Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3175: Passage under the snow

Xiao Cang dismissed the invitation of the Black Dragon Club. Now it is only because the Black Dragon has the value of utilization that it will appear in this place. Once the value of utilization is gone, he will abandon this place without hesitation.

Xiao Cang only cared about one issue. Wherever the Wolf Warriors special team has been, during this period, it is necessary to ensure that Dr. Madman's experiment can proceed smoothly.

"I heard that the Wolf Warriors team has already taken action. Should you make some preparations in advance? Once the Wolf Warriors team strikes, this place will become unsafe."

"Although you and the doctor stay at ease in the laboratory to complete the experiment, even if the Wolf Warriors come, they must come back."

"It seems that you are very confident, then I am here to help the teacher with peace of mind."

The underground laboratory is connected to external monitoring equipment. Once there is any abnormality, it will be immediately noticed.

So far, no special circumstances have occurred. After a period of time, there will be news that the Wolf Warrior Special Team did not choose to make a surprise attack in this environment.

"Ono-kun, you are worried this time. Don't forget that the previous Wolf Warriors team suffered a big loss in our hands. They didn't dare to attack casually. With this blizzard, it is estimated that they are still outside. Wandering."

In the room, Ono is drinking tea. The funny thing is that he, who has always admired the tea ceremony culture of his country, drank tea and drank products from Tamron Group.

Ono has never drunk such a fragrant tea. With a sip of tea soup in his mouth, the smell of tea has been permeating, I have to say that the Chinese culture is profound and profound.

"I think we have overlooked something. Xiao Yi is a man who can create miracles. For the company he founded, he has achieved such an achievement in just one year."

"He is from the Xiao family. The Xiao family is so powerful that it is not difficult to develop a company naturally."

"You are wrong. He is not relying on the strength of the Xiao family. This kind of opponent is powerful and has his own ambitions. This makes me feel scared."

It seemed like a calm night, maybe it would be different in the next second, the sky began to brighten, the blizzard gradually weakened, and it should not take long to stop.

The people under his staff felt that, as the president of the Black Dragon Guild, Ono should adopt a guild leader's posture, instead of being fearful here. Now the Black Dragon Guild is powerful and would like to have a confrontation with the wolf.

"President Ono, you don't need to worry. I think as long as the wolf warriors dare to appear this time, we will keep them all and bury them in this ice and snow."

This is indeed a world of ice and snow, but whose tomb is not yet certain. The high-level members of the Black Dragon Society are drinking tea leisurely and enjoying life, but the wolf never stops for a moment.

Excessive self-confidence will only ruin himself. Xiao Yi knows this truth well, so he led the members of the war wolf through the cordon of the underground laboratory smoothly and approached quietly.

Under the thick snow, there is a special passage. At the depth of one foot of snow, this passage under the snow provides convenience for Xiao Yi and the others.

"Captain, how did you know that there is a passage in this place?"

Xiao Yi divided the team into two parts. He took the spear and several other people to take on the task of assault. The other part was led by Raytheon, who was responsible for covering outside to prevent unexpected situations.

"Before acting with the people who broke the dawn, we opened up such a channel under the ice and snow. It seems that it happened to come in handy. The people of the Black Dragon Club are not far behind."

Xiao Yi led people to find the original location, quickly cleared the snow with an engineer shovel, and found the entrance, and a group of five people quickly passed through this passage.

The 500-meter length quickly came to an end. At the end was a vent in the underground laboratory of the Black Dragon Society. When it was built, the snow had not been buried here. Now this vent has been abandoned.

"War Spear is up to you"

Xiao Yi confessed to Zhan Spear. Zhan Spear crouched in front of the vent and took out a special flashlight from a small bag in his arms. When the flashlight was turned on, it shot a straight light.

The light was refracted back and forth along the ventilation duct, and the war wolf analyzed the data according to the refraction of the light, and the spear nodded, and said to Xiao Yi.

"The captain is okay, the ventilation ducts should work, should I go in and try it?"

The last time Xuanwu sneaked into the laboratory of the Black Dragon Club through this channel, Xiao Yi was at the forefront, and he blocked the spear.

"You guys wait here, I'll go in to investigate the situation, and if there is nothing unusual, I will notify you."

"team leader……"

"That's it. In terms of ability, I should be better than you. Even if I encounter some unexpected situations, I can handle it by myself."

Xiao Yi is the captain. This is the most suitable thing for him to do. Open the grid outside the vent, and Xiao Yi enters it along the pipe. The abandoned vent pipe extends all the way down. Five minutes later, Xiao Yi appeared in a room. .

The induced draft fan was supposed to be placed here to extract air from the outside. After being discarded, the induced draft fan was dismantled and turned into a separate garbage room, where materials after the experiment failed were stacked.

"It seems safe here, let War Spear know them to come down first."

Xiao Yi issued an order, and soon after receiving the news, the war spears outside entered the ventilation duct one by one and came to the place where Xiao Yi was.

War Spear circled around here. After confirming safety, he turned on the flashlight. After illuminating the scene here, War Spear took a breath and almost dropped the flashlight to the ground.

"here is……"

The flashlight was shining on the discarded experimental devices. Among the experimental devices, some specimens were soaked in green potion.

They are abandoned and failed products, just like building a house, there will always be some **** materials, randomly discarded here, waiting for time to forget.

"The abandoned failed works, it seems that we have come to the place to deal with them. These are the masterpieces of that lunatic."

"Damn it! Some of them are children. They destroy humanity and use children as experiments."

Normal people who saw this scene would be filled with righteous indignation, wishing to catch this lunatic doctor and put this kind of person to death alive.

This is no longer an experiment that humans can understand. In each of the experimental installations, the dead works can be seen on the body with stitches, waiting for the wound to heal.

It's just that before these wounds healed, they couldn't survive this level and died in the solution. Of course, the people of the Black Dragon Club would not think of building a tomb for them.

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