He Yunguang's question does not seem to fall within the scope of Xiao Yi's answer, and this question is like a national border.

Xiao Yi took the phone and walked to the balcony on the second floor. This kind of thing did not want others to be involved.

He Yunguang on the phone seemed to realize that his question was too abrupt, and he and Xiao Yi were opposing positions at this time.

"He Yunguang, how should I answer your question? You are not planning to do my word here, right?"

He Yunguang didn't have such intentions. It's normal for Xiao Yi to think so. The way he asked questions was wrong.

"Xiao Yi, don't think too much about it. Actually, I'm thinking about it for both sides. I know you are somewhat capable, but it is not easy to get rid of the Qing Gang."

"Even if it is difficult, I will find a way to do it. The Qing Gang no longer needs to exist."

These words have already expressed Xiao Yi's determination, probably because of Liu Ba's affairs, or perhaps the secrets of the Qinggang that are unknown.

I can hide it from others, but how can I hide it from Xiao Yi? Xiao Yi must be aware of the underground black market business involved in the Green Gang.

At this time, He Yunguang was from the perspective of a middleman, hoping that the two sides could turn fighting into jade and prevent this unnecessary fight in advance.

"Xiao Yi, I think there is still room for reversal in this matter, whether it is the Green Gang or the Sihai Bar, why can't we find a way of coexistence between the two."

"Oh? The way of coexistence, it seems that you already have an idea."

Xiao Yi heard what He Yunguang meant. He planned to be a lobbyist to mediate the conflict between Xiao Yi and Lu Qingshan.

In He Yunguang's eyes, Lu Qingshan is his savior, and he has the kindness of knowing He Yunguang.

Perhaps in He Yunguang's heart, there was too much gratitude, which blinded He Yunguang's eyes. Sometimes he could not fully understand Lu Qingshan.

He thought that Lu Qingshan had changed his mind, but he didn't realize that he was at the mercy of others like a chess piece.

With a confident smile on He Yunguang's face, as long as Lu Qingshan agreed to the peace talks, there would be a chance to ease the matter.

He Yunguang, who wanted to do good deeds, didn't know that Lu Qingshan had other plans behind this incident.

"In fact, Xiao Yi I really admire you as a person. In a short period of time, he can get rid of the three forces and develop the Sihai Bar."

"As a last resort, to survive in this world, you must have your own means."

"Perhaps so. I think your Sihai Bar is very good. With the people on the road, they are all on the right path."

After all, no one wants to go all the way to the dark, except those who are vicious and fearful of chaos.

They don't have their own families, so they live a day a day, but other people are different. He Yunguang has contacted some brothers in the youth gang before.

"There are many people in the Youth Gang who want to live a normal life, so this time I hope you and our Lu Gang leader can sit down and have a good talk."

Xiao Yi understood what He Yunguang meant. This person saw things very far, and he knew that the Qing Gang would not last long.

Even if he didn't make a move, someone would come to clean up the green gang. Before that, he had thought about the green gang and how to go next.

As the second-in-command of the Qing Gang, he considered more than Lu Qingshan on this point, and He Yunguang immediately followed.

"The business model of the Four Seas Bar can also be used in the Qing Gang, Xiao Yi, I said so, don't you think I am making my own claim?"

"That's not true. I want to know what your Lu Qingshan means. He didn't mean that."

Xiao Yi knew what Lu Qingshan was like, how could he think so, and he wanted to be the leader of the youth gang.

Without telling lies in front of real people, He Yunguang was sincere and sincere to discuss with Xiao Yilai, and naturally he would not hide anything in front of Xiao Yi.

"Xiao Yi tells the truth, these are my thoughts, our Lu Gang leader, his original intention was to sit down with you and talk about Liu Ba before."

"Hehe... he knows how to say that his wife came to make trouble on my site, but now I think of it, and talk to me."

He Yunguang knew that this woman in Lu Qingshan had a violent temper, and his brother died in Xiao Yi's hands.

Sure enough, Liu Li was looking for Xiao Yi to make trouble. He Yunguang didn't know anything about it, and no one came to report.

"If something like this happens, I will apologize to you on behalf of the Qing Gang. I hope you can agree to go to City F and the Lu Gang leader to sit down and discuss."

"Since he is so sincere, why not come to City H himself?"

"You also know this. After all, the Green Gang is behind the former Sihai Bar, and it is reasonable for Lu Qingshan to come to City H himself."

Xiao Yi originally intended to refuse, what Lu Qingshan wanted to say, due to his affection, let He Yunguang convey it, playing big cards in front of Xiao Yi.

However, thinking of the task previously ordered by Luo Yonggang to solve the malignant tumor of the Qing Gang, it was already on the agenda, so he wanted to see what kind of medicine was sold in Lu Qingshan's gourd.

"It turns out that this is the case, He Yunguang, this time I see Uncle He for the sake of giving you a face, I will go to F City to talk to him."

Xiao Yi agreed to He Yunguang's request, but He Yunguang knew that Xiao Yi gave him a step down.

In this way, it is also good to cross Lu Qingshan, Xiao Yi is the captain of the Wolf Warriors special team, just this identity, how can Lu Qingshan compare.

The reason for being optimistic about Xiao Yi is also because He Yunguang feels that Xiao Yi is a person who can afford it and let it go.

It's just that he has already chosen to follow Lu Qingshan, and there is no second way to go, He Yunguang said excitedly.

"Then I will ask our gang leader to see if he has the right time recently. It is more appropriate to talk to some questions in person."

Xiao Yi first came to give Uncle He a face, and secondly, he felt that He Yunguang was a good person and a friend worthy of deep friendship.

For this reason, Xiao Yi also had a few words to say to He Yunguang, holding the phone.

"He Yunguang, you are older than me, and you have more knowledge than Xiao Yi. There is a truth, and I should understand it better than me."

"Xiao Yi, just tell me if you have any words. I like to have fun too."

"Good birds choose wood and live there. The Qing Gang is about to sink. Lu Qingshan looks honest and honest but not that simple. Do you plan to follow him all the time and just go on like this?"

In one sentence, Xiao Yi asked He Yunguang's heart. He was thirty-four years old, and he was still alone, all focused on doing things for Lu Qingshan.

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