Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3348: Dead domain

The biggest secret of the blowfish ghost is also the biggest shame of him, not wanting to expose it to others.

Always putting himself in loose clothes, the extra hand, like a thorn in his body, disturbed his inner peace.

Living in a gloomy environment all year round, his mentality has already changed. If anyone sees his other hand, no matter who it is, he will kill.

Raising the crutches in his hand mercilessly, he slammed the black dragon guild member's head suddenly, and his head was opened.

It was like a watermelon that had been smashed, blood mixed with brains, splashing around, and the others who had laughed at the pufferfish ghosts realized that the situation was not good.

Seeing that the people they were with were killed, they would soon become the next target, so a group of people turned around to flee.

The pufferfish ghost's strength is nothing to deal with these people, and it does not give them a chance to escape, and rushes to them in the blink of an eye.

The crutch in his hand became a tool for murder, and he tapped one by one on his head, and soon a few more corpses were added to the ground.

Sometimes there is a price to pay for what you say yourself, just like these people in the Black Dragon Society now.

Laughed at the body defects of the puffer fish ghost, followed by a murderous disaster, and at the same time proved a truth, before you have the strength, don't laugh at others casually.

Even in the face of his own people, the puffer fish ghost at this moment is still ruthless, killing all those who dare to laugh at him.

The crutch in his hand was stained with blood and brains, and after dripping down the crutch a little bit, after eliminating these people, the puffer fish ghost turned and looked at Xiao Yi.

A pair of eyes turned blood red, and it was because of Xiao Yi that his secrets were revealed, and Xiao Yi will never be allowed to leave alive today.

"Now it's your turn, no matter what you have, you will die next!"

The breath of the puffer fish ghost rose sharply, and in a short moment, the breath rose several times.

Not only that, Xiao Yi noticed that his size was shrinking a little bit. The originally fat body was like a balloon that was blown up.

The balloon was slowly deflating, and around the body of the puffer fish ghost, black air continued to spread, enveloping him.

Only two scarlet eyes could be seen in the darkness. Standing in front of the puffer fish ghost with strength, Xiao Yi felt a trace of fear.

"He was still retaining his strength before, how strong is this old thing!"

At this moment, doubts arose from the depths of Xiao Yi's heart. Seeing the puffer fish ghost's aura continued to soar, everyone at the break of dawn focused on the puffer fish ghost.

With such a powerful strength, they are not the opponents of this blowfish ghost, and the only Ji Jiangli who can fight side by side with Xiao Yi can't be cloned now.

She was entangled with two dead men from the shogunate, and the two dead men were also practitioners. They cooperated with each other to suppress her in strength.

It was impossible to defeat it in a short period of time. Others shared the pressure of the black dragon will killer, so Xiao Yi could only rely on his own strength to resolve the dilemma encountered at this moment.

The blowfish ghost bit his finger and drew several blood lines on several places on his arm and body. These blood lines drew a pattern.

"Death... Domain!"

In order to be able to kill Xiao Yi next, the blowfish ghost used his strongest move.

Death field.

As the name suggests, within the scope of the domain, there is only an endless breath of death.

The black breath is exactly the death aura of the puffer fish ghost. Following the blood line he drew, these death auras were like growing plants.

Tentacles stretched out and spread towards Xiao Yi. It was too late for Xiao Yi to retreat, and his lifelessness soon drowned Xiao Yi in it.

Several octopus-like tentacles were entwined around Xiao Yi's limbs, and the line of sight in front of him became dim. At this moment, Xiao Yi was in the death field made by the puffer fish ghost.

"Trouble this time!"

Xiao Yi had a bad hunch, as the dead air continued to cover him, he could not extract Dao Qi from the outside space.

Moreover, this dead air becomes like a maggot of bone, sticking tightly to the body, penetrating the skin and invading the body, disturbing the operation of the meridians.

Not to mention that Dao Qi can't function normally, this lifeless Qi is still invading, once it enters too much, Xiao Yi is really unable to resist.

He ran Dao Qi to expel this dead energy from his body, but found that this would only promote the dead energy. The condensed Dao Qi was quickly swallowed by the dead energy and transformed into the power of the puffer fish ghost.

"You should be able to feel that this is my space, everything is under my control. You who can't use Dao Qi can't escape."

The puffer fish ghost gave out a wicked laugh, and disappeared in the darkness of death. The difference was that even Xiao Yi's eyes could not see through the black aura he exudes.

Death Qi is the greatest nemesis of Dao Qi, Xiao Yi condensing Dao Qi will only increase the power of the puffer fish ghost, but if he does not condense Dao Qi, he cannot fight against such people.

Xiao Yi wanted to get rid of the death realm of the puffer fish ghost, but the puffer fish ghost would not give him a chance. He was trapped in the death realm as if he was in a mire.

When you move, the domain will move with it, trying to struggle, but in vain, the body of the pufferfish ghost moved to Xiao Yi's side in a flash.

Trying to explore the trail of the puffer fish ghost, Xiao Yi noticed that the fat body of the puffer fish ghost became like a normal person. His body was a sponge, and his skin was full of lifelessness.

This is also for him to launch his strongest move, and he is preparing for it on weekdays. Once it is a last resort, the puffer fish ghost will use death energy to create a death domain under his control.

"This time it was really troublesome."

Perceiving that the pufferfish ghost had already arrived, Xiao Yi could not use Dao Qi to stop him, so he could only stab the army across and reach the front of his body.

The blowfish ghost held a cane and smashed it down heavily. His strength in the death field soared, and Xiao Yi couldn't resist it in front of this force.

The army stab dropped his hand and fell to the ground, followed by the crutch, and the rest of the force fell on Xiao Yi's body, and Xiao Yi flew backwards.

Fly a few meters away and land on a pile of tiles. This blow broke two ribs. What's more troublesome was that he couldn't heal it with Dao Qi, and could only fight against this freak with the power of his body.

"The **** thing, it deserves to have lived for more than three hundred years, it is not so easy to be killed."

Xiao Yi got up and wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth. Although the situation was not good for him, he still remained calm.

"Jie Jie...This is just the beginning, I will enjoy it, today's killing night."

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