Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3312: Calculate me? court death!

Fujino quickly explained that Sakai had told Xiao Yi about everything last night.

Although this is true, but at this moment is not revealing the true intention, Fujino glared at Sakai.

It was only at this moment that Sakai came to realize that from the beginning, the arrogant intention was not to cooperate with him.

He was using Xiao Yi at the same time, but Xiao Yi was not using him, because of his greed, he fell into Xiao Yi's calculations step by step.


"Do you have anything to defend? In order to get rid of my opponent, you actually made up such a lie. Why didn't I see that you are such a person."

Fujino looked righteous and awe-inspiring. Here, he questioned Sakai Dao, but Sakai was hard to argue.

Today's events coupled with Xiao Yi's recording pen gave him no opportunity to explain at all, and he glared at Xiao Yidao.

"Xiao Sang! You are just a villain, you are lying to me when you say you want to kill Fujino-kun."

"Sorry what you are talking about, I don't understand what you mean. Besides, I just got here, when did I say that I would kill Mr. Fujino."


Xiao Yi put on the appearance that it had nothing to do with him. This was your dispute and had nothing to do with him. ,

Even if Sakai wanted to find evidence, it was already impossible. To find evidence, he did not just prove the previous thing.

Previously, Xiao Yi's subordinates shut down all the monitoring equipment here without leaving any evidence. This time he was planted in Xiao Yi's hands.

"Mr. Sakai, don't wrong me. The wine I drank with you last night, anyway, we know each other. Is that how you treat your friends?"

Xiao Yi successfully got rid of all the suspicions and directed the target directly at Sakai. Sakai's charges have been fulfilled.

Not to mention the authority that provoked Fujino, but also spread the rumor that Fujino was dead, causing great chaos in the dojo.

He indulged his subordinates and punched Fujino's people. This sin was very serious. Seeing the contestants outside, he had entered the dojo.

Fujino glared at Sakai viciously. In front of so many people, he couldn't do anything to Sakai for a while, so he could only write it down and deal with it later.

"Sakai, you did very well. It seems that you don't plan to stay in the martial arts conference anymore."

"Mr. Fujino, I..."

Sakai tried to say something to let Fujino change his mind, and at this moment something new happened.

A huge electronic screen in the dojo was originally intended to be able to broadcast the game situation on the spot in time.

In this way, even spectators sitting in the back row of the dojo can watch the game closely following the progress of the game.

Before the game started, the screen was lit up, and some pictures appeared on the screen.

A man in a suit was counting money in the office, and the place where he was working was recognized by some people at the scene.

"What's the matter? Isn't this Mr. Fujino's office?"

"Yes... Mr. Fujino is doing this? Do you count the money?"

Someone recognized Fujino's figure. Fujino was counting a sum of money and putting it in the safe.

At the same time, on the opposite side of Fujino, there was a middle-aged man. This money was a gift he gave to Fujino.

"Mr. Fujino sponsored this time, I beg you to handle it. The money is a little bit of heart."

The middle-aged man and Fujino were talking, and Fujino said happily with a greedy expression.

"Don't worry, I will take care of it properly. Regarding the sponsored products, you must package them well, and there must be no mistakes."

"Don't worry, these are old rules, I understand it in my heart."

It turns out that some of the sponsors that Fujino had pulled to hold the martial arts conference were profiteers.

In order to obtain higher profits, they gave some counterfeit and shoddy products to Fujino in the name of sponsorship, and let Fujino help with advertising.

After that, Fujino also collected bribes from other people in various names, which counted as nearly one billion.

Regardless of the country in which leaders receive bribes, it is a serious violation of discipline and law, and this is no exception here.

When Fujino saw the content, his face turned green, and he immediately pointed to the picture above.

"What's the matter? Who is playing this? Quickly turn it off for me!"

Fujino ordered that his subordinates immediately found the broadcast room and wanted to stop the broadcast from continuing.

Regardless of whether the matter is true or false, for Fujino, this is a loss of reputation and this is not allowed.

However, his subordinates found that the playing program had been locked and could not stop at all. The only way was to cut off the power supply here.

Fujino made a fool of himself in front of so many people. He immediately thought of the initiator of this incident. There will be no one other than Sakai in front of him.

Although Xiao Yi was also his opponent, how could Xiao Yi collect so much evidence in a short time.

"Sakai, what do you want to do!"

Sakai also had a dumbfounded look. He didn't know what had happened yet, obviously he had not decided to play these contents.

I quickly stretched out my hand and touched his neck. Only then did I find that the pendant hanging on the neck was gone.

The most important thing is the USB flash drive above. The USB flash drive can help him and at the same time kill him.

"Mr. Fujino, don't get me wrong. I didn't do this. I haven't left here."

"Do you think I will believe what you say? Sakai, I can't continue to indulge you like this!"

Fujino waved his hand, motioned to his subordinates, grabbed Sakai, and found a chance to deal with it.

Sakai panicked, once he fell into Fujino's hands, there was only a dead end, he didn't want to die like this.

So Sakai was going backwards, wanting to find a chance to escape, and quickly leave this place of right and wrong.

Xiao Yi stepped forward and approached Sakai's body. At this moment, Xiao Yi showed a smile on his face.

At this moment, the smile on Xiao Yi's face looked extremely terrifying. Sakai remembered that Xiao Yi's code name was Death.

"Mr. Sakai, don't get excited. If you calm down some things, you will definitely explain it clearly."

"No...Xiao Yi, you are calculating me, you were calculating me from the beginning, and I will be framed by you."

Sakai was still retreating, he understood at this moment, it was indeed Xiao Yi who was calculating him.

If you want to use Xiao Yi to help him get revenge, you can only say that Sakai thinks beautifully, but he is the one who suffers.

"Mr. Sakai, what are you going to do?"

Suddenly Xiao Yi made a move, and at a moment when no one had noticed, he stuffed something into Sakai's hand.

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