Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3308: Real purpose

A person who achieves his own goals can betray his wife and daughter. There is no reason to trust such a person.

From the very beginning, Xiao Yi had been on guard against Sakai Taro, and Suzaku's words revealed the truth.

"Sakai Taro used his daughter and daughter to exchange things, but in the end Fujino didn't give it to him, so he held a grudge."

Both of them are like raccoons, there is no good thing, they are all for their own ambitions.

Once Fujino is killed by Xiao Yi, Sakai will be able to succeed and become the organizer of the martial arts convention.

What I have paid before can finally be paid off. The abacus is indeed good, but unfortunately it has already been exposed.

"Sakai Taro intends to use you to deal with Fujino, so his appearance yesterday had his own purpose."

"Whether it is Sakai or Fujino, neither of them are good birds."

"Even so, but this time you are trying to clean up Fujino, which is tantamount to indirectly helping Sakai."

Xiao Yi didn't like to be manipulated as chess pieces, especially at this time.

He thought of a way, let the two men fight first, and by the way, he could inquire about Fujino's strength.

"Wang Sheng!"

Xiao Yi shouted.

Wang Sheng, lying on the bed and sleeping soundly, immediately bounced off the bed after hearing Xiao Yi's voice.

"Brother Xiao...what's wrong? What happened?"

"What are you doing so nervously? After you put your clothes on, you will go out from the back door of the hotel and find a car."

Xiao Yi ordered that it was half past six in the morning, and it was still very early for the martial arts conference.

Yesterday, Fujino personally arranged for the pick-up and drop-off. At this time, Xiao Yi ordered alone, and Wang Sheng scratched his head.

"Brother Xiao, what do you mean? The good front door doesn't go, why go to the back door."

"Okay, you do what I said, and you still sleep at what time."

Wang Sheng hurriedly washed his face, put on his clothes, and went downstairs to find a taxi.

The front door of the hotel faces the TV tower. If Xiao Yi and the others leave the hotel, they will definitely notify Ono Ichiro as soon as possible. ,

Not wanting others to know his actions, Xiao Yi has his own thoughts and plans.

Zhu Que probably knew what Xiao Yi was going to do. Since she knew and contacted Xiao Yi for a while, no one had been able to make him suffer.

"Are you going to leave like this? The driver arranged by Fujino hasn't come to pick you up yet."

"Haha! I didn't let him come to pick me up, it was his own passion."

Xiao Yi took the lead, and before the people arranged by Fujino arrived, they had already gone to the dojo where the martial arts convention was held.

"You, you, your mind is at least several times more than others."

Wang Sheng stopped a taxi downstairs, and the group of them passed through the back door of the hotel, avoiding the eyes of the Black Dragon Club.

Soon the taxi took Xiao Yi and the four of them and arrived at the dojo of the martial arts conference. At this time, there were only a few staff on the scene.

They were cleaning the sanitation of the dojo. After seeing Xiao Yi entering the dojo, there was a precedent of yesterday, and no one dared to step forward to stop it.

After Xiao Yi entered the dojo, as the host and commentator of the martial arts convention, Taro Sakai came to the scene early to prepare for today's commentary.

I saw Xiao Yi yesterday. Since Xiao Yi hasn't left, he must be planning to fight Fujino.

If two people fight, one side will inevitably be injured. It is Xiao Yi who loses, so Xiao Yi can only be blamed.

But if Xiao Yi wins and Fujino is eliminated by that time, the biggest gainer will become Taro Sakai.

Previously, Sakai Taro sacrificed his wife and daughter for his superiority, but to him, it was just two people.

In addition to his wife, he also raised a lover outside who gave birth to a son for him.

I was worrying about how to divorce his wife. This result met his wish and saved a lot of effort.

When Taro Sakai was doing preparatory work, he raised his head and saw that someone had entered the dojo, who would have come so early.

"Xiao...Xiao Sang! Why did you come so early? Others haven't arrived yet."

He saw Xiao Yi and his party, walking towards him, and it was less than seven o'clock in the morning.

The martial arts conference does not start until 8 o'clock, and the contestants can enter the dojo at 7:15.

Xiao Yi is a special guest, and he can ignore this rule, step in advance, and greet Taro Sakai with a smile.

"Mr. Sakai is early. I troubled Mr. Fujino yesterday to arrange someone to meet him. I was really embarrassed, so I came here by myself today."

"It turns out that this is the case. Mr. Xiao Yi is the distinguished guest we invited. There is no need to be so polite."

Sakai Taro seemed to have forgotten what happened yesterday, as if working diligently, he also forgot the words that he had said to Xiao Yi secretly.

Xiao Yi walked to Sakai, lowered his voice, and whispered to Sakai.

"Mr. Sakai, what you said yesterday, I went back and thought about it. You and I have a common enemy. What about our joint efforts?"

Sakai Taro seemed to be so frightened, he immediately looked around, checking every place.

The expression is tense and he dare not even dare to express himself. Such a person has ambition in his heart, but he is less courageous than anyone else.


"Don't worry, I saw it when I came here, there is no one else here."

Xiao Yi told Sakai Dao that Taro Sakai's face gradually eased, and if this was heard by others, he would be finished.

At the martial arts conference, they were all Fujino people. Once Fujino knew about it, he didn't know how to die.

"Xiao Sang, your courage is simply too great, you need to be responsible for saying this here."

"Oh? Don't you have the courage? If this is the case, then even if I find the wrong person."

Xiao Yi turned around to leave, and Taro Sakai had no choice. The only bet was on Xiao Yi.

If Xiao Yi is willing to do it, there is great hope that he can kill Fujino, and he can successfully climb to the position he wants.

He hurriedly stepped forward and took Xiao Yi's arm, his courage became bold, and he spoke to Xiao Yi.

"Xiao Sang, don't leave in a hurry. I want to hear your plan and how to deal with Fujino."

Xiao Yi hadn't planned to leave in the first place, and Taro Sakai would stop him. At this time, Xiao Yi turned around.

Wang Sheng and others behind them automatically separated a certain distance, leaving them a space to talk alone.

"I can kill Fujino, but you should understand that I am actually not qualified to kill him. If I kill him, I will have to bear criminal responsibility."

This is certain. Xiao Yi is not a person in this country. Without such rights, it is illegal to kill.

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