Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3357: Inner obsession

What this person said was not a joke, only by relying on the strength of the other party that could guide Xiao Yi, her remnant soul could be sealed.

If he did it himself, maybe his remnant soul would also be destroyed. For such a result, it is really not worth it.

"Senior, is this kid your apprentice? You and I are living in the same way, so why bother with each other?"

"Suzaku" smiled, and she closed the relationship with Zixu with a single sentence, trying to calm Zixu's anger.

It was indeed Zixu who was taking the shot, blocking Suzaku's deadly ultimate move, otherwise Xiao Yi would have become a dead man now.

Xiao Yi, who had entered a violent state, even Zixu couldn't wake him up. He laughed when he heard what "Suzaku" said at this moment.

"You and I are not in the same way."

"Senior joked, you, like me, are remnants of souls that exist between the world and the earth. Although they will not dissipate for the time being, they will not be able to match the passage of time, sooner or later, the souls will disperse."

"Suzaku" is right. If they don't take advantage of other people's bodies, they will end up sooner or later.

This remnant soul is just lingering, Zi Xu understands this, but there are different differences between him and this woman.

"You are wrong. Xiao Yi is my apprentice. I'm trying to guide him in his cultivation and make him gradually become stronger. What you think is how to seize the body of this baby girl and continue to live between heaven and earth."

"Senior Gao Fengliang, it's no wonder that he will protect this news like this. According to the power of your remnant soul, you can completely seize the body of this kid. I am very curious why you didn't do this."

"In this world, there are some things that are not what you think they are, and there is no human touch at all."

Zixu disdains to do this kind of thing, even if his soul is lost in the end, he will choose this way.

Fortunately, destiny was good to him, so Zixu met Xiao Yi and accepted such a satisfied apprentice, everything felt worth it.

"Suzaku" had never thought about it this way. Everything she did was for her own survival. She had cultivated for hundreds of years and didn't want to end up like this in the end.

The only way is to seize Suzaku's body and let her live in place of Suzaku. At that time, Suzaku's consciousness will be completely replaced.

"Didn't the predecessors think about it this way? Maybe I am indeed different from the predecessors. I don't want to lose my soul in the end, so I have to do this."

"I said before, don't confuse me with someone like you. It's your choice how you do it, but if you dare to hurt my apprentice today, I will definitely not spare you."

Zixu is warning "Suzaku", even if "Suzaku" wants to end Xiao Yi, but now that Zixu is present, she does not dare to do anything wrong.

But looking at the appearance of Xiao Yi now, even if he didn't do anything, Xiao Yi couldn't hold it for long, and said with a smile.

"Senior, I don't have to do it to him, but you have also seen that your apprentice, he has burned most of his blood, even if I don't do it, he will be dead."

The state of running away was not over yet, and Xiao Yi's remaining blood was burning, and death was already a destined result.

"This old man naturally has a way, you don't need to worry about it!"

"Suzaku" agreed to Zixu, and then she would not do anything against Xiao Yi, anyway, Xiao Yi was not far away from death.

The crowd onlookers saw that the "Suzaku" was much weaker. Although they didn't know what happened, it seemed that the situation was under control.

Xiao Yi's figure stood there,'Suzaku''s ultimate move did not fall on him, but this did not end.

When Ono Ichiro left, he set a time bomb, and now the time has come.


At this time, the explosion occurred in the surrounding area of ​​Fujino's residence and attracted attention.

The explosion continued to spread from the periphery to the inside. As the leader of this operation, Ji Jiangli must be responsible to everyone.

"Retreat quickly and get out from here, or you will be killed here."

Ji Jiangli ordered to retreat, everyone moved and left this place of right and wrong.

The explosion was still going on. A few people had no time to retreat and were injured on the spot. With the help of their companions, they fled the scene.

One person was seriously injured, and it was too late to get medical treatment. There were no such casualties in previous battles, and Ji Jiangli was heartbroken.

"Master! Suzaku and Xiao Yi are still inside, I will try to save them."

Yingluo turned around and was about to go back. At this time, Ji Jiangli threw out the long whip and wrapped it around her waist.

"Bring me back, what can you do now? Will you die?"

Ji Jiangli yelled angrily, even if they were practitioners, they would inevitably be killed in the face of such a powerful explosion.

Someone has already died, Ji Jiangli didn't want anyone to die in this place, she planned to go alone.


"It's nothing, I'm stronger than you, I'm optimistic about them here, I will go alone."

Ji Jiangli resolutely walked towards the center of the explosion, the strong explosion impact, the erupting flame blocked her figure.

Unable to move on, further forward is a death, Ji Jiangli's footsteps are stopped.

The ‘Suzaku’ at the center of the explosion, seeing the impact of the explosion getting closer, was about to reach him.

She didn't want to waste energy on this kind of thing, she planned to leave alone, looked at Xiao Yi's figure, and smiled.

"It looks like you are dead this time."

The moment'Suzaku' turned around, suddenly a obsession appeared in her heart.

This obsession originated from the real Suzaku. She would not let Xiao Yi encounter an accident, awakening her consciousness in advance, and affecting this power.

"What? There is such a thing, what are you going to do? If I stay, I can't guarantee that I can survive the explosion safely."

"Protect him!"


"Suzaku" is going crazy, she wants to leave here, but deep down, this obsession makes her unable to control the movements of her body.

She insists on saving Xiao Yi, and Suzaku knows the way to wake up Xiao Yi. If she insists on leaving, there will be damage between the two in the end.

Suzaku's consciousness awakened in advance, unexpectedly, this may be the strongest obsession in a person.

It was Suzaku's obsession that wanted to protect Xiao Yi. At this moment, she regained consciousness, and she had no choice but to agree to Suzaku's request.

"Since this is the case, I will help you save her, but you have to think clearly about the cost."

She was warning Suzaku that in order to save Xiao Yi, even if she sacrificed herself, Suzaku didn't care anymore.

What's more, Suzaku agreed without hesitation on the terms she proposed.

"I understand in my heart that as long as you save her, I will let you succeed."

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