Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3326: Passion retreat

When the three people left the hotel, the hotel rang an alarm.

The fire quickly spread to other rooms, and the scene became chaotic for a while. What happened today will inevitably appear in the news papers.

Xiao Yi took Wang Sheng and Zhuque downstairs. At the back door of the hotel, Yingluo found a car and waited to pick up Xiao Yi.

"Get in the car!"

Yingluo opened the car doorway. After the three people got in the car, she drove a black car into the street.

After hearing the news, the members of the Black Dragon Society saw their actions fail. Xiao Yi and his party were running away, so they drove to chase them.

"I said where did you get this car?"

Before Xiao Yi asked Yingluo to find a taxi, Yingluo did a very good job and found a new car directly.

"Do you still have to ask about this kind of thing? There are so many cars on the street, just pick a few."

"You... you really deserve to be a thief."

For people like Yingluo, there is no difficulty in stealing things and cars.

Knocked on a car and drove away casually, not only stealing the car, but also prying several sets of license plates.

"You are all seated. Someone is catching up from behind, trying to catch up with the car driven by this girl, without seeing who this girl is!"

Yingluo drifted rapidly at the intersection ahead and entered a narrow street, looking for a chance to throw off the killer who was catching up behind him.

Those assassins were chasing after them. At the end of this street, several cars rolled over on the spot and jammed in the middle of the street, seriously affecting traffic.

However, there are also some good players who are still chasing Yingluo's body. Yingluo's driving skills are very good, and gradually distanced himself from the opponent.

This is the site of the Black Dragon Association. Although some people have been thrown away, more people will chase after it. A solution must be found.

"We can't pester them now, you find a crossing and put me down, I will find a way to get these killers away."

Xiao Yi suggested that it is more appropriate to leave this kind of thing to him, and no one else has the ability to avoid the opponent's pursuit.

Yingluo didn't rush, it was a fight, and now it was just the beginning, she didn't choose to stop.

"Don't take risks. My master arranged for me to follow you. My abilities are more than that."

On a wide street, more than a dozen cars were racing. Although Yingluo's car was very skilled, she couldn't get rid of the killer behind her.

After hearing the news that Xiao Yi had escaped from the hotel, the members of the Black Dragon Club immediately made a new arrangement. They made arrangements in advance according to Xiao Yi's escape route.

A road is covered with ironclad, once the wheel is pressed on, it will unavoidable that the tire will blow out, and the car will stop without stopping at that time.

"This **** Xiao Yi can escape from such an arrangement. He is indeed somewhat capable."

Xiao Ye is now leading people in front of him. He is here waiting for Xiao Yi's arrival to witness Xiao Yi's arrest.

A black car was galloping on the street. Xiao Yi had been watching the front, worried that a killer would stop him.

Something appeared on the road, which caught Xiao Yi's attention, and he reminded Ying Luodao.

"Can't rush over, it will blow the tire!"


Yingluo slammed in the direction. In a rapid state, the direction of the car turned, and the wheel was about to press on the nail.

Turning the body and walking down another street, the cars following him did not brake in time and were all pressed over.

Seven or eight cars overturned in a row, this has become a large-scale rollover site, which is even more exciting than filming.

Xiao Yi was still worried about this woman's skills at first, but now it seems that he is a bit redundant. What Yingluo has is that she hasn't used her strength.

I shook off most of the car that came after it, but there were new vehicles in front of me, and I was still in trouble.

Next, Yingluo saw that there was a large shopping mall in front, and there was an underground parking lot in the shopping mall. She drove in towards the underground parking lot.

The car behind chased after him. The security staff in the underground parking lot hadn't noticed what was going on. The black whistling car disappeared.

Rounding the curve of the underground parking lot, Yingluo quickly entered the parking lot. She quickly turned around and parked the car in the parking space with a flick.

"Don't show up!"

Yingluo jumped out of the car, took off the hanging license plate, and turned it into a new number.

The other party was tracking Yingluo's car, following the license plate, and soon five cars entered the underground parking lot.

They found that the car they had tracked before disappeared all at once, and it was not easy to find a car in the huge underground parking lot.

"Damn it! Where did the car go?"

"Don't you keep staring? What's the matter where are they?"

"Don't worry, they can't run. I know what their license plate number is."

Twelve cars filed in and entered the parking lot, carefully looking for Xiao Yi and the others.

But they found that the tracked car disappeared in an instant, as if it had not entered the underground parking lot.

At this time, a white Mercedes-Benz started, drove out of the parking space, and drove in front of them.

Deliberately noticed that the driver was a man in a suit, not Xiao Yi and the others, so he didn't care about it.

The car drove out of the underground garage and came to the ground, speeding up into the street.

Twenty minutes later...

In a humble hotel, Xiao Yi took down the suitcase and brought it to the room.

After avoiding the assassins of the Black Dragon Society, I plan to stay here temporarily, and I will naturally have a way to leave until dawn tomorrow.

It was Xiao Yi who drove the Mercedes-Benz earlier. He could change his appearance at will. The other party didn't know that besides him, there were three people in the car, Wang Sheng and Suzaku.

"If it hadn't been for the sake of not causing more trouble, this girl wouldn't have used this way, she would have gone down and solved them long ago."

Yingluo washed her face, and since the end of the martial arts conference, she has been trying to avoid hunting down.

Before, it was my own way. Whenever I was so aggrieved, Xiao Yi handed her the suitcase.

"Oh, don't complain. Originally, we didn't come here to kill people this time. I've seen this place. The environment is more complicated, so it's perfect to avoid it."

Xiao Yi asked about it. There are a lot of people living here. There are people in all places. The most important thing is that it is quiet and can provide a place to rest.

Stay here temporarily for one night, and then think of a way the next day, even if the killer of the Black Dragon Society continues to catch up, Xiao Yi has the ability to deal with it.

"I have to tell my master about our situation. It feels like this is not that simple. The Black Dragon Society still has a way to hide."

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