Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3378: Curse of the Black Dragon Clan

From the moment they were born, the people of the Black Dragon clan had instilled a concept in their brains.

That is the current situation of the people of the tribe, and it is all because of the existence of the Xiao Clan that led to the current situation and living such a bleak life.

What is even more terrible is the Black Dragon clan. The people of the clan have a curse on them. Because of this curse, the current situation of the Black Dragon clan is going bad.

The tribe was originally dozens of people, and they fled to the depths of the mountain, lingering.

Nearly perished, the people who survived encountered major trouble later, that is, a strange curse appeared on them.

This kind of curse made the members of the Black Dragon clan have no longevity. At first, none of them were more than seventy years old.

Thinking from a normal perspective, the members of the Black Dragon clan have all undergone cultivation. Although they cannot reach the longevity of several hundred years, it shouldn't be a problem to live to more than one hundred.

However, all young people stopped at the age of seventy. Even if they did not have any physical diseases, they were not in danger. When they were seventy, they suddenly died.

One or two times can be said to be accidental, but the number of times is too high. It is obvious that there is something hidden in it, so among the black dragon clan, the patriarchs began to think about why this is.

The life span that has ceased, but not more than seventy years old, this matter gradually spread among the Black Dragon clan, everyone is panic, and those who are getting older are counting the time they are living.

Sure enough, everyone can't escape the curse of seventy years old. At seventy years old, perhaps he feels that the time to live is enough.

But for practitioners, cultivation is a long and boring thing, which requires a lot of time as support.

The same is true for the Black Dragon clan, but each of them will not live to be 70 years old, no matter how strong they are in cultivation, they will not be able to escape such an outcome in the end.

Even their patriarchs are the same. As the strongest people in the clan, the unexpected fall of generations of patriarchs made them think about how to alleviate this situation.

Finally, someone discovered that there was a strange force in their bodies that had been devouring their body's essence from birth.

As the age grows, this power becomes stronger and stronger, but the owner of the body did not notice the slightest. When he finally died, he was diagnosed, and it was also because of the loss of the body's essence.

This mysterious power is like a curse, and it will not disappear with the death of a person. From the beginning, he has lodged in the bloodline and continues with the bloodline.

The Black Dragon clan, which used to be so powerful, has become such a tragic situation because of the wrong choice at the beginning. The Black Dragon clan has received the punishment that it should have for its betrayal.

"In the bodies of our people, a curse has been planted by the Xiao clan. This curse has tortured our people for many years, just to prevent the appearance of superiors among us, who will contend with their Xiao clan in the future."

Wang Yu said with a sullen expression, he was a member of the Black Dragon clan, and he could not escape the punishment of fate as well, and his age was in the countdown.

What's more terrible is that this mysterious power in the blood of the Black Dragon clan didn't stop their age at 70.

Time is passing, and this power is not weakening but strengthening. Now, every young man in the Black Dragon clan is no more than fifty-eight years old.

According to this progress, when the Black Dragon clan does not need anyone else to do it, he will be on the road of destruction.

"All of this is due to the Xiao Clan, who had perfidiously and slaughtered our ancestors, so that our clan was almost destroyed."

Wang Yu was instilled with the idea of ​​revenge from the tribe since he was a child. He hated the Xiao clan in his bones. With these words, he also reminded Liu Siyi to let Liu Siyi not forget the shame of the tribe.

Some things related to the tribe, Liu Siyi actually did some investigations in the dark, and she found that the truth she had learned was completely different from what the tribe had recorded.

Perhaps the latter is false, or perhaps the clansmen’s records themselves are to beautify themselves and deliberately raise their own image.

But no matter what kind, Liu Siyi feels that since hundreds of years have passed, these things should also be forgotten.

Why can't the elders of the clan choose to calm down and talk to the Xiao clan, and insist on hanging in this way. Don't you still think that people are not dead enough?

"I have always kept what you said in my heart. Don't worry, I will do what the patriarch ordered and release the curse on the people."

"It's good to understand this. I won't show up next to you, so as not to arouse Xiao Yi's suspicion."

Wang Yu did not hinder Liu Siyi from doing the task. Xiao Yi himself was a very vigilant person. If Xiao Yi spotted some clues, it would definitely expose their plan.

Liu Siyi didn't say anything else to him, watched Wang Yu leave, she let out a long sigh.


These two words are like a big mountain, weighing heavily on Liu Siyi's body. For the sake of the tribe's everything, he will do things that go against his will.

But is it really worth it?

"What on earth should I do? How can I solve the curse?"

Liu Siyi was lost in confusion. Xiao Yi trusted her so much and rescued her from distress in the previous few times.

It can be said that I was acting, and in order to gain the trust of Xiao Yi, I had to do this.

Several times she thought about giving up the task of the patriarch, but she couldn't choose to do it. The only thing she could do was to keep going.

Once her identity was revealed, she really didn't know how to face Xiao Yi, maybe Xiao Yi would do it and kill her herself.

Xiao Yi and Wang Sheng and their group returned to their residence. ,

Lie on the sofa, close your eyes and breathe in the fresh air. This is called life.

Last night, after a battle, all he smelled were **** smells. Xiao Yi was tired of such days of fighting and killing.

"I'm finally home. When I can let go of all this and live this kind of life safely, I will be content."

Xiao Yi let out a sigh, but he himself understood that there are too many difficulties in achieving this.

Xue Yaoyue put the suitcase she was carrying in the room, and then she went down the stairs and sat down beside Xiao Yi.

Putting a hand on Xiao Yi's face, he gently stroked, cherishing the time spent together.

"Actually, you have been working hard all the time. No matter what danger you encounter, you are the first to rush."

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