Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3382: Proposal for peace talks

Because Liu Ba and Xiao Yi had a grievance, it was also to blame for Lu Qingshan's carelessness at the beginning and failing to discover this matter in time to prevent the conflict from breaking out.

As a result, Liu Ba chose to use extreme methods to find Xiao Yi's revenge, thinking of kidnapping Xiao Yi's younger sister, so as to control Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi's younger sister, Xiao Ya, is Xiao Yi's Ni Lin, who would dare to make Xiao Ya's idea, Xiao Yi would never let it go.

Sure enough, Liu Ba paid the due price for his impulse, because of the kidnapping of Xiao Yi's sister and the crimes Liu Ba once committed.

It completely touched Xiao Yi's bottom line, Xiao Yi started to solve Liu Ba, and Lu Qingshan planned to leave it alone on this matter. Anyway, his brother-in-law would only cause trouble for himself all day long.

Without this trouble, it was just what he meant. Lu Qingshan planned to end up hastily, but the wife Liu Li who emerged was not so easy to deal with.

Liu Li has always been a relatively short-term guardian. According to the rules of the Qinggang, these three leaders would not have Liu Ba's turn to do it. However, Liu Li's influence in the Qinggang was too great, even overshadowing Lu Qingshan.

With the support of those veterans, who would make the voice of opposition, Liu Ba successfully sat in the third place, but Liu Ba's ability was not changed because of the promotion of his position.

"Liu Ba died in Xiao Yi's hands. You have seen what happened that day."

"Yes, I know that. Liu Ba wanted to kidnap Xiao Yi's sister, but he was self-defeating and caused a murderous disaster."

As for the second reason, He Yunguang knew in his heart, but he would not say it as Lu Qingshan's face, in order to save Lu Qingshan's face.

As the largest gang here, the support of the Qing gang is not only the transactions on the surface, but the most important thing is drugs.

In the drug business, everyone except Lu Qingshan and Liu Li should never want to intervene. Even He Yunguang only knows some furs.

The sales and origins of the drug business have always been the biggest secret of the Qinggang. How could Lu Qingshan easily tell this to others.

Liu Ba controlled this line at the beginning. Xiao Yi killed Liu Ba, but Lu Qingshan and Liu Li, neither of them chose to call the police and did not let the police handle it.

Probably because of this, He Yunguang is a smart person, even if he is prominent in the Qinggang, when Lu Qingshan's face, he would never say this.

This is Lu Qingshan's secret, and it is also a restricted area for the Qing Gang.

"Yeah, Liu Ba can be said to be dead, but no matter what, he is my brother-in-law, Liu Li's younger brother."

"Does the gang master regret this incident too?"

Lu Qingshan shook his head, regretting the two words, there never will be.

He Yunguang always stood in front of Lu Qingshan. It was a heart-to-heart conversation with Lu Qingshan. He wanted to figure out what the boss of the Qinggang was thinking.

"Liu Ba's death was something I expected, but the trouble is that Liu Li, a woman who always protects her shortcomings, was killed by Xiao Yi, and she was looking for Xiao Yi to take revenge."

"It seems that Sister Liu went to H city, the news is true."

Liu Li went to City H. Without Lu Qingshan's consent, others still don't know where Liu Li went.

He Yunguang was just guessing. According to Liu Li's temper, he must have gone to find Xiao Yi to settle the accounts. As expected, his guess was correct.

When Liu Li was a child, she was taken to the Green Gang by her previous gang leader. At that time, Liu Li was just a child.

My mother died when she was seven years old, leaving her and Liu Ba sister and brother behind. Liu Li's character has changed since then and she has become cruel.

This is the news that everyone knows in the Youth Gang, who has been protecting her younger brother. How could Liu Ba die? She just let it go.

"She is not that Xiao Yi's opponent, and sooner or later she will lose to Xiao Yi."

Lu Qingshan can conclude that his wife is indeed somewhat capable, but compared to Xiao Yi, she is still far behind.

Not to mention Xiao Yi's experience in the army, in just one year, looking at what Xiao Yi did, you can understand what kind of person Xiao Yi is.

Lu Qingshan never thought that what Xiao Yi said was a joke. For the Qing Gang, this time he really patted the tiger on the ass.

"If this is the case, why don't you think of a way to get Sister Liu back."

"Get it back? You don't know her temperament. I have already sent someone to stare at it. If you encounter any trouble that she can't solve, report it to me in time."

He Yunguang thought about this, Liu Li was so irritable that he couldn't even control Lu Qingshan.

She wanted to avenge Liu Ba. How dare Lu Qingshan stop him? If Lu Qingshan tried to stop her, Liu Li would be the first to find Lu Qingshan.

"Helper I think it's time for you to find Xiao Yi and sit down and have a good talk. It's not too late."

He Yunguang suggested to Lu Qingshan that he had met Xiao Yi before. Xiao Yi was not a arrogant and unreasonable person, and He Yunguang felt that Xiao Yi had a good character.

From his treatment of the three forces in City H before, it can be seen that those with talents and abilities are still left behind and continue to do things for Xiao Yi.

In the past, underground bars and underground entertainment cities were mixed with people, and theft and robbery often occurred. Because of the existence of these places, so many incidents occurred.

But since Xiao Yi rectified it and turned it into a four-sea bar, this chaotic situation has been completely improved.

With a serious job, whoever does the tricks, all lives a normal life, which is unmatched by others.

"Do you think so too?"

Lu Qingshan lighted a flue. This idea Lu Qingshan had also had before, but the two people thought the same on this point.

"Yes, I think this Xiao Yi is a reasonable person. Leaving aside Liu Ba's affairs, there is no grievance between our two families."

"I have been thinking about this these days, since you are the same as I think, then do as you say at this time."

In order for the Qing gang to survive, it is necessary for Lu Qingshan to talk to Xiao Yi at this time, but this idea cannot be put forward by Lu Qingshan.

"Considering that there is a difference in priority between our Qinggang and Sihai Bar, I hope you can help me organize this conversation."

He Yunguang was thoughtful, and what Lu Qingshan meant was that he didn't want to save his face, he was Lu Qingshan, the leader of the Qing Gang anyway.

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