Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3328: In hot pursuit

Originally planned to arrange the action by himself so that Xiao Yi could be caught directly, but he never solved the trouble this time.

As a result, he quickly slapped himself in the face. As the president of the Black Dragon Association, he suffered several losses at Xiao Yi's place, but he had nothing to do with Xiao Yi.

The only way is with Yamamoto Kenji. He asked Yamamoto Kenji.

"Didn't you say that Kenji-kun before, that Mr. Pufferfish ghost, will help us sell, to deal with this Xiao Yi?"

Ono began to blame the puffer fish ghost, forgetting that he had done his own way before and wanted to get rid of Xiao Yi.

Yamamoto Kenji has been in contact with the puffer fish ghost. This man has a quirk, and most people can't ask him to do it.

Finally, he agreed to Ono Ichiro, and Ono Ichiro has always treated him like an uncle.

"I have already found some young and beautiful women in accordance with the stipulated conditions to serve him specially. Shouldn't he intend to violate the agreement at this time?"

Ono Ichiro was very unhappy, Kenji Yamamoto explained right now.

"Don't get me wrong, Ono-kun, I have been in contact with Mr. Pufferfish Ghost. He promised the leader of the gang and he will definitely take action."

"Then why hasn't he moved a bit until now?"

"This is because Mr. Pufferfish Ghost has his own principles. He doesn't take action during the day. He will only come out when night comes."

Yamamoto Kenji explained that it was probably because of this rule that people would call him a puffer fish ghost during night activities.

Ono Ichiro took a look at the time. There were still three hours before the night came. Within three hours, he had to find the whereabouts of Xiao Yi and his party.

Relying on a puffer fish ghost alone cannot guarantee that Xiao Yi can be killed, so Ono will arrange elite killers in the club to cooperate with the puffer fish ghost.

"He has a lot of rules. If he can't solve Xiao Yi tonight, he can leave this place under our noses once he finds an opportunity until tomorrow."

"So Ono-kun must block the main colic arteries to prevent Xiao Yi from fleeing the city. As long as he is still in the city, he will not be able to escape our pursuit."

Yamamoto Kenji suggested that Ono Ichiro had already done this, Xiao Yi and the others wanted to leave this city unless they could fly into the sky and escape.

Ji Jiangli took the people to the vicinity of Xiao Yi and their location, and did not directly contact Xiao Yi, but chose to stay around.

Once there is an abnormal situation, it can be detected for the first time and act quickly, forming a barrier invisibly to protect Xiao Yi and the others.

"Is there anything new in the Black Dragon Club?"

Ji Jiangli asked, the person who went to investigate the news contacted Ji Jiangli at all times.

"The people of the Black Dragon Association are moving around. They should be looking for Xiao Yi and their whereabouts. I guess it won't be long before they will find here."

"Okay, I get it. From now on, everyone will give me the spirit of twelve points, and we must protect their safety."

This is the site of the Black Dragon Association. The entire city is under their control. It is easy to find Xiao Yi and the others.

Ono Ichiro is very clever. It is only a matter of time to divide the city into several areas and conduct a carpet inspection.

"This time the martial arts conference was specially designed for this kid. Wherever he really goes, trouble will follow."

Ji Jiang was away from their group, disguised as tourists who came here to play, scattered in twos and threes, guarding their respective areas of responsibility.

After half an hour...

The people of the Black Dragon Club were frantically looking for clues to Xiao Yi and his party, and finally made the latest progress.

Someone reported the news to the Black Dragon Club, saying that it was the place where they lived. Four strangers arrived, and the four were in a hurry, much like the person they were looking for.

After receiving the news, the Black Dragon Club soon arranged personnel to go to the target area to search. After receiving the news, Ji Jiangli notified Ying Luo immediately.

A three-story building, with a telescope on the roof Ying Luo, pay attention to the surrounding situation.

When she saw more than twenty cars coming towards their area, nearly a hundred people walked down after stopping the car.

Knowing that the trouble had already followed, she jumped off the roof, landed steadily, and climbed over a fence.

The wall passed through an alley and entered from the window. Yingluo saw Xiao Yi waiting at the window, and she quickly said to Xiao Yi.

"The minions of the Black Dragon Club are here!"

"It came very quickly. Go and clean up with Wang Sheng and prepare to move."

Xiao Yi knew that he wouldn't be able to stay here long, the forces of the Black Dragon Society would not let them live in peace, and he had to leave here now.

"what are you going to do?"

"Make a call."

"Well, then I'll go and prepare first. I can see that there are more than a hundred people who are here. Ichiro Ono from the Black Dragon Association is so aggressive, isn't he afraid of the people above?"

If Ono really cares about these things, he won't do anything to Xiao Yi and others. Before doing it, Ono had solved this problem long ago.

"Before there were explosions and shootings, but in the media news, it was just covered up with the word fire. Do you think they really don't know?"

"It seems that it is still good in our China, at least there will be no such turmoil."

After understanding, Yingluo went to clean up, Xiao Yi took out his mobile phone and dialed a phone number.

On the other side, Xiao Ye finally found the trace of Xiao Yi and his party, so he quickly arranged for someone to follow it up.

He was staying in the room, waiting for the final result. He wanted to find a way to force Xiao Yi to show up, cooperate with the puffer fish ghost, and wipe out his own troubles in one fell swoop.

"President Ono, your call."

The subordinate brought Ono Ichiro's phone. This phone was personally owned by Ono Ichiro. Under normal circumstances, no one would call here.

Unless it is his relatives, his confidants, no one else knows the number of this phone.

"Who would call my phone?"

After Ono Ichiro answered the phone, he said to the phone.

"Who are you? Not many people know my phone number, and you are still a stranger."

"Haha... Ono, you are looking for me with great fanfare. I'll call you and greet you. You really have worked hard."

There was a man's voice on the phone. With this way of speaking, and the content of the expression, Ono immediately thought of who it was.

"Xiao Yi! You know my contact information. At this time, you still have the heart to call me."

"I know more than this. Ono, you have invited me to participate in the martial arts conventions over and over again. Did you treat your distinguished guests in this way?"

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