Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3316: Let's go together

He didn't know what he was doing with the rules of the game like Fujino. He looked back and continued to announce here.

"You must all know that for this martial arts conference, we invited Mr. Xiao Yi from China, he is the captain of the China Wolf Warriors special team. As a special player, he skipped all previous qualifiers and directly participated in the finals."

After the introduction, Go Fujino signaled Xiao Yi to come over and say hello to everyone. It was time for him to come forward.

The appearance of Xiao Yi made the atmosphere of this martial arts conference instantly rise. They all heard of Xiao Yi's name.

If someone wins Xiao Yi in the martial arts conference this time, it will be the glory of a lifetime, and Fujino waved his hand.

He signaled everyone to be quiet, and he had something to say next. After everyone was quiet, Fujino handed the microphone to Xiao Yi.

"We all know the fame of Mr. Xiao Yi. Do you have any ideas about Mr. Xiao Yi's participation in the martial arts conference this time?"

As if Fujino was interviewing Xiao Yi, Xiao Yi stepped forward and smiled.

"First of all thank Mr. Fujino for inviting me to participate in this competition. China has a civilization of five thousand years, and this time I am representing China to participate in the competition."

Xiao Yi had an idea in his heart, in order to avoid trouble, simply put the final finals to an early end.

"Originally, the martial arts at the martial arts conference originated from Huaxia. It is like a teacher fighting a student. You can't let the teacher bully the small."

"Xiao Sang...this is not within the scope of the game."

"Mr. Fujino, don't be angry. What I want to say is, in the next finals, how about we modify the rules?"

Fujino seemed to understand what Xiao Yi wanted to say, so he went on to ask.

"Do you have any suggestions for Xiao Sang?"

"I know that in the next competition, there will be four players selected from among them, so how about I challenge them four next?"


Xiao Yi's words made Fujino very angry. He wanted to say that Xiao Yi was too arrogant and didn't pay much attention to the martial arts convention.

But he still endured it. With Xiao Yi's strength, he was qualified to say this.

"Xiao Sang, are you sure you want to do this?"

"Yes, four people will challenge me together. If I lose, it proves that I am inferior to others. I will not participate in the next competition."

Xiao Yi's proposal seemed to be a provocation, defying other contestants in the martial arts conference.

Especially with the previous remarks, the other members in the dojo clenched their fists one by one, wishing to rush to find Xiao Yi to compete.

"I'm doing this to save time in the competition and to add some fun at the same time. Isn't Mr. Fujino the last player selected at the Budo Contest without even this guts?"

In a word, Fujino couldn't answer. If he refused Xiao Yi's proposal, the person who appeared to himself would really be afraid of Xiao Yi.

But if they agree, these four people are definitely not Xiao Yi's opponents, and his previous arrangements will be broken.

The spectators present were all waiting for Fujino's decision, and they all expressed their support for Xiao Yi's statement and wanted to see a brand new game.

Unable to resist the voice of the audience, Fujino could only do what Xiao Yi said and amend the rules of the game.

"Very well, since Mr. Xiao Yi made a separate request, then four of them will challenge you in the next game. Is there any problem with Mr. Xiao Yi?"

"of course not!"

"The game is extended by three minutes. After eight minutes, if Mr. Xiao Yi hasn't beat them, it means you have lost."

Fujino had three more minutes on the basis of the original five minutes. This time was enough for Xiao Yi.

He stepped on his feet and jumped up, landed on a pillar, standing on it steadily.

"Then please Mr. Fujino, come and announce the start of the game."

Xiao Yi disrupted the rules of the game he made. Since Xiao Yi insisted on doing this, Fujino satisfied Xiao Yi's wish.

The next match was the highlight of this martial arts conference. The spectators who had originally planned to leave the venue returned to the dojo again.

Xiao Yi released words to challenge the other four players. It was too arrogant to say such words. I don't know what Xiao Yi would perform once.

"At the request of our Mr. Xiao Yi, we revised the rules of the game for the next game, and our other four players will challenge Xiao Yi together."

Four people challenged at the same time. If someone knocks Xiao Yi down, that person will be the champion of this competition.

If you team up, you need to compete again to select the final champion.

Of course, Xiao Yi defeated the other four, and the champion was his Xiao Yi. After re-interpreting the rules of this game, the other two local players immediately became angry.

"Too arrogant! This Xiao Yi dares to despise us like this, do you really think we can't beat him?"

"Sai-kun first don't get angry. If you go solo, you really are not his opponent."

Another very thin man with a little boy left, he was very calm after hearing this.

Because I knew Xiao Yi's strength before, in a one-on-one situation, he might not be able to accept Xiao Yi's move.

However, Xiao Yi proposed that if such rules of the game are required, this is equivalent to giving them a chance. If they can't do it alone, they will have a great deal of confidence together.

"what do you mean……"

"We can join forces with the other two people to defeat Xiao Yi first, and then compete for the championship."

"Good idea, we must teach this arrogant man a lesson."

The four participating players had some discussions before the competition and decided on the next competition method.

Two local contestants and a Muay Thai master from South China reached an agreement, but they were rejected by the Chinese martial arts master.

This man is called Zhang Qiaobei, he is over fifty years old and is a master of martial arts. He has practiced martial arts for more than 40 years.

Although the rules that Xiao Yi put forward this time are very arrogant, he wants to teach this young man who doesn't know the heights of the sky, but he doesn't bother to use this method.

These people discussed, using the next three abuse methods, he most looked down on such people.

It is okay to lose the game, but the personality cannot lose, so he resolutely rejected the opponent's request and insisted on fighting alone.

"This old man is very stubborn. Even if he disagrees, we can still deal with Xiao Yi if the three of us add up."

"Sai-kun is right. Since the old thing doesn't agree to our choice, then we will find a way to solve him first and then clean up that Xiao Yi."

After discussing the countermeasures, it is time for them to debut. This time, the final champion must be selected.

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