Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3339: Bloody night

The exercises he practiced in his body also happened to be an ancient book by chance.

This ancient book came from Huaxia, and it is conceivable that there will definitely be masters in Huaxia.

So no matter where the puffer fish ghost's strength has grown in these years, he would never have thought of setting foot in China for the second time, it was his forbidden place in his life.

There was a hunch in his heart that as long as he set foot in Huaxia again, he would not be so lucky this time, and he would definitely be beheaded in Huaxia's territory.

"I do have a lot of secrets, but if you want to dig it out, it's not so easy to do."

"Really? As long as I catch you, I don't believe there is no way."

"So I said it's not so easy to do, I won't stand here obediently, waiting to be caught by you!"

Xiao Yi held a military thorn in his hand. The best weapon in the hands of the puffer fish ghost was the iron crutch in his hand.

The crutches have been used for more than three hundred years. In these three hundred years, it has been well integrated in the body of the puffer fish ghost and has become a part of himself.

"You are arrogant. Today I will let you know how terrifying an old monster who has lived for more than three hundred years is."

The crutches in the hands of the blowfish ghost slammed the ground, and the whole person ejected from the ground and launched an attack towards Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi faced the opponent's moves, and the two fought together again. The purple aura and the black mans continued to collide, and the two's moves made a violent crash.

Every move can be fatal, as long as there is any carelessness, it will never give you a second chance.

The battle between Xiao Yi and the puffer fish ghost, other people could not intervene at all. Seeing such a battle scene, the elite killers of the Black Dragon Club finally understood why Xiao Yi could not be killed.

The strength between the two is not on the same level at all, Xiao Yi can easily kill them, and he also kept his hands before.

"Is this the strength of the Chinese War Wolf Death God? It really feels terrifying."

"Even if we add up all of us, it is not his opponent. It is a misfortune to encounter this kind of opponent."

Taking advantage of the opportunity of the two to fight, Fujino walked out of the room, his residence was already destroyed.

Several rooms were on fire, and the fire could not be controlled. His servants had already escaped and would not pay attention to such things.

Fujino came to Ono's face. He remembered that he had been poisoned. He specifically asked Ono to remember that Xiao Ye must not be killed.

"Xiao Ye, you are finally here. I thought I couldn't get rid of this Xiao Yi's control. I'm sorry that he pretended to be you and successfully deceived my eyes."

"Uncle doesn't need your explanation. At the beginning, even I was almost deceived. I will avenge uncle."

"No, no, you must not kill him. If Xiao Yi dies, then I won't be able to live."

Fujino explained that the festering place on his body was still there. After sprinkling the powder given by Xiao Yi, he controlled it a bit.

But in other parts of the body, the same symptoms also appeared. These are the same as Xiao Yi said. If the antidote is not taken in time, the whole body will eventually turn into a pool of blood.

Ono Ichiro had promised Yamamoto Kenji earlier, if circumstances permit, Xiao Yi's life would be left.

"It turns out that this is the case. This Xiao Yi used such a despicable means to control his uncle. I will let him personally solve the poison on his uncle."

"It's enough to have you. This is the puffer fish ghost. The rumor that was more than 300 years ago turned out to be true."

This is the first time Fujino has seen a puffer fish ghost. It was only a rumor that he had heard before, and he didn't think the rumor was true.

There are more legends circulating in people's mouths. Until now, I saw the deity of the puffer fish ghost, and I knew that the news was true.

"Uncle is a blowfish ghost, a master who has lived for more than three hundred years. In order to deal with Xiao Yi, I have to find a way to get my uncle to bring Xiao Yi here. Mr. Blowfish ghost will beat him."

Ono Ichiro and the other members stood on the sidelines one after another. They didn't need them to take action. It is enough to have a blowfish ghost in the scene now.

On the other side, Suzaku and Yingluo were entangled with the killers from the Black Dragon Club. These elite killers from the Black Dragon Club were like Xiaoqiang who could not be killed.

After solving some, another batch appeared soon, leaving you no chance to breathe at all, Suzaku touched her waist.

The last throwing knife was used up, she drew two short knives from her body and jumped out of the corner.

The three assassins who followed saw a black shadow in front of them, and subconsciously drew out the samurai sword to block them, but it was still a step too late.

A small steel wire looped around a person's neck and suddenly pulled hard, and a wound appeared on the neck immediately.

The wire was sharper than the blade, and the two killers who had caught up were quickly eliminated. Yingluo pulled the wire back and let out a cold snort.

"This group of people is really endless. This girl hasn't killed anyone for how long, so I must be stained with blood."

Yingluo was extremely fast, and no one else had time to react when she shot, but there was a sound of bullets shooting immediately behind her.

The killer was divided into three parts. One part was tracking Yingluo and Suzaku, and the other part was covering with guns behind him.

The remaining people are constantly shrinking the encirclement circle, suppressing the range of Yingluo and Suzaku's activities in a certain area, wanting to come to an encirclement.

"Be careful!"

Suzaku threw a short knife out of his hand, and one of the assassins who jumped onto the roof, planning to attack Yingluo, was stabbed in the chest by him.

The corpse rolled down from the roof, Yingluo breathed a sigh of relief, and merged with Suzaku again.

"How is it? These assassins seem to be unable to kill them. If they continue to consume them like this, sooner or later they will make things worse."

Yingluo was worried about the local side and would not let Xiao Yi go in the end. At least hundreds of people would die here tonight.

The death toll is so high that if the news spreads, it will not be so easy to leave tomorrow.

"What I'm thinking about now is how to get out of the predicament. Let's talk about the other things. With such a big disturbance, I think the Black Dragon Association is also trying to suppress the news."

"I have already contacted Master, and Master doesn't know what to do."

Yingluo was holding a steel wire in her hand. Compared to the two of them, Xiao Yi was the person most stressed.

In order to successfully assassinate Xiao Yi, the Black Dragon Society invited a master who lived in the legend to come over. I don't know how Xiao Yi should deal with it.

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