Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3394: Know yourself

At this moment, Lu Qingshan was very high-sounding, saying that he had given Xiao Yi face at the time. As soon as he said this, he was immediately exposed by Xiao Yi.

Treating such a person should not give him any face.

"Since Lu Qingshan is going to negotiate a peace talk, then we will make it clear that there are some things that Liu Ba can say is more than dead. I didn't hand over the item in my hand at the beginning. You know the weight of this item."

Xiao Yi issued a warning to Lu Qingshan, and Lu Qingshan's face changed slightly at this moment, which was exactly what Xiao Yi said.

However, Lu Qingshan thought that Xiao Yi wanted to deal with him, but didn't catch this thing because it was not deadly enough.

The business of the underground black market, Lu Qingshan's business is seamless. No one else can detect anything at all, and he can't be traced to himself.

This is enough, so in this case, the two can sit down and talk.

"Xiao Yi, you are right. All this is to blame Liu Ba for seeking his own way of death. Now that Liu Ba is dead, I think this will stop here. How about you and I turning over this article?"

"Do you think so? Now your wife is still on the site of my Four Seas Bar. The person who beat me before. For your sake, I don't care about a woman. There is nothing she did. Touch my bottom line."

Even if it was the wife of your youth gang Lu Qingshan, if Xiao Yi had done it, she would have been cleaned up long ago.

Xiao Yi's words were not a joke. Lu Qingshan looked at Xiao Yi in front of him, his eyes rested on his hands.

With such a pair of hands, he doesn't know how many people's blood was stained. Lu Qingshan didn't want to be one of them.

"Liu Li has always been more arrogant. I need time to enlighten her. It was you who killed her brother. She was in such a mood. I hope you can forgive me."

"So I didn't care about her, and I hope you can bring her a word with this. On the site of my Four Seas Bar, it's better to be honest with me."

The leader of Lu Qingshan's dignified youth gang, sitting in front of Xiao Yi, his identity is not worth mentioning.

The peace talks focused on resolving the grievances between Xiao Yi and Lu Qingshan, drinking tea and talking, and two hours passed quickly.

In the end, Lu Qingshan promised in front of Xiao Yi that the Green Gang would never interfere with the Four Seas Bar in the future, and Lu Qingshan would go out and bring Liu Li back from H City.

Since it is to resolve the contradiction, then regarding Xiao Yi previously said that if the Qing gang is eliminated within a month, Lu Qingshan also hopes that Xiao Yi can take it back.

"Don't tell me this month, Xiao Yi, you want to get rid of my youth gang, it is not so easy to do, I know you said this for your own face."

Lu Qingshan smiled and said, this month, Xiao Yi wanted to get rid of the Qing Gang, it was a foolish dream.

Knowing that Xiao Yi's strength is strong, but the Qing Gang is close to 10,000 people, and there are many powerful people under the eight hall masters.

How could I be afraid of Xiao Yi, Xiao Yi's words like this would have taken the Qing Gang too improperly.

"I'm not as good as you, Lu Qingshan, but don't forget how many people are in the Qinggang. Sometimes young people are young and vigorous. It's normal to say some imposing words, but when the words are over, it will hurt their own face."

"Perhaps as you said, Lu Qingshan, when it comes to this point, I also have a word to advise you."

"please say."

Xiao Yi knew Lu Qingshan's mind, he still planned to guard his youth gang and do those businesses of the gang.

The boss has been sitting for too long. Today, Lu Qingshan has merged with the Green Gang. Xiao Yi warned Lu Qingshan.

"Even if I don't do anything, do you think the Youth Gang will continue to exist like this?"

"What do you say?"

Lu Qingshan pretended to be puzzled. He Yunguang had mentioned this question with Lu Qingshan earlier, but it was a pity that Lu Qingshan did not answer each time.

At this moment, Xiao Yi raised these words. He was listening carefully to the conversation between the two people to see what Lu Qingshan thought.

Even if Xiao Yi didn't do anything to the Qing Gang, the Qing Gang would not exist for long. Furthermore, he had promised Luo Yonggang that the Qing Gang had to be destroyed.

"Lu Qingshan, I have checked your background. The boss of a green gang has a cleaner background than white paper."

"Xiao Yi investigates a person casually. This is a violation. Although I am the leader of the Youth Gang, I am really just a businessman."

Lu Qingshan has long disguised his identity and details. No one should ever want to find out his details. Lu Qingshan is a good law-abiding citizen.

The foundation is cleaner than white paper, which is not normal in itself.

"There is such a saying that if you want to be ignorant, unless you do nothing, when do you think your dirty transactions can be hidden?"

"Ha ha……"

When Xiao Yi said something, Lu Qingshan let out a sneer. This sentence was spoken from others, and the consequences were not affordable.

The person in front of him is qualified to say this. Lu Qingshan is not happy or angry. Even if Xiao Yi can do anything, it is not that he can't grasp his handle.

"Xiao Yi said this from your mouth. I haven't said anything or done anything."

"Perhaps so, that's the end of today's conversation, I have something to go back in a hurry."

Lu Qingshan finally made a move at this moment, he stepped forward and stood in front of Xiao Yi, as if he had new plans.

"Xiao Yi, are you leaving in such a hurry?"

"There is nothing else worth keeping, so I plan to go back."

"Since you have already come, you would not mind staying for a few more hours. I have already arranged a meal tonight. Would you please have a meal, would you not be unfair?"

Xiao Yi guessed what exactly Lu Qingshan meant. The peace talks have already been discussed. As for whether to comply, these are two different things.

No one is pleasing to the eye, why does Lu Qingshan want to treat him to dinner, or what other intentions are there during the dinner this evening.

"You invite me to dinner?"

"Yeah, I'm already settled, besides, He Yunguang has always admired you as a person, and wants to find opportunities to talk with you."

He Yunguang had never said such a thing. He knew that Lu Qingshan's heart began to have suspicion against him.

Turning the words to him, what exactly did Lu Qingshan want to do in this peace talk?

Xiao Yi glanced at He Yunguang. He hadn't said it before, but in order to cooperate with Lu Qingshan, he nodded at the moment.

"Xiao Yi, please stay. I will see you off tomorrow morning. Stay one more night without delaying you."

"Okay! I'll stay one more night after you have spoken. I used to treat guests. It's rare for anyone to invite me to dinner."

Having agreed to Lu Qingshan's request, Lu Qingshan became more and more sure of what kind of secret connection He Yunguang and Xiao Yi must have.

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