Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3350: Blood gas burst

The blowfish ghost doesn't mind Xiao Yi holding on at this time, he has a way.

His thoughts followed, and the death breath quickly invaded Xiao Yi's head. This kind of pain was beyond description and unbearable. Xiao Yi clenched his fists and burst out a roar.

Those dead breaths are like needles, piercing into your head, constantly stirring, feeling that the whole person's head is about to break at this moment.

"If you still don't tell your secret, I will let you die slowly in this pain. If you cooperate with me, I may be happy to give you."

The blowfish ghost was not in a hurry to kill Xiao Yi, but used the most painful means to ask Xiao Yi's secrets.

This is the most important purpose. If it weren't for this, he would already kill someone.

"If you want to kill me, do it. If you want to get something out of my mouth, don't worry about it in vain."

Xiao Yi endured the pain with a smile on his face. He was torturing Xiao Yi, but Xiao Yi put on such an expression.

The Pufferfish Ghost didn't have any sympathy in his heart, but instead thought that Xiao Yi was a kind of provocation, and he urged lifeless energy to invade Xiao Yi's body continuously.

The death qi formed a yoke, and Xiao Yi was firmly controlled in it. Unable to free luck and cultivation techniques had no room for display.

Xiao Yi glared irritably, his eyes widened, and he passed out in darkness. The puffer fish ghost would stop like this.

"Did you faint? It's okay, you will wake up."

The crutch in his hand was drawn on Xiao Yi's body again, his arms and legs were discounted, and there was no room for final resistance.

"Does it just die like this? It's really boring. I thought it would be too early to meet an opponent who can play a game."

The puffer fish ghost stabbed Xiao Yi several times with a cane. Xiao Yi leaned on a tree motionless, and at this moment did not feel any vitality.

It seemed that Xiao Yi was really dead this time. After all, the puffer fish ghost did not ask the secret from Xiao Yi, and he felt a little unwilling.

The blood line on his body was gradually dimming. Since Xiao Yi was already dead, there was no need to continue to open the death domain.

Next, I don’t know how long it will take and how many people’s essence to absorb to replenish the lost part.

The thin body of the puffer fish ghost gradually became fatter again, and lifelessness continued to converge toward his body.

At this moment!

Xiao Yi leaning on the tree trunk suddenly opened his eyes.

This is an indescribable pair of eyes, the eyes are blood red in this dark environment, just like two lanterns.

The death energy that invaded the body originally blocked the operation of Xiao Yi's meridian, which was an advantage for the puffer fish ghost.


He didn't know that in Xiao Yi's body, another force was still asleep.

Under the sway of death, this force broke through the shackles and burst out in an instant.

At this moment, Xiao Yi was in a sea of ​​blood, and the sky full of blood rolled, rolling up waves of blood, carrying a nauseating smell of blood.

There is a demon hidden in the depths of the sea of ​​blood, and the appearance of lifelessness, as if challenging its majesty, cannot tolerate arrogance in front of it.

A trace of blood qi radiated from the sea of ​​blood, following Xiao Yi's meridians, and quickly flowing through Xiao Yi's body.

The death qi that invaded the body was so fragile in front of the blood qi, it was completely vulnerable to a blow, and it was easily dissolved and swallowed by the blood qi.

The last trace of lifelessness disappeared, and the puffer fish ghost at this moment angered a beast, causing his wildness to burst out completely.

"This is... Isn't he still dead?"

The puffer fish ghost turned and looked at the weird Xiao Yi. It was impossible to imagine that Xiao Yi was already like this, and he still had the ability to resist.

More than that, the wounds on Xiao Yi's body healed quickly, and the broken bones were reconnected and recovered in a short time.

Seeing what seemed to be a change in Xiao Yi, the puffer fish ghost didn't dare to relax again. He immediately opened his death domain and held a cane in his hand.

"No matter if you have unfamiliar tricks, you are dead today!"

The crutches fell towards Xiao Yi's head, this time he did not intend to leave Xiao Yi a chance to survive.

But, it was too late.

The crutch fell on Xiao Yi's head, it turned out to be motionless, and his head was smashed apart as expected.

Just like falling on steel, the puffer fish ghost's strength can smash even a stone, how could such a result occur.

Xiao Yi stretched out a hand, grabbed the crutch that fell on his head, and suddenly pulled it hard.

The puffer fish ghost couldn't stand on one leg, and almost fell to the ground. Xiao Yi's arm had such a strong force.

Even if he opened up the Death Realm and his strength soared several times, he could not compete with Xiao Yi in strength.

"What...what's going on?"

The blowfish ghost released his hand, and the crutch fell into Xiao Yi's hand.

Xiao Yi grasped the ends of the crutches with both hands, and the force of his arms exploded, bending a crutches made of stainless steel.

Not only that, but then Xiao Yi grabbed the cane and threw his hand at the puffer fish ghost, who hurriedly avoided.

Surrounding this side not far away, the assassins of the Black Dragon Society did not notice the changes here.

A piece of steel weighing several tens of kilograms smashed over in an instant, and seven or eight people in a row died in the yard on the spot.

The puffer fish ghost looked back at the scene behind him. Xiao Yi threw it more than thirty meters away and smashed it heavily into a car. This was where he stopped.

He had used crutches for more than three hundred years and was thrown away like scrap metal. Such a powerful explosive force made the puffer fish ghost's heart tense.

"What the **** is going on? Why did his strength suddenly rise so much?"

There is only one explanation for the current situation, that is, Xiao Yi, like him, has always been hiding his strength.

Now that the critical moment is reached, Xiao Yi's last strength has been used up, and the blowfish ghost is guessing in his heart, but the sudden change in front of Xiao Yi does not give him a chance to think.


Xiao Yi erupted with a roar, and his two hands became the strongest weapons, rushing towards the puffer fish ghost.

The fast speed surprised the puffer fish ghost. Without even thinking about it, he immediately opened the death field and enveloped Xiao Yi's body.

This kind of trick has been tried and tested repeatedly, as long as the dead energy penetrates Xiao Yi's body, no matter what Xiao Yi has, the next two can't use it.

Death envelops Xiao Yi, as if he won again this time.

But the result was not the same as expected, Xiao Yi's body changed again.

Xiao Yi's whole body exudes scarlet blood, and his figure is wrapped in it. The scarlet blood exudes a **** smell.

The death qi surrounding Xiao Yi's body was swallowed by the blood qi and turned into a part of it.

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