Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3171: Smart Ono

"Stealing the results of the experiment, this is my original purpose, something like this can only be worthy of me."

The Wolf Warriors squad launched an action, which attracted the attention of the senior leaders of the Black Dragon Association. Especially this time when the Wolf Warriors united with the break of dawn, if the two sides attacked together, it would really be under great pressure.

Ono deliberately rushed to the underground laboratory this time to personally supervise the progress of the experiment. Now it is a critical moment, so he must let his own people to ensure the safety of Dr. Madman.

Some important members of the Ono Club in the conference room were all transferred here to have a meeting to discuss a countermeasure, how to completely crush the assault plan of the Wolf Warriors team.

"You guys, I asked you to come over. I hope you can express your opinions. The Wolf Warriors team is about to fight over. How should we respond."

"Ono-kun, I think you can rest assured about this. I have received news before that there will be a blizzard hitting a large area where we are tonight. Even the Wolf Warriors team will be blocked by this blizzard."

The news that the blizzard is coming, these people also know, believe that the blizzard will bring great obstacles to the actions of the wolf.

Fighting against Wolf Warriors many times, Xiao Ye also had some ideas in his mind, but he thought differently from these people, because the opponent was Wolf Warriors and there was nothing they couldn't do.

"Suga, then we can sit here with peace of mind and drink sake, set up an ambush, and wait for the wolf warriors to die by themselves."

"Ono-kun, you don't have to worry about this. Don't forget that we have made a large number of special fighters. They are guarding our base. Even China's Wolf Warriors team is not our opponent."

Some people in the meeting were complacent here, and felt that they could sit back and relax with that kind of power. As for Ono's worries, there was no need to take War Wolf to heart.

At this moment, Ono walked to the knife stand, grabbed a katana and swung it, and a corner of the conference table was cut off. Seeing Ono was angry like this, they immediately closed their mouths.

The samurai sword is made of stainless steel, which is a high honor for a samurai, but this sword has a special representative meaning.

"You conceited guys, don't forget that in the previous encounters between us and Wolf Warriors, we were the ones who finally suffered. How many people died in Azure's hands. Have you forgotten this blood debt?"

Ono put the knife on the conference table, there is a special story about the origin of this knife, and then Ono said.

"This samurai sword was passed to me by my father. At the beginning, he led the members of the association and was occupying... No, when he was expanding an industry, conflict broke out with China."

At that time, Ono's father was arrogant and unreasonable. He killed two Chinese civilians with a samurai sword, thinking that they were just two ordinary people, whose fate could not be compared with him.

But then Huaxia immediately took action, and the Wolf Warriors special team quickly attacked. At that time, Ono's father had not had time to celebrate, the people he led were wiped out.

"My father failed that time. Only he escaped back alone, but he couldn't face such a failure and cut his belly with this knife to apologize."

Ono has always remembered this, so he will become the president of the Black Dragon Association at all costs, with the goal of using the power of the Black Dragon Association to avenge his father.

Finally, the effort was not in vain, he successfully climbed to the position of the chairman, and gave the Black Dragon Society a stronger strength, and now he has the confidence to defeat the wolf from China.

"My father left me this knife, just to tell me not to underestimate Huaxia's power, and don't underestimate your opponents, because they are stronger than you think."

Everyone in the conference room stood up, bowed their heads facing Ono, and apologized to Ono.

Ono's words were meant to sound a wake-up call for them, telling them not to be careless, this is a wolf from China, and anything impossible will happen.

"You said that there will be a blizzard tonight, so maybe at this time, the war wolf will take advantage of this time to rush in. Once we are surrounded, the consequences will be very serious. This time they carry heavy firepower equipment."

"It seems a bit difficult to advance in a snowstorm. After all, they are all normal people. How can they tolerate the severe weather of minus 30 degrees."

"No! They are not human!"

Ono said decisively, he failed several times against Wolf Warriors, and finally he also summed up a truth.

"They are wolves, a group of real wolves, a single wolf is not terrible, but when the wolves come, even the lions must avoid them."

Heilonghui obeyed Ono's instructions, made some arrangements in advance, and placed patrol personnel within the detectable range.

In addition, modern high-tech methods are used to form a barrier. As long as there is a living thing within two kilometers of the underground laboratory, it can be detected.

Xiao Yi and Thunder God took the members of the war wolf through the frozen soil area. As they deepened, snow began to appear, and the thickness of the snow continued to increase.

This is a truly icy and snowy world. In order to cover the action, all members put on snow combat clothes and white combat uniforms, completely integrated in this environment.

The temperature is minus 21 degrees, this kind of climate is already warm for this place, the sun hangs on the horizon, it will fall down before it rises much, and then the sunrise will be greeted again.

This kind of landscape can be seen in such a place, and it takes a lot of physical effort to pass through such a place, and they have long been used to marching with heavy loads.

"It seems that after the sun goes down this time, a blizzard should come and the air pressure has become very low. This is a sign."

Xiao Yi is familiar with the changes in the weather. He and Thor said that before the blizzard comes, he will accelerate forward. After the blizzard comes, his speed will definitely slow down.

"You are right. This blizzard will last for six hours, and if we speed up our progress, we should arrive at the underground laboratory of the Black Dragon Club ahead of the end of the blizzard."

Raytheon relayed Xiao Yi's instructions and told everyone to speed up again. At the same time, on the other side, another team was also moving forward, crossing this icy world.

In comparison, they seem to be much more relaxed, and bad weather does not seem to have much impact. They are all people who have practiced and rely on Qi refining to resist the cold outside.

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