Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3366: Survival choice

Xiao Yi is still alive, and such news is simply a shame to them.

After spending such a huge price, there were countless deaths and injuries last night, plus one Fujino died.

In order to eliminate the influence of this matter, the people above are working and covering up the news of this matter. This has given Ono a good cooperation.

The prerequisite for such a price is that Ichiro Ono must kill Xiao Yi and solve their biggest opponent in work.

Thinking that the action was a success, a celebration banquet was held for Ono Ichiro overnight, and the people who said at the celebration banquet were all trying to raise Ono.


The result was completely unexpected.

Xiao Yi was not dead at all. He was in the airport at this time, and Xiao Yi must not be allowed to leave.

They knew what this action meant. Xiao Yi was the **** of death in the nether hell. Once he was angered, the consequences would be disastrous.

"Hi! I'm on my way to the airport, this time if I can't kill him, then I will choose Jade."

Ono has shown his loyalty, and now that something has happened, he must find a way to remedy it.

The people above made it very clear, either Xiao Yi died or he died.

Two people can only live one, Xiao Ye would naturally choose to let Xiao Yi die, he planned the worst in his heart.

"How long do we have to go to the airport?"

"Ono-kun, we will be there soon."

Hanging up the phone, Ono Ichiro's temples were already sweaty, with his hands on his legs, looking at the outside scenery from time to time.

Maybe after this moment, there will be no chance to see these scenery again, and soon the car passed the viaduct ahead.

The roadblock set up on the main road leading to the airport under the viaduct stopped their car.

Ono was in a hurry, the car was stopped, feeling very uncomfortable, he put down the window way.

"You see who I am! Don't let it go!"

The police in charge of the inspection will not let it go because of a word from Ono, and will still follow the procedure.

"Sorry, it has nothing to do with who you are. The order we received is to check all passing vehicles."

"Asshole! I'm Ono Ichiro, the president of the Black Dragon Club, don't you even let my car go?"


This answer made Ono Ichiro mad, and he should be blamed. When he gave the order earlier, he made it clear that all passing vehicles, no matter what their identities, must be inspected.

There is no way that the order was made by himself. At this time, he could only follow the procedure. He and the driver got out of the car, and after investigation and confirmed the safety, they were allowed to leave.

Obviously he is his own, but still has such trouble, Ono Ichiro's anger in his stomach, fortunately passed smoothly in the end.

After the car entered the airport, Ono Ichiro saw a large number of police officers in front of him, forming a circle.

Xiao Yi and his party were trapped in it. After getting out of the car, he walked straight to the location where the police were, and soon saw Xiao Yi's figure.

Among the group of people, Xiao Yi and his group of four stood in the middle. In addition to them, there was also a kidnapped policeman Tajima.

Tajima stood there like a wooden stake, afraid to move, for fear that Xiao Yi would kill him if he shot.

Xiao Yi noticed that someone was approaching. He turned around and saw Xiao Ye. After waiting for so long, Xiao Ye finally appeared.

"Ono, you are finally here. I thought you would keep hiding somewhere, and you wouldn't dare to come out to see me now."

Ono Ichiro faces Xiao Yi. At this moment, Xiao Yi is surrounded by many policemen. Unless he is invulnerable, it is a dead end.

Let alone Xiao Yi's side, there are some other people, nearly two hundred policemen, surrounded this place, Xiao Yi can't escape.

But now that Xiao Yi's expression is so relaxed, as if he had never taken this seriously, Ono Ichiro said with a smile.

"When Xiao Yi is here, you can still laugh. Are you not afraid of my order to let them shoot you?"

Xiao Yi knew that if it was on the way to the airport, the personnel arranged by the Black Dragon could start the assassination plan.

But when we arrived at the airport, it was different. Now it was a long public river. No one went to take such a risk and shoot Xiao Yi.

Because Xiao Yi has another identity. If anyone shoots, it means provoking China, and what he will have to face at that time is the anger from War Wolf.

Killing a person has risen to the relationship between the two countries, so these policemen have been guarding here all the time, and no one dares to act.

"Ichiro Ono, you should understand that you can't kill me here, so why do you need to talk such nonsense."

"Yeah, I really can't kill you, but I have a way to trap you, leaving such a public place, do you think you still have a chance to survive?"

"Then I want to see, besides what happened last night, what other means do you have."

Xiao Yi's muzzle reached Tajima, and Tianjima stood motionless, his eyes begging Ono, don't irritate Xiao Yi.

At this moment, he was still under Xiao Yi's control, if he made this master unhappy, he would be able to bloom his head immediately.

"Xiao Yi's confrontation is nothing but a waste of time. I am really surprised. How did you survive the situation like yesterday? Are you really a cat and can have nine lives?"

"You are wrong. I have only one life like you, but I cherish this life more. People are mortal, but I can't die in the hands of people like you."

Xiao Yi put the gun away, and it had no effect in controlling this person, and these policemen would never follow his orders.

Behind the whole thing, there are even higher-level personnel to operate, but under such an occasion, they will certainly not appear.

Taking the pistol away, Tajima was still stunned. He didn't know what Xiao Yi meant for a while, so he should move or continue to stick here.

"Go away, I kill you like an ant, but I am not interested in killing you."

"Thanks...thank you!"

Tian Dao almost knelt to Xiao Yi. Hearing Xiao Yi's words, he turned around and left as if he was pardoned.

At this moment, on the square of the airport, Xiao Yi and his party of four and a small wild were surrounded by many police officers.

The police dispersed the onlookers and set up a cordon. No one was allowed to approach.

Without an order, Xiao Yi would never be allowed to leave. The two sides were confronting each other, and Ono spoke now.

"Mr. Xiao Yi, how about we come to make a deal, you should know that today you cannot leave from here."

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