Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3173: The second elder's advice

Suzaku understood what the second elder said, and did not admit defeat or admit defeat, and insisted on moving forward. This is the real Xiao Yi.

The blizzard has lasted for six hours, making it two-thirds of the distance that would have been traversed in three hours.

The three members of the Wolf Warriors special team formed a small team, helping each other, and no one could be left behind. Soon the snow was already deep in the knees.

The thick snow will gradually form a large sheet of ice and snow under the action of gravity at that time. The temperature inside the ice and snow will rise, and the snow will melt quickly and freeze again, forming a thick iceberg.

Except for a small piece of land, the area across the snowfield is covered with thick ice. At this moment, they are walking on the ice.

"How's it going? Can everyone hold on?"

Xiao Yi stopped and asked Zhan Spear. Zhan Spear gasped, and a thick layer of frost condensed outside the mask he was wearing.

Fortunately, they were all equipped with cold-proof clothes before. In such a harsh environment, everyone would not lose their body temperature too quickly. At this moment, the war spear will pull out the legs that are trapped in the snow.

It was very difficult to walk a few steps away. He came to Xiao Yi and reported the situation to Xiao Yi.

"There is no problem for the time being, but the snow is getting thicker and thicker. If this continues, it will have too much influence on the speed of advancement."

"Let’s hold on to everyone, and enter the low-lying area ahead. Let’s take a break and replenish our strength."

Xiao Yi and Zhan Spear said, these words made Zhan Spear very puzzled, but now it is dark night, because of the snowstorm, the light has become extremely dim.

Everyone can only rely on their voices to find each other, and following the team, Xiao Yi can still distinguish the height of the terrain, which is too strange.

"Captain, I said what kind of eyes do you have? In such an environment, you can still tell the height of the terrain."

"I have developed a pair of night vision eyes since I was a child, and that's nothing else, or why do you think I can walk in front of the team to lead you."

Xiao Yi casually found an excuse and said that War Spear didn't care about this in detail. He only knew that following Xiao Yi would definitely not make a mistake.

After finally walking this section of the road, Xiao Yi ordered repairs first. The blizzard was still going on, but the intensity was much lower. It seemed that the blizzard should stop in a few hours.

"Stop and rest for a while. For such a long time, physical exhaustion is a problem. In this state, the speed is not much faster."

Xiao Yi ordered that the team members stopped, took out the engineering shovel one after another, quickly cleared the surrounding snow, and then drove steel nails into the ice and snow layer.

The thin steel cables support several tents. These tents are temporary. They will stay here when they set off again later, which can reduce the burden on everyone.

The special alloy frame can support the thick snow. After the tents are set up, the team members first enter the tent to rest, replenish their physical strength, and wait for Xiao Yixin's order.

The smokeless stove was lit in the tent to give this cold space a trace of heating. At this moment, Xiao Yi and Lei Sheng are working out the next action plan.

The blizzard outside quickly covered the tent, and Thor stared at the electronic map in front of him. Eight hundred meters away, they approached the underground laboratory of the Black Dragon Society, which could be detected.

Reached out and grabbed a handful of snow outside, stuffed it into his mouth to chew, so even if it was drinking water, Raytheon frowned and said to Xiao Yi.

"Last time you said that the black dragon club underground laboratory can be monitored within a range of two kilometers. If we advance 800 meters, we will enter this range."

Thor circled a place on the map. This is a stop line. If it exceeds this line, it may be detected by the eyes of the Black Dragon Association.

"No... this line should extend a little further."

Xiao Yi re-planned a line, and he immediately explained.

"The data detected before can only be used as a reference. We are changing, and our enemies are also changing. Perhaps the eyes of the Black Dragon Society are also staring at us at this moment."

"Xiao Yi, you are right. Sure enough, this action is most suitable for you to be the captain."

Several times against the Black Dragon Guild, Xiao Yi already had his own method, no matter whether it was a plan or other aspects, there should be no carelessness.

"Be careful not to make a big mistake, I have asked the people who broke the dawn to pull out the eyes of the Black Dragon Club in advance. I don't know how they are doing."

The Wolf Warriors assault team as a whole rested here first, Xiao Yi contacted the second elder, the action must be coordinated by both sides.

According to Xiao Yi's meaning, the second elder was already close to the detectable area of ​​the underground laboratory, and as soon as he came up, he eliminated more than a dozen eyes inserted outside.

Except for the two members of the Black Dragon Society who are guarding the periphery, the others are some high-tech things, and their whereabouts are almost exposed.

"Boy Xiao Yi, what you said is right. In addition to the staff, the more troublesome thing is that there is a net covered by infrared rays. We also have high-tech talents here, and we have already come in to find a way."

A fence set by infrared rays will inevitably trigger an alarm in the laboratory once someone passes through, so that the people in the laboratory will know that someone has invaded and will make corresponding arrangements as soon as possible.

"Sure enough, the black dragon will defend very tightly."

"Suzaku knocked down a few Arctic foxes before. The same thing on these little things is also a high-tech monitoring device with night vision."

The last time Xiao Yi and the others had suffered a loss from these things, they thought their actions had always been secretive, but they had already noticed the Black Dragon Association.

After having one experience, Xiao Yi knew how to deal with them, and let the people who broke the dawn be dispatched in advance to pull out these eyes, and then they can pass safely.

"Second elders have worked hard. After we have repaired them, we will enter through the openings you opened. The Wolf Warriors team is responsible for the overall attack and the second elders are responsible for covering. This time we must destroy this underground laboratory."

"This is also our own responsibility. Xiao Yi has heard that something special has happened to you. This time, you must not force it."

"The kid knows."

Xiao Yi understood the intentions of the second elder, but there were some circumstances that the second elder did not know, and Xiao Yi would not reveal anything for the time being.

"It's good for you to know this. As long as you work hard, you will definitely get back the lost things, but you must not put yourself in a dangerous situation."

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