Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3375: Surprisingly explosive

"This kind of thing is not rare for me!"

Grabbing the flowers, Liu Siyi threw this bunch of words into the trash can aside.

The carefully prepared thoughts turned into waste products and were thrown away casually.

The smile on Liu Xiaolei’s face gradually became stiff. At any rate, Liu Xiaolei is also a person of identity.

Several times after Liu Siyi pursued Liu Siyi, Liu Siyi had such an attitude and did not take him seriously.

That’s all in school, in order to preserve each other’s face in front of many classmates, but now it’s different.

Liu Xiaolei's face immediately turned gloomy. He didn't like the flowers that others sent him, and then threw them into the trash can.

At this moment, Liu Siyi also noticed the change in Liu Xiaolei's face, but this was her attitude. If she didn't like it, she didn't like it. There was no reason.

"Liu Xiaolei, you should be able to understand what I said, I don't have any interest in you, I hope you can do it yourself."

After Liu Siyi said that, she turned around and left. How could Liu Xiaolei let her go because she lost face several times.

Seeing that Liu Siyi was so ruthless, he turned around and left. Liu Xiaolei chased up and stood in front of Liu Siyi.

"Liu Siyi, I said you are too ignorant to praise, right? I have pursued you several times, but you have rejected me. Today you are not so easy to leave."

Liu Siyi has long heard that this Liu Xiaolei is not a good thing, and no one offends him in the class on weekdays.

The girls Liu Xiaolei likes will try their best to pursue them. Some girls disagree, but due to Liu Xiaolei's pressure, they have to agree to be his girlfriend.


Liu Siyi is not one of those people. If you don't agree or you don't agree, it has nothing to do with other reasons.

Especially this kind of person who only knows that relying on the strength of the family, it is like a waste, and it will not have a good impression.

"Step aside!"

Liu Siyi said indifferently.

Liu Xiaolei became even more angry when Liu Siyi spoke in this tone.

He squeezed his fist, just blocking Liu Siyi's front, and snorted coldly.

"How about if I won't let you go? Don't think I can't find you how to find me, and be my girlfriend honestly, otherwise you will leave school for me early and you won't get the diploma."

"Really? Liu Xiaolei, I am the person who dislikes being threatened by others and let me go."

"Do not!"

Liu Siyi went to the left, Liu Xiaolei followed to the left, Liu Siyi went to the right, and he followed closely to the right.

She never gave way to Liu Siyi. Liu Siyi was already impatient several times. Liu Xiaolei's actions touched her bottom line.

Originally, Liu Siyi was not in a good mood today. She was already patient with this kind of thing, but it was a pity that Liu Xiaolei couldn't see it at all.

"I'll say one last time, get out of me!"

Liu Siyi said in a deep voice. Not only did Liu Xiaolei fail to give way, the people who came with him in the car also walked in front of Liu Siyi at this time.

The other party is a muscular man, a strong reminder that those muscles are full of explosive power.

This person was originally a gym coach. Because of the relative relationship with Liu Xiaolei, he was invited by Liu Xiaolei with money.

Whenever something happens on weekdays, I take this person with him. The family is tall and magnificent. Many people are afraid of the opponent's force value, and they will detour when they see Liu Xiaolei.

Liu Xiaolei is confident that Liu Siyi can be taken down today. With this best helper, Liu Siyi can't get away even if he wants to run.

"Siyi, I urge you to think clearly. I don't want to be rough with you. It's best to think about it carefully before answering my question."

The muscular man stood in front of Liu Siyi, deliberately showing off his strong body at this time, the gap in strength was so big.

It seemed that Liu Siyi was going to suffer at this time, and Liu Xiaolei came to her, and Liu Xiaolei showed a smug smile on her face.

He had already thought about what Liu Siyi would choose next, and he would definitely agree to be his girlfriend, play for a while, and just leave it alone.

Liu Siyi sighed deeply and warned Liu Xiaolei a long time ago, but he didn't understand that he would do something simply.

If you don't teach him a lesson, this kind of person will continue to be entangled in the future, Liu Siyi raised his head and looked at the muscular man in front of him.

The 1.8-meter weighed more than two hundred catties, and he stared down at her like this, without taking Liu Siyi seriously in his eyes.

Seeing Liu Siyi stretched out a hand, the pink fist turned into a slap, and the slap was heavily drawn on the muscular man's face.


The loud slap in the face made Liu Xiaolei who was on the side startled, not understanding what was going on?

It's okay why Liu Siyi did it and beat up the person she had brought. The other party was a fitness coach, so she was not looking for death.

But the following facts made Liu Xiaolei unexpected, and Liu Siyi was simply too domineering.

The muscular man didn't put a girl like Liu Siyi in his eyes, even if he held a guy in his hand, he might not dare to make a move.

But Liu Siyi's slap was slapped while speaking, and the slap came up, and the muscular man's eyes went dark.

A big man weighing more than two hundred jin was slapped by Liu Siyi, he lost consciousness, staggered a few steps and fell to the side of the trash can.

This is the coach of the gym, and the person who exercises every day, in front of Liu Siyi, is so vulnerable.

Liu Xiaolei watched, the helper he brought fell to the ground, and then looked at Liu Siyi in front of him, as if he was looking at a monster.

A normal woman, where there is such a big explosive force, can actually slap a big man to the ground.

"The smell of sweat from the whole body, I can't bear it for a long time, you have to compete in front of me!"

Liu Siyi took out a wet wipe and was wiping her jade hand right now. It was too dirty to touch the body of such a person.

In the depths of her heart, there is a serious addiction to cleanliness, especially for beating people.

The muscular man was beaten to the ground, only to slap him.

Next, Liu Siyi stared at Liu Xiaolei on the side. Liu Xiaolei was startled and stepped back subconsciously.

Liu Siyi's eyes changed. He was a stranger. In a short moment, what happened?

Liu Xiaolei had no intention of caring about this. After he calmed down, he let out an awkward laugh.

"Liu Siyi, when are you so powerful? It's not right for a girl to hit someone."

"Really? I don't need you to teach me about this."

Liu Siyi walked to the sports car, and Liu Xiaolei drove a one-million-dollar sports car, driving around the school all day.

There were a lot of people around, all trying to flatter Liu Xiaolei, and because of this car, I don’t know how many girls got in his car and became his short-term girlfriend.

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