Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3269: Last hope

After continuing to search, Xiao Yi's physical strength was fine, but Slov and the others couldn't bear it, so they had to stop and take a rest.

The boat was parked on an island, and everyone was sheltering from the wind in the cabin. The cold wind was blowing in the North Sea, and their bodies could not bear it when they moved outside for a long time.

"Mr. Xiao Yi, the fuel we reserve can only be used for one day. If there is no result if we look for it, we can only choose to return."

Slov was in the cabin, drinking vodka to get rid of the cold. Although he didn't want to admit that he just gave up, he had to say that this search failed.

The other party didn't know where it was hiding. On the map Natasha gave, only some suspicious locations were marked. No one was sure whether it was or not.

"I know what you said, how many places have I not been to?"

Xiao Yi asked. Slov unfolded the map and compared the locations marked on the map. Only four places remained.

It's just that, relatively speaking, these four locations are relatively scattered. According to the speed of their ship, all four locations were searched.

It also takes a lot of effort. The fuel on the Clippers can only last one day at most. It is a bit impossible to search for the remaining four positions.

The only way to choose the nearest route is to abandon the farthest position, and it is not too late to search again after the fuel is refilled next time.

This was Slov's suggestion. Xiao Yi stared at this map, and now he had another idea in his mind.

"Slov will run directly to this position next. How long will it take to get there at the earliest?"

Xiao Yi made up his mind, Sloff glanced at it, and Xiao Yi chose the farthest place marked on the map.

He asked the captain, who combined the current situation, wind speed and weather, and gave the answer six hours.

"Mr. Xiao Yi, do you really plan to spend twelve hours going back and forth for such a single place?"

Slov asked again, if the ship went to the farthest place, then the remaining three positions would have to be abandoned.

At this point, Xiao Yi had no second choice. His instinct told Xiao Yi that there seemed to be some power in this place that attracted his attention.

"Yes! I'll go to this place after I choose."

"If it is such a decision, then the other three places have to be abandoned."

Slov calculated an account and, according to the current situation, went back to replenish fuel and make some adjustments.

When I come here again, it is estimated that it will be a few days later. In these few days, it is uncertain what will happen.

"You just do as I say."

Xiao Yi was the commander of their action this time, Xiao Yi said what to do, and Slov and others followed the arrangements Xiao Yi said.

After he had rested, he adjusted his route and headed straight to the farthest place. Is there any answer that Xiao Yi was looking for in that place.

This is something that no one can be sure of, but the location of Natasha's mark is indeed correct, and Xiao Cang is hiding in one of them.

When dawn came the next morning, the ship sailed two-thirds of the distance, and one-third remained.

On the vast sea, the cold wind was blowing constantly, and Slov's beard was frozen with a layer of frost, like a Santa Claus.

The temperature in the cabin is controlled within the range that the human body can adapt to. If it is not necessary, it is necessary to save fuel on board to ensure the supply of returning to the voyage.

"This **** weather, the temperature has reached minus 32 degrees."

Slov sucked his nose, which came out a little, and it froze right away.

It's funny, he broke his nose with his hands. The place where he lives is almost the same temperature in the coldest time.

It's just that on the boat, the bitter cold wind was a bit unbearable, Xiao Yi patted Sloff on the shoulder and said with a smile.

"The weather is really cold."

Xiao Yi wore a thin coat and a pair of jeans, just standing on the deck.

Slov thought that his ability to resist freezing was already very strong, but he didn't expect Xiao Yi to wear so little, there was nothing at all.

It was really amazing, Slov asked curiously.

"Mr. Xiao Yi, don't you feel cold?"

"It's just a little bit."

"You are really a strange person, in such a cold weather, just wearing such thin clothes."

At this time, when sailing on the sea, there happened to be nothing special to do. By the way, Xiao Yi taught them a method.

The two sides are already friends. Xiao Yi has never been stingy with his friends.

"You all come here, I can teach you a way to help you resist this cold."

"Really? That is really great. I have known that Huaxia has a profound culture. I also plan to have the opportunity to study martial arts at Huaxia."

Slov and the others were very happy, and soon a group of people lined up and stood, like guards waiting for inspection.

Seeing the appearance of these guys, Xiao Yi and them got together for a short time, scratching his head.

"Don't be so serious, the method I teach you is a set of actions, and then you follow me."

A set of simple warm-up exercises, move the joints and limbs, stimulate the movement of the meridians, and make the meridians of the whole body run quickly.

Slov and the others did what Xiao Yi said. At first they were still skeptical. Will it work just to do so?

But then they witnessed the occurrence of a miracle. It was just such a few simple movements. After practicing several times, the body began to warm up.

"Mr. Xiao Yi, you are indeed an interesting person. If I go to China again in the future, I will definitely look for you."

With Slov's hearty laughter, other people also expressed their admiration for Xiao Yi. If it weren't for Natasha, they all planned to defect to Xiao Yi.

"On behalf of China, I welcome your visit at any time."

Xiao Yi is sailing at sea, but the Tamron Group today has a special guest.

Since the establishment of the Tamron Group, I have never dealt with these people. I don't know what the special intentions of these people appear today.

As the representative of the Tamron Group, if Xiao Yi is not in the company, Wang Rong will handle all the company's affairs.

"Have you checked it out? What is the origin of these people? What do you plan to do when you come to our company?"

Wang Rong was sitting in the chairperson's seat, and the other party called to see her, and did not make it clear why she came.

She didn't want to deal with such people, probably because of Xiao Yi's sake and the national hatred in her bones, she didn't want to meet these people.

"The chairman, I just found out that they are from the East Asia Group. As for their purpose, I don't know this."

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