Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3301: I don't need this

Yingluo understood the meaning in Xiao Yi's eyes and clearly distinguished the priorities.

Take the elevator to the restaurant of the hotel, and the driver arranged by Fujino is waiting outside.

Their responsibility was to send Xiao Yi to the dojo where the martial arts convention was held. Whenever they set off, they needed to follow Xiao Yi's arrangements.

An ordinary breakfast is much better than yesterday's cooking. Xiao Yi enjoys this comfortable feeling very much.

"I wandered around to Fujino's residence, but unfortunately there are no valuable clues. Fujino is relatively frugal, and the room is basically clear at a glance."

After Yingluo returned to the hotel yesterday, she left the hotel and went for a walk around Fujino's residence.

For Yingluo, where Fujino lives, going in and around is as easy as entering his own home, without a trace.

Xiao Yi still didn't know Yingluo's actions. This woman was worthy of being a thief, and she often walked outside the high-end shopping malls and streets.

After walking around, the brand-name watches and all kinds of jewelry on her body quietly entered her pocket. This skill is not easy to develop.

"You really have you. I thought that after going back yesterday, the two of you had already rested."

"I have this habit. I always feel unsafe when I change to a strange place. I will help you find out the news by the way."

Yingluo was here to help Xiao Yi this time. She firmly remembered her mission this time and must ensure Xiao Yi's safety.

If Xiao Yi had a mistake this time, she couldn't explain to her master when she returned, so after returning to the hotel, she went for a special trip.

"I feel that Fujino is not as simple as it seems on the surface. He and Okao Yamamoto have been close friends for many years."

"So you'd better be careful, and don't let people find a chance and stabbing you in the back."

Suzaku reminded Xiao Yidao that although Xiao Yi's skill was extraordinary, it was inevitable that there would be moments when he was unprepared.

The opponent is in the dark, Xiao Yi is in the light, and the dojo of the martial arts conference is arranged by Fujino, and no one can notice if he is secretly involved.

"I think it's good. We will enter the dojo of the martial arts convention in a moment. I use the excuse to go to the bathroom and check the dojo to make sure there is no danger."

Yingluo didn't mind taking another trip, but Xiao Yi didn't think it was necessary. There were many people in the martial arts conference dojo.

"There is no need for this. At the dojo of the martial arts conference, the number of participants plus spectators is close to 10,000."

Xiao Yi vetoed Yingluo's proposal. According to Yingluo's words, he couldn't do it in a short time.

"Fujino is the person in charge of the martial arts conference. If there is an accident in the martial arts conference, he will hit him in the face, I don't think he will do that."

"That's what you said. I understand that this Fujino attaches great importance to his reputation. There have been no accidents in previous martial arts conferences."

Yingluo personally went to Fujiye's residence to check. In Fujiye's study, many honorary certificates were placed.

These certificates and trophies will be wiped every day. From this point, it is not difficult to see what kind of character Fujino is.

"So I think they won't do anything in the martial arts conference, but outside the martial arts conference, the eyes of the Black Dragon Club are always staring at our every move."

Xiao Yi had eaten breakfast and leaned in a chair to rest for a while.

It was already 7:15, and then they also set off to the dojo of the martial arts conference.

The group got on the car arranged by Fujino, and after a 20-minute drive, they came to a relatively open area.

After getting off the car, Xiao Yi saw that many vehicles were already parked in the parking lot outside, and the contestants who came to compete were already present.

Xiao Yi followed the staff at the scene and walked along the corridor towards the center of the courtyard. In the center of the courtyard, there is a special building.

The whole building is made of wood, forming a huge cylindrical shape, and the roof is like a huge funnel, buckled upside down on it.

With a breath of vicissitudes, this is the dojo where the martial arts conference is held, but there is one more thing, this dojo is the private property of the Black Dragon Association.

In order to hold this martial arts conference, the original venue was too small, so Fujino changed the place and chose to hold it here.

To enter the dojo of the martial arts conference, you need to pass through a door, and the person standing at the door will check the invitation letter of every visitor.

"Xiao Yi, where's your invitation letter? Why didn't I see you take it out?"

Suzaku was very curious. From the beginning to the present, he has never seen this invitation letter for the martial arts conference.

It was about to pass the inspection, Xiao Yi was not busy at all, turned and said to Suzaku.

"Invitation letter? I threw it in the trash can at the beginning. It is estimated that it has been incinerated to generate electricity by now."

", if you don't have an invitation letter, people will drive us out."

Suzaku doesn't have to doubt the truth of Xiao Yi's words, because with Xiao Yi's character, he can really do this.

The invitation letter to the martial arts conference, in the eyes of the local people, means a proof of glory and strength.

But in Xiao Yi's hand, it was just a piece of waste paper, and he was panicking when he wiped his butt.

Xiao Yi threw the invitation letter for the martial arts conference and came here to participate in the competition again. It was impossible for him to enter the dojo after changing other people.

Not only that, but it will be condemned by the martial arts conference and throw away the invitation letter sent by them, which is tantamount to a provocation.

"Do you think I still need an invitation letter?"

"What do you mean?"

Xiao Yi does not need an invitation letter, and can still enter the dojo.

"Don't forget the martial arts conference this time, but it was a trap specially designed for me. If I was sent away because of an invitation letter, how can I continue to sing in the next scene?"

After all, Xiao Yi was already standing in front of the door, and two staff members were staring at Xiao Yi here.

Waiting for Xiao Yi to come out with the invitation letter, without the invitation letter, they would not let Xiao Yi in.

"Sir, please show your invitation letter."

"Sorry, my invitation letter was accidentally thrown into the trash can."

Xiao Yi stepped forward. What he stated was the fact, but this sounded like a provocation.

The invitation letter to the martial arts conference, what an important thing, was said so casually, and it was thrown into the trash can.

Immediately one person's face changed, and the Bushido spirit he believed in absolutely did not allow anyone to insult and trample.

"Sir, I don't know if you are joking. Since you don't have an invitation letter for the martial arts conference, we cannot let you in."

"Oh? Is it so serious? Since I can't participate, let's go now, please tell Mr. Fujino that Xiao Yi has taken someone back."

"Xiao...Xiao Yi..."

After hearing the name, the face of the person checking the invitation changed immediately.

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