Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3334: Controlled Fujino

The medicine Xiao Yi gave Fujiye was given to him by the old man Poison King, to be precise, it was the old man Xiao Yikeng Poison King.

After the old guy got the poison sutra, he was immersed in the research almost every day, turning the poison sutra over.

According to the above records, new poisons were formulated. Each poison consumed his efforts and a lot of materials.

If it were other people, the Poison King would be dead and would not be willing to give things out, but Xiao Yi was an exception.

"Ahem... you give it to me, what did you give me?"

"It's just a poison."

Fujino grabbed his neck, wishing to rush up now, tearing Xiao Yibu.

Just one sentence is so easy to say, you must know that this is poison, and it will kill you if you eat it.

"Ahem...Poison! You are really mean!"

Fujino said, I don't know why, and now I feel pain all over his body, maybe the toxicity has already occurred.

"Unexpectedly, the Grim Reaper of the China Wolf Warriors Special Team is also a despicable person who uses such vulgar methods."

"I'm just for self-protection. Mr. Fujino, don't take what I said is worthless. Don't forget that you calculated me first. At best, I will pay for one."

"What do you want to do?"

Xiao Yi continued to sit down. He and Wang Sheng were worried about finding a better place to spend this night.

The original plan was to find Ono Ichiro, but the surrounding area of ​​Ono Ichiro is heavily guarded. If you want to get close to Ono, I'm afraid it will not be so easy.

Finally, he fixed his gaze on Fujino's body. Fujino lived in a simple place. He lived in a very simple place, so he moved towards Xiao Yi's residence.

"Mr. Fujino seems to be a person who is afraid of death. Since he is afraid of death, we can discuss this matter."

"How about a negotiation method?"

"The next few of us will stay with you for one night, and we will naturally leave until tomorrow morning."

Xiao Yi has made arrangements. Someone will make a special trip to pick them up back to China tomorrow morning.

At that time, even the Black Dragon Club would never want to stop Xiao Yi. Now that there is such a big disturbance, it is natural that he cannot take a plane if he returns.

The airport and the pier will definitely be closely guarded by the Black Dragon Society to prevent Xiao Yi and his party from choosing to leave this city.

"The poison I give you, every three hours apart, will have one attack. Once it happens three times, even I can't save you."


"If you can stay at home in peace during this period and don't report to Ono, I will give you the antidote to keep you alive. You don't want to die, right?"

Xiao Yi guessed Fujino's inner thoughts, how could such a person who is vying for fame and fortune would sacrifice himself to achieve the so-called righteousness.

Fujino was murmuring, since he took the poison, he should be able to solve it by calling a doctor.

What he was thinking at the moment, Xiao Yi knew everything through his eyes, and then Xiao Yi reminded him.

"Don't even think about going to the doctor. I am the only person in the world who has the antidote for poison like me. Once all the toxicity comes out, your whole body will fester and stinks, and eventually become a pool of blood."

Fujino swallowed his saliva. He rolled up his sleeves and felt a faint pain in his arm.

It didn't matter if I pulled it up, I rolled up my sleeves and saw a coin-sized wound on my arm, which I didn't have before.

The location of the wound was purple and blue. He touched it with his finger. The meat in the wound was rotten, and there was continuous pus flowing out of it.

"Now you should understand, I'm not kidding you, am I?"

Xiao Yi told Fujino not to make any other ideas. Now Fujino's life is in Xiao Yi's hands.

Fujino recognized the situation. Since Xiao Yi dared to appear here, it meant that there would be his means. Now he had to follow Xiao Yi's instructions.

"Since you have already thought of everything, then I will listen to your instructions and will not report the whereabouts of your group to Ono."

"You are a smart person, and I don't need to say anything extra."

"But I also hope that you can fulfill your agreement. It was Ono's idea to invite you to participate in the martial arts conference. There is no grudge between you and me."

Xiao Yi admired the old fox, and immediately calmed down and didn't say anything, and quickly became clear about the relationship with Ono.

For profit, even the people around him can betray. In Fujino's words, a very strange name was mentioned, and Xiao Yi always remembered it.

Now that he has taken control of Fujino, he must figure out what on earth Ichiro Ono has to dare to assassinate him.

"You mentioned a name before, puffer fish ghost! Should I remember correctly?"

The three words puffer fish ghost made Fujino's eyes lit up, and then Fujino pretended not to know anything, and shook his head.

"This is just a person's title, just like your title is Death, there is nothing special."

"Really? But your eyes tell me that it's not that simple. You should know what the puffer fish ghost is, right?"

With a questioning tone, Xiao Yi originally planned to try to prevaricate the puffer fish ghost's affairs with a random explanation.

This is Ono Ichiro's hole card and cannot be exposed in advance, but now it seems that it is not so easy to fool Xiao Yi.

"This one……"

"If I guessed correctly, the black dragon will kill me this time. The master invited is called the puffer fish ghost!"

Xiao Yi was very clear about the power of the Black Dragon Association, the strength gap between those killers and him was really too big.

Just relying on the words of these people, Ono Ichiro would never choose to take risks. There must be something in it that prompted him to make a choice.

"It seems that you already know it. That's right, this puffer fish ghost is a killer invited by Ono to deal with you."

"This name is very special. How is the puffer fish ghost's strength?"

Fujino shook his head this time. Seeing Xiao Yi's questioning eyes, he immediately said.

"Mr. Xiao Yi, you don’t need to look at me with this kind of eyes. I really don’t know what happened. The puffer fish ghost was originally a rumor circulating here, and this rumor existed more than 300 years ago. ."

"Three hundred years ago? What's going on?"

Xiao Yi was very interested in the puffer fish ghost, and the killer that the black dragon would invite was certainly not an ordinary item.

This question really baffled Fujino. Other Fujinos knew that this puffer fish ghost was nothing more than folk rumors.

"There is a folk rumor that there was a demon who murdered and cannibalized more than three hundred years ago. He specially selected young girls to attack. In just one month, more than a dozen girls disappeared."

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