Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3371: Not the end

"What's the matter? It looks like you are very upset, this time we have eliminated Ono Ichiro and the chairman of the Black Dragon Association."

Raytheon handed over a cup of tea, this time the operation was a complete success, it is worth celebrating.

Especially Ichiro Ono, the president of the Black Dragon Association, was successfully solved, and Xiao Yi was indispensable in this battle.

But he noticed that Xiao Yi's face was very deep, as if something was pressing on him, Xiao Yi took the teacup.

It is true that Xiao Yi's mind is very heavy at this time, and Ono Ichiro's ending is all he deserves.

In the hands of Ono Ichiro, I don't know how many people's bloodstains were contaminated, and his death alone cannot repay the sins he committed.

But in Xiao Yi's heart, he couldn't be happy, and even worried.

"What we got rid of this time is only Ichiro Ono from the Black Dragon Association. Don't forget that the Black Dragon Association still exists. Such an evil force will not end just because of the death of a person."

After Xiao Yi experienced this battle, he also had many emotions in his heart. In this world, as long as there is sunshine, there will be darkness.

In the dark corners, evil will eventually breed, like the Black Dragon Society and the Shadow Organization, such forces are like weeds.

Wild fire, in spring.

Thor felt that Xiao Yi was thinking too much, but after experiencing it carefully, he found that what Xiao Yi said was the truth.

This is indeed the case, whether it is the shadow forces or the Black Dragon Society that they are facing now, they are like Xiaoqiang who can't die.

Just after the front foot dies, Ichiro Ono who has been killed this time does not mean that this is an end.

"We got rid of a Ono Ichiro, but don't forget that there is a force behind Ono Ichiro to support him. Without this power, Ono Ichiro is just an ordinary person."

"You are right, and I can also feel that someone is running the Black Dragon Club behind the scenes."

Thor came to this city this time. There was a conflict like that last night, but the police did not take any action.

Even in terms of media news, there was no movement, as if the violent explosions in the battle that broke out last night were like fireworks.

It is not Ichiro Ono of the Black Dragon Association who has the strength to suppress these, but the high-level people behind Ichiro Ono.

"Ono Ichiro is dead, and then they can find a replacement for Ono Ichiro and relocate it to the position of the president of the Black Dragon Association. This evil force will still exist."

This is what Xiao Yi was worried about. The forces behind it could quickly create another Ono Ichiro.

And the position of the president is really just a puppet, a substitute, which is cultivated by others. When encountering something that cannot get away, he will throw this person out as a substitute for death.

No matter what others do, the damage is nothing but a fur, just like a car. If the tire is broken, it can be replaced. This car can also run as usual without being affected.

"After the Black Dragon Club has experienced this incident, I can be sure that the news will be suppressed. At that time, it will only be people in this city. Knowing what happened, they will weave a perfect ending for Ono Ichiro. "

"If you say that, this time we and the black dragon will have an unresolvable enmity."

"Initially, the enmity cannot be resolved. As for the Black Dragon Association, no matter what methods they use, we will just take it."

Xiao Yi didn't put the Black Dragon Society in his eyes, and the elite killers of the Black Dragon Society were nothing more than that.

After several fights with the Wolf Warriors, the Black Dragon would suffer in the end. At this moment, a person's shadow appeared in Xiao Yi's heart. This was the biggest hidden danger he thought.

Puffer fish ghost...

A monster who has lived for more than three hundred years and knows how to practice.

The encounter with the puffer fish ghost this time made Xiao Yi almost broken in that place.

If he doesn't enter a runaway state and doesn't rely on the master's power, he will ultimately be unable to defeat this puffer fish ghost. The puffer fish ghost's ability is the greatest restraint for Xiao Yi.

A puffer fish ghost makes Xiao Yi so troublesome. In this country, how many people still know how to cultivate.

This time it can be said to be a fluke, so what happens next time, a puffer fish ghost pops up again, and Xiao Yi can handle it smoothly.

One problem after another emerged in Xiao Yi's mind, and finally came to a conclusion that the only way to solve these root causes was to improve his own strength.

Only when he is strong can he have enough strength to face all this, Xiao Yi let out a sigh.

"My strength is still a bit worse. After this incident, I decided on one thing. Don't be surprised or question what Thor will say next. You can ask me again later. ."

Xiao Yi's face was very serious. Seeing his expression, Lei Shen nodded and sat next to Xiao Yi.

In fact, starting from Xiao Yi's inner thoughts, he didn't want to tell others about his practice. This was not Xiao Yi's selfishness.

He has his own ideas, and he doesn't want others to be involved in the world of Taoist practitioners, and he will encounter even greater troubles in the future.

Now he had to tell Thor this secret, he hoped that Thor would become stronger, whether for himself or for the wolf.

Thor has absolute strength and can face many dangers. Xiao Yi didn't want to lose his family around him again.

"Perhaps you should have noticed Thor. Why can I grow several times in strength in just one year? I can say now that even if you use your best, you can't hurt me any more."

Xiao Yi said very seriously. This is certain. At the ninth level of the Purple Profound Realm, Xiao Yi's physical body has been strengthened again.

Once you enter the Golden Profound Realm, your strength will change drastically. When the time comes to face the pufferfish ghost again, you won't need such a physically consuming battle.

Lei Shen didn't doubt this, he could see Xiao Yi's strength, especially in the previous few battles, it was impossible for humans to break out.

"I believe this."

"The strength that I burst out is actually due to the practice. This is the benefit of practice."

With a move of Xiao Yi's fingers, Dao Qi quickly condensed on his fingers, like a cluster of flames, and the fingers kept beating.

After seeing this with his own eyes, Thor felt like he was being opened to a new world. This was something he had never seen before and had never experienced.

"Dao Qi! The original Qi of this world exists between the heavens and the earth, as well as in everyone's body."

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