Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3343: Use Ghost Thirteen Legs

"If you obediently admit defeat and tell the secret of your practice, maybe I can spare your life and let you follow me and be my servant."

Xiao Yi was thinking about how to deal with this old thing. He has lived for more than 300 years, a real monster.

Except for this old guy, the killer of the Black Dragon Society hid in secret and stared at him, looking for a chance to start.

Once the opponent took the lead, I was afraid it was really troublesome. After thinking of this, Xiao Yi had a way in his heart.

He took out a small celadon bottle with one of his hands. There was a special kind of poison in the bottle, and the poisonous people couldn't stand it at all.

When thinking of this trick, Xiao Yi knew in his heart that this puffer fish ghost was also a cultivator, and perhaps this trick did not have that great effect on him.

But until now, he can only rely on this method to delay for a while, Xiao Yi quickly opened the cork, and the special poisonous gas in the bottle quickly volatilized after encountering the air.

The poisonous gas is colorless and tasteless, and it quickly melts into the air. Within five meters of Xiao Yi's side, as long as it is a living creature, it will inevitably end up being poisoned.

"Do you have any tricks for old things, just try it out."

"Okay! Then I will personally take you on the road."

The blowfish ghost relied on the smell to determine the location of Xiao Yi and the direction of Xiao Yi's attack.

The air mixed with poison gas was then inhaled into the body. Before this time the puffer fish ghost made a move, he felt that his body was not right.

When he wanted to run his lifeless energy, suddenly his body couldn't control it, and he couldn't sense the existence of Dantian, as if he had become an ordinary person for an instant.

"What? What is going on?"

The puffer fish ghost wanted to show lifelessness again, but he tried several times to no avail, and he started to panic.

Xiao Yi's plan has had an effect, and the old poisonous king is worthy of being the poisonous king. Even the masters like the puffer fish ghosts were also recruited by the poison he developed.

"Old things, now we are using our true powers, but I want to see if we can kill you today!"

"Damn you did this? It turned out to be using such a despicable method."

The puffer fish ghost understands that this must be a secret attack, the most likely is poisoning.

He was fighting against Xiao Yi, and no one except Xiao Yi would do this. He didn't expect Xiao Yi to have such a skill.

"I bother!"

Xiao Yi spit on the ground.

"You, immortal, use this method to yin me, so that I can't condense Dao Qi, and I am embarrassed to say that I am despicable here. Why don't you find a mirror and take a good picture of yourself."

"What! You said that to me, see if I won't kill you today!"

"That's what I said, an undead who has lived for more than three hundred years, looking at you like a human and a ghost, your offspring has an ancestor of a perverted murderer like you, and your face is ashamed."

The puffer fish ghost's chest was rising and falling rapidly. No one had ever dared to speak like this in front of him. Those who had humiliated him had already been killed by the puffer ghost himself.

But now Xiao Yi uttered wild words, uttering his cursing indefinitely, it was simply intolerable, he jumped up on crutches and said.


"Why aren't you Jiuga, but if you don't have people or ghosts like you, you don't necessarily have offspring. By the way, you can't even have a wife, how can you have offspring."

The puffer fish ghost is going crazy, Xiao Yi's mouth is simply too vicious, not just scolding him, even the ancestors of the puffer fish ghost have not let go.

It was said that the two played against each other, but now it is like a shrew cursing the street. What is going on is really incomprehensible. Is it that the rumored king of soldiers is such a virtue?

What kind of methods should be used to deal with what kind of people, Xiao Yi angered the puffer fish ghost, and the puffer fish ghost then attacked Xiao Yi like a lunatic.

Neither of them can run Dao Qi, and can only rely on the strength of their bodies to fight. The crutch in the hands of the blowfish ghost once again becomes the best weapon.

Xiao Yi was retreating while facing the battle. When he reached a garden, he suddenly stopped.

"This is it!"

In Fujino's private house, a large garden was built, and many precious flowers were planted in the garden.

This season was when the flowers were blooming. The puffer fish ghost struck him with one move. Xiao Yi leaned back to avoid the attack, and at the same time rolled over and fell into the garden.

Xiao Yi fell into the garden with a lot of pollen on his body. At the same time, the flowers were shaken and the pollen fell.

As the air flowed into it, it seemed that there was nothing special about it, but Xiao Yi's doing so caused a fatal blow to the puffer fish ghost.

Originally in the darkness, the puffer fish ghost was relying on the smell to distinguish Xiao Yi's location. Xiao Yi fell into the garden at this moment, and the smell on his body changed.

The smell of Xiao Yi's body was completely covered up. What was even more troublesome was the smell of pollen in the air, and it was impossible to tell where Xiao Yi was.

"Where are you? Get out of here!"

The puffer fish ghost yelled, waving the crutch in his hand around, smashing the growing flowers.

This scene was the same as Xiao Yi had imagined. Sure enough, this old thing was relying on smell to distinguish targets.

Now that the smell was messed up, he didn't even know where he was, and the nose that the puffer fish depended on was completely useless.

"Old stuff! Now it's my turn."

Xiao Yi looked for the location of the attack. Puffer fish ghost was very clever. When he realized Xiao Yi's intention, he immediately withdrew from the garden.

And with the crutches in his hand knocking around, the smell cannot be distinguished, so rely on the sound.

Living in a dark environment all the year round, the ability of his eyes is constantly degrading, but his ears and nose have been strengthened several times.

At this moment, Xiao Yi used the new trick he learned, Ghost Thirteen Legs, this set of legs can be supported without relying on Dao Qi.

A swift figure of Xiao Yi moved quickly on the ground, and after leaving an afterimage in place, it appeared in another position.

After the pufferfish ghost lost the ability to smell, he couldn't tell where Xiao Yi was, but had an intuition that Xiao Yi must be staring at him in secret.

Suddenly he vaguely saw that a black shadow appeared in front of him, followed by a foot, stomping heavily on his stomach.

"Let you taste the power of Chinese martial arts!"

Xiao Yi shouted violently. He remembered every move of Ghost Thirteen Legs in his mind. Now is the best time to let this old man see what is the true meaning of martial arts.

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