Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3179: Not an opponent

"Quick! Send a message to request fire support, and strike at these positions. I see when they can hide."

Being passively beaten here, we must find a way to take the initiative to attack, apply for support to let the laboratory's artillery fire, carry out a covering attack, and leave no room for the enemy to survive.

After receiving the application for support, the personnel in the underground laboratory immediately made arrangements to turn on the firepower device in the laboratory, and several firepower ports set up in the underground laboratory were turned on.

A series of shells fired from the fire, fell on the snow and exploded. The snow foam flew up to several tens of meters. The air wave generated by the explosion directly blew the surrounding snow, leaving a large crater.

Thor and the others are also in the vanguard, solving the personnel arranged by the Black Dragon Society in advance, and at the same time attracting the attention of the enemy, clarifying the deployment of firepower.

After taking advantage of it, the Black Dragon Society was sure to take action next, so Thor ordered to find a place to hide first, avoiding the attack of the shells.

Xue Yaoyue quickly made a judgment based on the position where the shells were shot. In the structure drawing of the underground laboratory, the firepower configuration was marked, and then the news was notified to Xiao Yi.

These firepower settings are always a threat to the action, and we must find a way to deal with them first, Xiao Yi received the news on the other side.

"The fire is already being fired outside. These positions are the muzzles marked by the Snow Demon Moon. They are usually hidden underground. These muzzles will be opened only in emergencies."

Xiao Yi and the others were in a laboratory at the moment, and Zhan Spear stopped the monitoring here, and the monitoring picture could not capture where they were. Several people were discussing the next plan.

"The purpose of our infiltration is to eliminate these threats. Captain, what do you plan to do next? Do you take all these guns away?"

"War Spear, you take people to complete the task, shouldn't it be difficult for you?"

Zhan Spear patted his chest naturally, not to mention, especially on the structural drawing, the corresponding position was marked.

"Don't worry, Captain, I promise to complete the task."

"Next, we will act separately. You go to destroy these locations. The message says that the chairman of the Black Dragon Association, Ono Ichiro is currently in the underground laboratory, I want to find this person to fight."

This matter had Xiao Yi alone, and the others were led by War Spear to resolve the crisis outside. Soon War Spear took four people into action.

The underground laboratory entered the first level of alert, and they turned their eyes to the outside of the laboratory. They had never thought that the men of the wolf had sneaked in smoothly and were moving silently.

Ono Ichiro had no thoughts to continue drinking tea, he was always staring at his actions outside. After a fierce shelling, he gradually calmed down, as if the enemy hidden in the dark had been killed by this round of shelling.

In the end, more than a hundred people were left alive. They walked out of the defensive position and went to check the craters left after the bombs exploded. Thinking of the enemy at this moment, it is estimated that they had been blown into flesh.

When they changed from a defensive state to an active attack and left their original position, the gunfire rang out again.

This time the gunshots were more intense, leaving no chance for these people to survive at all. Thor ordered an entire attack, leaving all the first group of investigators here.

The members of the wolves were moving around in the passage, and within five minutes, those standing in the snow, the last remaining group of people became living targets, one by one fell into the snow.

The temperature of more than 30 degrees below zero will quickly freeze them all into popsicles. More than a hundred people have not survived a few rounds like this, and all of them will be wiped out.

"Everyone alternately covers, and quickly retreats to a position two kilometers away, ready to fight!"

In the previous round of shelling, Raytheon had already figured out all the data on the shells used by the opponent and knew what the flaws of this shell were.

The firepower is dense and the lethality is strong, which is suitable for defense, but beyond two kilometers away, the accuracy of this projectile will be very limited in such an environment. The next thing to do is to retreat.

If you get cheap, you have to run quickly. This is what Xiao Yi once told Raytheon. I don't know when it started. Raytheon felt that Xiao Yi always performed his tasks.

More than a hundred people were gone. When Ono Ichiro received this news, the firepower configuration was launching a new round of shelling. Through what happened before, Ono knew what the other party intended.

They were obviously hit, but their subordinates, like pig brains, were completely unaware of this, and they were tricked by the Chinese War Wolf.

"Baga, who ordered the shelling?"

"The guild leader and the wolf warriors all found a place to hide. If we didn't use shelling, we would still suffer a lot."

"Ba Ga... Ba Ga..."

None of the few people in front of Ono Ichiro escaped, and one slapped on the face.

They lowered their heads one after another, completely unaware of what they had done wrong and why the president had to beat others. They have been doing their jobs.

Ono knew this was the case long ago, and he shouldn't transfer these pig brains. If Yamamoto-sensei was present, he would not be easily scheming. At this time, he would find a way to deal with the enemy.

Among the high-levels of the Black Dragon Association, those who are smart and have some means have long been regarded as opponents by Ono, either they are withdrawn from their original positions, or they are killed with an excuse.

Leaving these wastes, at the critical moment, he will not do anything except say ‘Hi’, and he will need to make his own decisions.

"Don't you see it now, Huaxia's actions are only to attract our firepower and to probe our firepower allocation. Doing so will only make them alert and know that we have hidden weapons."

Ono said angrily, several people stopped talking, and finally at this moment, one of his subordinates spoke.

"President, the enemy we face is the wolf of war. We have suffered many times in their hands before. If this continues, no matter how many people there are, it will not be enough for them to fight."

"What do you mean?"

"Since we have spent such a high price and provided all the conveniences to that lunatic doctor, we should use his work at this time."

Xiaoye knew this in his mind and thought about using the experimental body, but he was a little unwilling in his heart. Apart from these special methods, is the Black Dragon Society really not an opponent of Wolf Warriors?

Give it a try, it's really not...

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