. When these things are over, go home honestly, find a good girl as a wife, and live your life in peace."

Xu Qiang said, even though this is the case, when it is an end, there is really no bottom line at all. Xu Qiang knows that Xiao Yi is going to do something big.

I would never ask about other redundant words, just follow Xiao Yi's arrangement.

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