Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3310: Been tricked

Standing on the second floor and watching this scene, Sakai at this moment could not hold back his excitement.

Finally killed Fujino, the most troublesome competitor, without Fujino, who could stop his superior.

Yingluo, who stood by, saw the change in Sakai's expression in his eyes. This person is indeed a villain.

Doing things on your own, using your own wife and daughter, like this man, is not qualified to live in this world.

"Mr. Sakai, Xiao Yi has settled Fujino as agreed. Is it time for you to fulfill the agreement?"

Yingluo reminds Sakai that Fujino is dead, Xiao Yi has completed his task, and according to the results of the previous discussions, it is now handed over to Sakai.

Sakai had to admire Xiao Yi's method, it was so fast, the experts around Fujino had not had time to react.

Fujino fell to the ground so quickly and turned into a corpse, getting rid of this worry, and then Sakai began to calm down.

Fujino, who was very arrogant in the past, didn't end up in his own calculations. This is called retribution.

"Yes, I will abide by my agreement, but now I feel that there is one more important thing to do."

"What do you mean by this?"

Yingluo has a bad premonition that Sakai has a bad character.

Now that his goal has been achieved, there is no need to continue to hide in the future, he doesn't want to be charged with murder.

What happened this time was the result of discussions between him and Xiao Yi. If things leaked out, he would still be in trouble.

"Hehe, you will know soon!"

Sakai did not do as agreed. He mobilized the manpower in the dojo and asked them to block the entrance and exit of the dojo, and could not let the assassin away.

The people here would only follow Sakai's instructions to do so, and immediately moved, following Yingluo next to Sakai, realizing that something was wrong.

"Sakai, are you going to break the agreement?"

Yingluo asked, Sakai's purpose has been achieved at this moment, and he can tell the truth with Yingluo here.

"Do you think I will really cooperate with you? I didn't expect that Huaxia's Reaper was such a stupid person. He was fooled by a few words and chose to believe me."

"Despicable and shameless!"

These four words are perfect to describe Sakai Taro, he is not angry.

Now Sakai is in a position of victory, this time even Xiao Yi has been calculated by him, and he is very satisfied with the result.

Others say that he doesn't care about anything, anyway, Fujino is dead, he will be in charge of the martial arts conference from now on.

"You are right, I am indeed a despicable and shameless person. I forgot to tell you that my wife and my daughter were given to Fujino by me in order to put myself in power."

"As a man, you are embarrassed to say such things, don't you feel disgusting?"

"For my ultimate goal, their sacrifices are worth it, and I can realize my ambitions immediately."

This is a madman who is unscrupulous in order to achieve his goal. Yingluo is a waste of time talking to such a person.

Hearing the footsteps of people outside, the people arranged by Sakai had already rushed over, and it was too late to leave.

She immediately pushed open the next window and jumped directly from the second floor. At a height of ten meters, she landed smoothly in the dojo.

A dashing body disappeared from the line of sight, looking at Ying Luo's escape from the back, at this moment Sakai revealed his original face.

He was as greedy as Fujino, but Sakai was using Xiao Yi, and Fujino's purpose was to kill him.

As long as it can help him achieve what he wants, Sakai will do whatever it takes. Fujino is dead. Today is a memorable day.

"The Reaper of the Chinese Wolf Warriors Special Team, haha... it's just that, I played it in the palm of my hand."

There is one more thing Sakai needs to do to successfully take over this position. If Fujino is dead, he has to control the situation.

Ten minutes later...

Those who arranged it did not find a trace of Xiao Yi and his party.

The assassin who assassinated Fujino disappeared into the dojo after the incident, but Sakai was not in a hurry to catch Xiao Yi.

It is estimated that Xiao Yi and others must find a place to hide, or look for opportunities, even if they leave here.

They won't end well if they stay here. After finishing the order, Sakai raised his hand and checked the time.

When he noticed the time displayed on the watch, he suddenly fell into doubt.

"What is going on? Why is it only a quarter past seven in the morning?"

When Xiao Yi assassinated Fujino before, it was already a quarter past seven.

Ten minutes passed, and time seemed to have stopped at this moment, and Sakai didn't understand what was going on.

But there was chaos outside again. The person who had arranged for him before Sakai cleared Fujino's manpower from the dojo of the martial arts conference.

And tell them that Fujino is dead, and if you want to continue to work and live, you must follow him in the future.

At this moment, a commercial vehicle drove into the hall. After the car stopped, someone immediately surrounded it.

Fujino sat in the car and saw the situation outside. The people he was in the dojo had a bruised nose and swollen face.

Those who were beaten were also members of the Black Dragon Guild. He was the organizer of the martial arts convention. Whoever was so courageous, even his people would dare to fight.

"What is going on? Who were you beaten by?"

After Fujino got out of the car, he straightened his face immediately. As a leader, he was keeping his calm.

These people were injured in varying degrees, and on the other side, at the entrance of the dojo, the guards were obviously changed.

Who dared to do this, without his permission, privately replaced his own person, Fujino's subordinate responded.

"Mr. Fujino, we don't know what's going on. Suddenly, Sakai-kun's staff called us out."

"Sakai? Is he crazy?"

"Not only did he beat us, he also said that Mr. Fujino was assassinated and he had become a corpse."

The blue veins on Fujino's forehead violently jumped, it was too rampant, he was so good to stand here.

Sakai was actually cursing him. Yesterday, he should follow Ono's suggestion and get rid of this person without leaving such troubles.

"Baga! Sakai is too arrogant, you useless trash, his people hit you, won't you fight back?"

Fujino was so angry that he could have arrived at the dojo early today, because of one incident, he was delayed on the road.

Unexpectedly, when he came to the dojo, there would be such a big thing, Sakai didn't take him seriously.

"Come with me, I want to see what this guy wants to do!"

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